Okay. >_>
* * *
Khasidel, good post, but a precision: what essentially happened to the limousine was that Ketsurui Samurai flying across the vehicle while slashing down with her zesuaium sword (poor armored limousine never had a chance). So it wasn't actually three separate projectiles, just one long sweep of a monomolecular-edged sword through the vehicle.
The blade had just the right angle to nick the top of the engine, go through the dashboard (possibly damaging any onboard computer), through the driver, then through the tinted 'glass' and it then plunged into the base of the left passenger door, ruining its hinges.
Glass fragments work, mind you. Could've been just bulletproof glass. But I was imagining transparent durandium. Since durandium is a metal, it would likely not break and fragment like glass.
Up to you if you want it to be glass or not. In thinking durandium, I was just trying to give credit to Reika summoning armored limousines. Unfortunately, the civilian sector doesn't usually have to deal with zesuaium katana-toting samurai. =P But I really need to point out that an LASR was definitely not involved. Sorry for not having made it clear enough in the original post.