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RP: Neshaten [Cercatore Di Stella] Prologue: Answer the Call

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Retired Staff
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Rostislavovna Residence, New Jui'varen

The peaceful farmer's land is the best description when you saw this place. It was surrounded by large fields of food growing under the warm sun. The farm was close to a large forest to one side and a river at the other and domestic animals were being fed by a small, yet beautiful blond Daur with a cheerful little girl running around. Inside the house, a typical farmer's house, you could find that the house was built from strong wood with some metal foundations. Yet the house itself was made from wood from the nearby forest. A man with red hair took a sip of his early drink as he smirks a bit with a grin to the article on his tablet that told about the heavy losses that a sports club made in a certain match.

The door smashes open as an overactive little girl with a basket in her hand's sprints towards her father and jumps up and down, not realizing that the gathered fruit was almost going out of the basket. "Look pops, loook what I gathered with momma! Its soo much and so tasty!" She said as the man smile softly seeing how his daughter's mouth was red of the berries she had picked and pets his daughter that smiles happily getting the praise of her father.

"You have gathered that all by yourself?" Vivaldo spoke finally to his daughter who nods quickly "Now now Lorella, calm down half of your proud gathering is falling out of the basket" It was only then that Lorella did notice it and quickly went to the ground to pick up the berries as her tail goes swooping left and right. Matilde walks into the room and shook her head softly with a small smile on her face "Lorella I told you not to jump around" Matilde spoke placing the basket of food on the kitchen table sorting out some of the veggies "Have you heard from Del yet? Or is he still on that job out town?"

Leaning back in his chair he could hear Lorella muttering a bit to herself as a reaction of her mother "No, I was told that he finished that job yet was dragged into another job that popped up and he told in his message to me that he be out of town for a while. Strangely enough, he didn't tell me what he was doing..." Vivaldo said with a bit of a sign on the end as he puts down his pad looking at his wife "But To answer another question of yours from earlier, I will be in the field later this afternoon the boys had found some spoiled crops" He shrugs knowing how much dirt work that would be.

Looking over her shoulder to her husband "Mmm spoiled crops are an issue, hope it's not just an excuse to watch the games" She looked back at the basket and continues to get the veggies out "I just wish to have Del home, I miss Aida and Dalida already too much. But now my son also?" Matilda sighs leaning forward "How much does this family have to turn in. Can we not just go back to being one big happy family" Vivaldo could hear the sadness in his wife's voice and stands up walking to her to hug her "They will come back one day, but they grow up and have their own stars to find" As he said that, the doorbell goes and Lorella jumps up "I GOOOO" Vivaldo smiles at his daughter excitement and kisses his wife on the cheek "Don't worry so much, we got that little furball to keep us busy" He lets go as he heard more footsteps entering the room "Dad, these men wants to talk to you..." He looked seeing Shukara Volunteer Navy uniform feeling his wife hand taking a grip of his hand-tied.

The two men stood at attention "U'Cetrinal La Rostislavovna, SVN Command request your attention for a delicate matter, you have been recalled for active duty in name of the Kingdom" The Laibe spoke formal and looking at the man.

"Have my husband not done enough for the Kingdom! He has served for years, got injured and barely got back to us! He did everything for this Kingdom and still, you dare to recall him back to service!" Matilda yelled at them as Lorella walked to her mother side as Vivlado could understand his wife's frustration, he had served the Kingdom for years and saw most horrific things that still scared him to this day. There were enough people that could do any military job, yet if the brass was going for him then something was up, something had happened that needed his experience.

"We understand your frustration ma'am, but the command has the right to recall any military soldier back to service if they seem it deemed fit. P'Iurebe Liberto requests your attention as soon as possible" The Laibe continues.

He looked at the Laibe with a bit amaze "Ryurikov..." He mutters and looked back at his wife "Love, I am going to go there and see what is going on... Liberto knows how much I value this retirement so I might decline his request" He could see the tears in Matilde's eyes and kissed her lips softly "Don't worry, I will be back for dinner..." He lets go of her hand and pets his daughter over the head as he walked with the officers outside to the car that was waiting on them.

SVN Spaceport New Jui'varen

The ride took some time and yet not a word was said in the car. He stepped out of the car and walked with the men into the spaceport to get into the elevator as some military folks nod to them with formality. When arriving at the main office on the top floor he sees Ryurikov sitting there behind his desk and looked up "U'Cetrinal La Rostislavovna have been transported as requested sir" The Laibe spoke to the other sitting Laibe that simply nodded to the man "Dismissed..." The two saluted their commander and left the office as Valvido stood there with not so impressed expression on his face "Oh cheer up Val... you grow old from that look" Ryurikov smiled at him.

"Amuse me then, why am I being dragged out of my peaceful life to be here in front of your desk. What does SVN want, I got to get back to my family and calm my wife"

He leans a bit back in his chair and nods "How is Matilde?" He sees the look on his old friend's eyes "Alright...always direct all business with you, right?" Ryurikov smirks a bit at that and looked outside seeing a ship leave for orbit "The main command requested specifically for you...." He taps on something as the doors looked at the windows gets darker [Room is sealed] was heard as a confirmation "You see Val...they got their hands full with the constant threat of the terrorist attacking our people with their puny idealism of saving the kingdom. But what you hear right now, is for you and your crew ears only" He looked at his friend's eyes.

