Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Several people I know abroad seem to be getting sick. That sucks. Hang in there, people!

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Made my post, so you can have your guys serve themselves and sit down.

Before any PC goes to partake and make any pronouncements on the food served: several okonokiyakis served are only average due to being overcooked. Kotori's boast about her miso soup isn't an empty one; the broth is quite savory.
I am feeling better, I lost yesterday to this bug burning out of my system so I was pretty much out of it all day. I'm hoping to make up for some time today but I have my final coming up. I'll try to pick up my posting pace this week now that we are in the briefing and Tsukiko is full of questions. =)
That's great Kim! :D

I, like you, am facing finals and end-of-semester projects. However, I'll try to be around as much as I can to give you guys replies.
Sorry for not posting. Had no working internet all weekend. That was rough and unexpected.
So, is this all you guys want to broach during the brunch/meeting? Because I haven't seen a reply there in several days from anyone other than Soresu.
I'm really not sure how to approach a line of questioning about this briefing, myself. I guess I'll give it a shot?
Sorry for contributing to the slowness. Let's all be less slow and post all the time so this action-drama can take off. Ganbatte!
Gah.... :oops:

I've been just as bad with my posting lately. *gibsmacks himself on the back of the head*. I'll try to be more active again!
I kind of moved Kotori out of the table at this moment, so, matters at the table are mostly up to the PCs to drive.

Note: I feel our activity level is dismal. Many of you haven't participated largely beyond the posting guidelines I've layed down. But... finals. I know. So, I'm holding my breath until my finals period is over. That ends next week on friday.

At this point, I'll make a census of who is paying attention and move on with them to (hopefully) more dynamic events.
Well, with my doctor wanting me to go with these spinal injections instead of surgery (I honestly just want them to yank/replace this disc) I've already begun my admissions for medschool after holding off for several weeks in preparation for possible surgery. Since that's out of the window I intend to get this off the ground.

It shouldn't effect my posting speed however.
I am not sure how to reply. Everything has been asked and answered, if not multiple times. Particularly:

1. Kotori did ask for help on her mission. We are the help she received.
2. We're training against fake Shadow Vipers not because we expect to face them but because they represent a worst case scenario.

I feel as though Saiga would only be incensed by having to go over this with people who were at the original briefing. Especially the first point. I don't want to roleplay my character as an angry captain (again) because he needs to explain "why?" to a set of people who should know why already. It hasn't been an accurate portrayal of him in the past and wouldn't be again now.

Yeah, there's something to be said for SAINT agents being really good at undercover work and feigning ignorance for the benefit of fooling those crew not in the know. But that's not what it's coming off as to me.

Sorry if that seems rant-y. It's not. Basically what I'm saying is "proceed, don't wait up for my character's interjection in the current back and forth if you're waiting for some reason."
If I can offer some advice to help you understand where Akiko is coming from:

1. Kotori did ask for help on her mission. We are the help she received.

This is a matter of perspective. The Asamoya is the only ship going on this potentially dangerous assignment where help would be unable to reach them if things were to go wrong. That strikes Akiko as quite odd, if not suspicious.

Kotori just revealed at the meeting that she went alone with Miharu once before, into a tremendously dangerous situation. Why was that necessary? It was a one-in-a-million shot that miraculously worked. Why is she doing this again?

One time, you can call it dumb luck, two times suggests a pattern of recklessness/lack of foresight for danger that is unbecoming of Kotori's experience as a leader or hints at something more suspicious: a clear interest in Kotori not wanting Yamataian 'brass' to get involved at all.

If this is true, then what is she hiding? Everyone knows Yamatai can spare a patrol to protect a princess... unless there was something else that nobody is aware of...

Yeah, there's something to be said for SAINT agents being really good at undercover work and feigning ignorance for the benefit of fooling those crew not in the know. But that's not what it's coming off as to me.

I'm happy that you read into it like that because that's exactly what Akiko is doing. If she can come across as a skeptical, though concerned, crew member she can make her job as a spy much easier. It could force Kotori to reveal more information to assuage the crew's concerns. It could force the princess to reveal a different side to her than what she's offering now.

Kotori wears a very ornate mask. Opportunities to peek under or make a few cracks in it are few and far between.

Forcing Kotori out of a comfort zone gives the spies on the ship potentially invaluable information on Kotori's mind and how she processes things. Perhaps, even, it could show how much Kotori distrusts Yamatai as a whole. Remember, one of the primary objectives of this mission is to find out how close to 'betrayal' Kotori is to the empire. This line of questioning prods at that without being too suspicious or brazen.

Reika can't initiate these things on her own because she took the bullet, so to speak, and came out in the open as a SAINT agent, so it's up to Akiko to stir this pot so that Reika and the captain can glean the data from it.

Undercover spywork is hard to write, as it requires a lot of discretion, and I'm trying to show Akiko as being good at it while also being the weird, quirky person she is. Otherwise, she looks incompetent. I mean, sure, I could write her snooping around and 'getting down to business' more often, but that's highly unlikely because the Asamoya's MEGAMI can see all. So Akiko has to work very subtly and that requires her completely selling herself on her character.

So please don't take it as an insult to Saiga or anything. Akiko has to be like this to do her job. I know it makes things a bit hard on you as a player to reply to without making Saiga look like a jerk, but hopefully this post can help you a little.

Please try your best, though, because chances like this are not so common. I really appreciate you not blowing off the character, though, and coming to the OOC instead.
2. We're training against fake Shadow Vipers not because we expect to face them but because they represent a worst case scenario.

Akiko's reasoning for this questions follows a lot of what I just wrote before. We wouldn't have to prepare for a 'worst case scenario' if we had ample assistance. Akiko also wants to spread a little bit of discord and fear into the crew about the mission (hiding it as genuine concern, of course). Heck, in a best case scenario, it could make the entire crew a bunch of inadvertent spies with the gossip that results should more weirdness happen. It makes for great potential RP, too.