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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

I would've, Fred, but I was already double posting for the second time in a row, and I felt like I shouldn't make it a triple. That'd be thread hogging.

Next time I have to make a note like that tho I promise I'll post it here instead.
Fred said:
I was leaving it to you Soresu.

I'll get to posting then. Also Fred, been noticing some weird coding issues going on in the Himiko's page. Showing up in the text itself.
I was waiting for Fred to perhaps give a descriptive post for the medlabs condition, but if you want to do it Soresu thats fine.

I like descriptive posts. They are good. :geek:
-Rubs the back of his head.-

This Fuyu projecting herself around the ship stuff is giving me serious Andromeda vibes. Albeit I doubt there will be such a division in personality between the physical avatar, volumetric avatar and the MEGAMI itself.
I made Miharu and Hoshi disembodied voices. They rarely projected humanoid forms to communicate as they had avatars.

This said, my own interpretation of avatars didn't make them perfectly in alignment with the ship's AI. Mara and Hinoto generally had more emotion and empathy. I remember Mara going 'too far' for her AI's tastes and being asked to calm down.

If I ponder on it, I figure that it's a shared personality thing, with certain features of that personality mobile. I figure that while ship and avatar are closely working together that the line between them is more seamless, but that the avatar itself can be independent enough to go without the ship if need be. Eventually, it's likely he avatar is ready to outgrow the ship (a stage I think Hinoto is at).
This is the sort of thing that could likely help people who do play avatars of ships in the future. At least for me it gives me some ideas.
I don't overly mind as long as there's a good reason to add an additional post. Giving a heads up that should be noticed qualifies.

In theevent where one would want to avoid double-posting...

Well, usually when I have something else to add and that the previous post is mine, I copy/paste the text of my previous post, delete it, and then write a new post. It's what I do when I've done an IC post, then came back to edit it and felt the changes were significant enough to give the people a heads up. It means that whomever might be posting a response in the meantime will likely see my post again before they can submit theirs, and have an opportunity to adjust accordingly.
Sorry for the delays. I will be posting tonight, having to fight metaphorical fires.
Kim said:
Sorry for the delays. I will be posting tonight, having to fight metaphorical fires.

I'll hold off doing anything else, then, so that the conversation doesn't get so far off that it's awkward for you to reply.
I just wanted to state:
I think it would be really good for Konoka as a character if other characters or plot events gave her some conflict.
Right now she seems to be becoming a "comic relief" character. I want to explore her more serious side.
Somebody argue with her. Somebody get annoyed with her. Somebody give her responsibility. Somebody have a serious discussion with her. Somebody treat her like the adult, like the one-of-the-oldest-neko-on-the-ship that she is.
Allow bad things to happen to her. I want Konoka to be exposed to something she can't sheathe in bubble gum. I want her to be challenged.
Not DEAD or anything. *looks at Fred warily* I'm not saying bring her a lot of suffering. I'm just saying....challenge her. Don't be afraid to make her mad or upset.
I've never had the opportunity to PLAY an angry Konoka, or an upset Konoka. She really gets treated with kid gloves by other characters. Or like a child. Or, she's always treated as amusing.
And that really isn't necessary.
I want to make it clear that if your character is outright mean to mine I will not be offended. I will relish the chance to see how Konoka reacts to meanness. Because that's not something she's ever really had to do.
-end rant-
Sorry lol that was a huge tangent I just went out on, I know. -_- Just wanted to put it out there.
Does anyone beside's me find the idea of a really, really pissed off Konoka a rather frightening concept? :shock:

I want to see it, but I'm afraid of what might happen if I do. :?
You're right Khas it might be pretty scary lol
In the back of my head, I always thought Konoka was the type to go "yandere" if she ever really got upset.

Konoka is an adorable ball of pinkness, but she's an adorable ball of pinkness who could kill you in a dozen different ways.
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