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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

...eh, I tried to make sure I had a post you guys could tackle during the weekend but no one's replied to it so far.

That's a shame: I was hoping we could keep the ball rolling.
I don't do much on SARP during weekends, recently. It's time I use to connect with myself and try to sort out my life.
Hokay I be frank, i though I can do this, but I cannot do 3 posts a week for Byakuren in long term. Now that Shinon is not really important now, I would like to be excused to once a week thing.

You might notice me typing more often in different plots. That is not because I like those plots more, but because I seek higher quality with my posts here. I want to do well here and write as well as I can. But I cannot do that as fast as I do elsewhere.
I'm posting next friday at the latest, so today's the last day anymore posts can be squeezed in.
Guys, I think post frequency is more important than post quality at this point. Try to get like 10 or 20 minutes free every couple days to get the ball rolling, if you can.
I got back from my vacation today. I'll post today since that's what the PM requested.

Still don't know what to write, though, as this feels like my epic level character has been stripped of his +atk/+def bonuses and is thus a losing proposition.
Simulated Samurai also get more bonuses than players that are not posted for on monday.

Realistically, I have very little inkling of what your skill levels are. I'm not one of your previous GMs, and I'm not in your head understanding your mental image of your character as you see it. In general, anyone whom posted gave me an impression of competency - though likely my impression is not as L33T as some of you would hope.

You are also not used to my kind of arbitration, I'd surmise. Though again, I'd point out that defeating you with simulated samurai was not a punishment for doing anything wrong (aside from not posting). I'd be the first to claim it's not a particularily fair situation to be in.

I'm using "Apex predators" against you - which is kind of a highly unfair skill level to bestow upon anyone. Part of this is, however, following Nick's lead. He wanted a simulation against Ketsurui Samurai. I'm indulging that. Kotori, though, had other ideas and she had her reasons for thinking differently. That doesn't mean we can't keep going with this idea - in the long run Nick's idea might be the best one. But it has consequences.

You want your actions to have consequences, right?

In the end, the training is essentially to have your characters acclimate to each other as a team, for your roleplayers to build some team chemistry, for me to gauge just how your characters perform under adversity, for you guys to get used to me, and for you to prepare for fighting what will be a challenging opponent later once you get to them.
"I've seen enough," Nicholas announced as he disengaged from his simulation suit.

At least that was an accurate portrayal. Thanks.
Soresu added an Asamoya post, but I retracted it. A PM as to why was sent to him.

Shotjon, Shinon is the host of this 'campfire discussion'. I'm leaving it to you either to lead the discussion toward the topics you want, or ask for the ship AIs' input once you feel you are done.
Does no one wish to reply to Shinon?

If not, I'll have to make a post of my own sometime Tuesday to keep things moving.
It's been 3 days since my last post, but unfortunately I didn't get a Moogle or Tom reply.

I posted to keep things moving.

I've got to hit the hay in 'bout six minutes as I've got work early tomorrow morning. I'll be able to write a proper reply for the JP when I get back.
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