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OOC Aeon Discussion

Oops. Sorry about that. I miss read the orders. I thought that the Taisa had ordered everyone to move out. Don't pay any attention to me. I don't know what I'm doing.
Hey Cowboy, the holes were not in the hull of the ship. But rather the containers strewn around.
Arkase and Josea are on the West side of the Genus as the port side is where the airlock is located.
Asine-Hei & Trowa-Hei are on the east side of the ship
Has everyone here seen the new YSS Aeon chibi art? It's on your character bios, the service dress uniform page, and on the crew roster (shunken down...click the image to see the full pic).
I pointed it out to several folks when I saw it on IRC.

But from the Aeon crew, Thanks for the pictures.
Chibis!!!!! ;3

Actually Wes their eyes kind of remind me of Chobits a little.

P.S. Nashoba, I will edit my post later. The skuttling was because when you said something was at her feet I assumed you meant something living it was alive.
Just one quick thing. Are me and Cowboy assumed to be part of the "nearby" away team? Or should we assume we were already on the other side?
well, Arkase told you folks to go around to the other side. So you are on the side of the ship closest to the LUT
Arkase then moved to try and get a visual on the LUT. Once accomplished, he fired a warning shot high above the vehicle.

The easiest way is that he went up so he was over the ship, other wise he needed to move around the front or rear of the ship.
Okay, should I NPC Trowa really quickly for the sake of speed in the flow, or just wait on him to post again?
You could have Asine grab Trowa and pull him to the airlock to keep things moving.

Sean_ODuibher said:
“CHECK FIRE!” screamed Eun-Kyung over local comms. She broke cover, vaulting the prone technician as her armored boot stretched out to kick the sniper rifle away. “What is wrong with you?! I said weapons up, not weapons free!”

Lol I thought Nashoba would respond first, but yours is more appropriate. Anyways I edited my first post today, so it makes sense to Kim-san that the smoke grenade is for fumigation.

You see originally I had written a reply about the bugs, which thought I posted last Tuesday, but for some reason it didn't go through. I realized this on Wednesday, but didn't have a chance to fix it until today. Thus, if sounds shortened that is why

As for the foam thing well... I pretty sure the somewhere in the firefighter wiki it mentions how the foam used in fighting fires is insulative.

The beetle are bugs, which are living things... so its going to hamper their ability to make electrical connection or short stuff. Beside the fact that foam tastes nasty.
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