Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

There was a Sylph II in the works? Sif Wants. Maybe.

And I'm sorry guys, I've been downed for the last few days since my laptop needed some work done on it. I'll get a post up today or tomorrow once when I reorientate myself.
Status Update:
My availability is somewhat lower than it was. My studying crunch for the Comptia Network+ certification (which I aced) was followed by being hired by the National Bank to their Level 1 Technical Support helpdesk; just went through my first week there which was mostly training. What I know is that I don't have the rights to internet access for anything personal during the workday (nor the time, really; practically everything is minuted) so my inputs to SARP have to be in the evenings (up until 22h00 EST if I want to have eight hours of sleep before the next workday begins) or during the weekend.

As for current plot going-ons...
I'm seeing a significant drop in activity, which may mostly stem from people just running out of stuff to talk about in the context of prepping for departure. That 'fast-forward' I mentioned earlier looks more and more imminent if this plot is to maintain momentum. I'd kind of like finishing over at the R&D where Nimura, Suzume and Ruri are involved, though... since even if Ruri's the only PC involved, there's still information being unveiled for future reference.

So... here's how you guys stand:
@Soresu has a Ruri reply back at the M15 Kishi R&D.
@Doshii Jun has had information given to Yukari, as well as an ongoing conversation with Shotjon's minineko Moe. Yay multitasking.
@Nyton can have his sidecharacters respond to Rolf's latest reply in the Asamoya's medlab.
@CadetNewb has yet to make a reply to Tom.
@Abwehran Commander can have Masako respond to Shinon
Status Update:

These last five days saw very little progress and far too many idle hands, so, I've fast-forwarded the plot, like I said I would.

@Soresu - we can just assume Ruri declined further test runs and decided to leave with Suzume. There are Nimura hugs somewhere before the departure, though Nimura probably needed to be given a hint as to when.
@Tom @CadetNewb - The conversation between Tom, Nao and Fuyu likely concluded and the former two boarded the ship. I generalize in my narrative and refer to Tom, though Nao was a likely taggalong.
@ShotJon @Abwehran Commander @Kokuten - you guys are likely training now, either drilled individually or in easier group tactics. It's not something I'll heavily focus on at this point during the plot.
@Nyton @Khasidel - You two are on the bridge, and with Yukari and Kotori. Nyton is likely not unaware of the simulation Masako has going. I figured Nyton's penchant for tactics and Reika's latest difficulties was a justifiable way for them to chatter at length; after all, those two seem to get along very well.
@Doshii Jun - Yukari has mostly what she wants save for the restriction Hinoto has implied before. Waiting more will not restore the systems Asamoya doesn't have anymore. Essentially, Asamoya is as ready as the plot needs her to be.
@Khasidel I'd like to precise that Asamoya has not yet left the Yamatai system. So, it's hard to pull off any actual scans on the area proper even before departure. Your narrative makes it sound like the Asamya is already in the nebula, with the asteroid base complex just ahead. ^_^

Yukari is actually more likely giving you advance warning on the things she wants done or prepared for before the Asamoya reaches the area - preparations which could be setup or discussed further while the ship is underway.
Woops, me brain obviously no worky; I'll fix it. For some reason Doshii's post made me think we were already there; but apparently my brain was skipping parts of what he said.

@Soresu, I've reworded my last post and removed mention of using the TQP-RDD, so you'll have to change some of your text that refers to that. Sorry for the hassle.

*sighs* stupid no worky brain.
I appreciate the effort that came into the posts, before and after the edits. Thank you for your cooperation, gentlemen.
I will give Matt one more day to post then I will just put Shinon into simulation room. Also Fred, I would like Moe to join Tom and Nao on maintenance run or whatever they are doing, since I do not really want to have my PC and NPC in the same place at this point.
Okay so the Asamoya is Miharu but not Miharu with Hoshi jammed to it. So what weapons does it have? I know some of it got mentioned but what about specifics. There a wiki page on this?
I absolutely hate this, but I don't think I can keep up, no matter how much I want to. It may be best I withdraw from the plot, even though I do enjoy it a lot. Could you keep Nao alive and in the background somewhere?
Nao's aliveness and background somewhereness is not a problem.

I'm not disatisfied with your posting rate. It's about as good as Tom, and you both are paired together for the most part so I figured it was fine.

If you want to avoid commiting to anything more fast-paced, we could have Nao just avoid the away missions during threads 1.x and that way, you could just occasionally chirp in as you like, without anything big being expected of you.

If you feel overstretched and that you're more comfortable with an 'all or nothing' solution, we can have her fade into the background with minimal fuss.