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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Hey Soresu, good luck with your operation. My wife has a similar thing going on (she just got an MRI to find out more last week) so I can empathize with the pain you have to deal with. I hope everything goes smoothly and that your have a fast and full recovery.
Wow Soresu. I really hope it'll turn out well for you. Even though it sounds like an ordeal, it is fortunate that medical science has progressed to a point where your condition can be treated.

As for Fuyu, in time I'm sure she'll have the chance to crop up again, and hopefully in a role where people aren't so bent on bludgening her or shooting at her directly.
I'm going back in on the 26th to discuss it with my doctor. Hopefully I can get it done sooner rather than later since it's kind of intolerable any longer. But thank you guys, I also hope it goes well since really, it'd be nice to be able to do normal stuff again without being hampered.
Having suffered from something similar as you (Herniated Lumbar Disc), I wish you luck and encourage you do rehabilitate as hard as you can. It sucks, but it helps a ton.

Good luck. I'm sure you'll be fine!
You say that like it was a bad thing!

See? Even Kotori's mother approves!
Well I suppose because nekovalkyrja can't have any of the myriad problems that occur from the act of incest, it wouldn't be taboo like it is in human society.

For human's it's a bad idea because inbreeding causes a slew of genetic problems to crop up -- with neko, you only have a child when you consciously want to do so and it's essentially a clone of yourself with whatever minor cosmetic changes you want to make whilst its in the womb. So with neko, technically there's no reason for such a taboo to occur in the first place unless they copy human social conventions.
The following gifts were sent to Konoka and Reika :3

  • Plush Toy resembling the Eucharis, has label that warns to keep out of reach of cats!
  • 5,000 Ks
  • Custom designed jacket with am embroidered image of the Hoshi no Iori and the YSS Eucharis and her sister ships in the background along with Planet Yamatai.
  • Type 34 Multi-Function Bracelet Ke-G7-1B Version
Gifts for Kotori's crew? Better send in the professionals.

Reika tackle-glomps Takeyu :3

Reika already has one of the last gift, but she can use the spare in case the first breaks -- though, technically the 1B version of those bracelets are supposed to be restricted to SAINT personnel so I don't know how he got his hands on them to send them to both Reika and Konoka. Secret contacts
-Hides the Black Market.-

Meanwhile, while everyone is doing their thing. I think it is safe to assume, Fuyu is in Ralt. Shaking a certain white-haired Neko while going "I DIDN'T SIGN ON TO BE SHOT AT BY PSYCHOTIC SAMURAI!"

Sorry, but I can't reveal who Takeyu's contacts are, otherwise Kotori would end up finding her intelligence operative sudenly MIA :3

Although in all seriousness, I didn't notice that the 1B was SAINT only XD.
I know that the characters in the 0.8 Conference thread still need to respond and do their thing with Arkase before we move forward past the prelude.

But I was wondering, Fred, if you wanted me to wait until the next mission begins to try and to do those interviews between Reika and Shotjon's Shinon or Kim's new character Tsukiko? Or should we try and get those out of the way before the next mission starts so that those new character's can join in on the main action along with everyone else?

That's assuming you don't want to just skip past and assume the interviews get done or something off-camera during a kind of timeskip leading to the next mission.
Here's the way I kind of pictured it.

0.7 was the recovery and dealing with the aftermath. But I figured that it'd be confusing to mix in the crew scenes and the Sora/Kotori scenes, so I split it. It's mostly just Sora and Kotori now.

0.8 is mostly how the crew deals with the aftermath, plan, scheme and do thier downtime thing. It can go on as long as people want it to go on. I don't have high hopes for it, though, since I'm already seeing it petter out.

0.9 was the actual report to Celeste. I could have involved more people in that one, but seeing the winding down I decided to get it over with faster by rapid-fire posting with Reika only.

1.0 is the next day, and focuses only on the interviews. It's meant to bring more attention to the new players, and allow Reika to flex some of those leadership muscles in an administrative fashion.

1.1 would be preparations to depart, and when I'm counting on things in threads 0.7, 0.8 and 1.0 to be wrapped up, bringing everyone together again to move the plot onward. This is also the last entry point for any new character to get in, or characters whom missed out to join up. Once that window closes, I'm not taking any new people until around the second mission.
I can do some downtime thoughts with my character, but I'm tethered to the conference at the moment. Don't get your hopes too down!
That's okay, Tom. I'm just giving transparency on my impressions. I hardly mind being proven wrong.

I don't think I'll be posting or starting a new thread this evening. I guess I was waiting around hoping Kim would post, but that's not looking like it'll happen. So, a little break tonight. No need to stalk the forum and spam F5.

Also, I'm supposed to think up of a plot survey to offer to you guys the moment I actually start mission 1. I told Wes I'd do that. Heck if I know what questions to make up in it, though. I guess I'll just have to figure out something.
Think Kim's been busy with naval stuff over the past few days. That maybe what's holding her up. But don't quote me on that.
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