Then his prediction was right, there was something going on that was beyond any paygrade in the military. If there is a bigger problem then they have with the terrorist groups, then shit really had hit the fan "A crew? What are you talking about Ryu...Why put me in charge of something and what is going on in the Kingdom that you had to call me back" Vivaldo spoke calmly, yet he with concern eyes as he chooses to stand.

"Well, you know what Lunebaren Crystals is right? It is the prime energy of our Kingdom that is mined at our homeworld" He leans a bit forward "Yet for years the government has concealed a problem with the consumption of these mines. When we use more of it, the crystals spread, yet in the normal sense of it...that would be good. Unlimited source of power, yet we can't hold back the growth of it and it is spreading quite rapidly. Aside from that, it is causing some effects on the miners that get sick from mining or even working long periods of exposure with it" He said in a very calm and serious tone.

"Meaning that the kingdom requires a new power source, simply stop the mining and move on?" Vivaldo said with some blinking of his eyes "Or...those stubborn bastards don't want to do that..." He sighs then as he rubs his eyes with his hand as if he wanted to facepalm himself.

Ryurikov nods slowly "The Kingdom has no real alternative for the power problem and wishes to keep this problem in control. Yet it forms the problem that we need a new home for our people. With most of the shipmasters in space dealing with one important mission after another, the command allows the use of a Litos'kan class ship to start its exploration mission to find us a new home. They need experienced naval officers that have a good sense of planetary exploration. You hit the top mark in their profile seeking" He said with a smirk "I know how much it means this retirement and the brass acknowledge this burden also. You have done quite a lot for the Kingdom, but that is why you are sent on this type of mission, no real danger and safe return towards home"

Every kind of emotion went through him, Vivaldo wanted to have his peaceful life and now he gets chained to this mission that the Kingdom had demanded of him "How am I even going to tell Matilde about this...if it's top secret and such. And what ship are you chaining me to..."

"Your wife can be informed about the situation, yet she will be asked to keep secrecy to it as is demanded to all crew members. Your wife is an exemption of the said list, as the brass knows the emotional damage she already had suffered. But she requires to stay quiet about it. The ship in question is named SNV Cercatore Di Stella and is waiting in orbit of Nesha Prime for its crew and new shipmaster. They have not yet informed me how long this will take, but I presume when the planet is found you can go home" Ryurikov spoke and looked at his old friend when he taps the key again and the room is opened and the window gets clear "Welcome back to service U'Cetrinal"

Vivaldo knew that he had no right to speak now about the mission in this room with its open, he just had to do it and nods to him leaving the office without a word said. He was not looking forward to the conversation with his wife But he had to leave the next day to get to his ship, to receive his crew if not already present. There was so much going on, yet he had a feeling that this was not a one time mission.

Go ahead and post how you are to be recruited for this secret and yet very important mission. The next GM post will be Vivaldo arriving at the ship @club24 @Aria
Space Port

Micalio found herself once again wandering through a space port to her new assignment, the Furi'Ken had completed its last run after their initial fight at the dock and was commended for their efficiency but now it was time to move onto the next ship. The red furred engineer had been given the news only a few days prior to her arrival, she wasn't used to operating outside of Nesha Prime but she had to admit the Kingdom had done a good job of keeping even the outer ports furnished and equipped with updated gear. It was strange, being assigned to a large battleship was a very unexpected placement for her especially during their time of relative quiet in the kingdom and with all the vague descriptions it seemed her new mission must be somewhat important.

After arriving at the ship the engineer waited around nearby for the other new crew to show up, it had been mentioned they'd be meeting their Shipmaster here on the dock as the ship was still being readied.


The next to arrive was Haise, a snowy haired Daur dressed up a little differently to the other navy members moving around the port, unlike the traditional uniform work by navy personal she was dressed all in urban camouflage with a black cloak around her neck and a helmet under one arm as she strode towards the large battleship. As the Division 5 operator neared the ship she caught sight of the red haired engineer, quite a tall Daur she noticed as all the others passing by made it obviously clear.

The white haired Daur moved up to stand near the large engineer, for the time being not starting any conversations as they waited in silence. Unlike the other navy personnel she had been assigned to the ship under orders from Vaughn as a representative and direct contact for Division 5 within the Stella.
Space Port

Aiu hoped her second deployment would have a cleaner start than her first. She didn't exactly have fond memories of the Furi'ken; one minute she was touring the ship, the next waking up in a pile of blood and bodies as the rest of the crew struggled to hold back terrorists. As a medic, she was virtually useless in the fight. The attack canceled her assignment to the ship, and she sat in administrative limbo until a new opportunity opened up on the Cercatore Di Stella. As the ship came into view, she noticed a familiar red-haired Daur waiting next to an intimidating soldier.

"Good to see you again Micalio!" Aiu called out with a wave. She almost hugged Micalio, but decided that might be a little too forward. Instead she just smiled, her good ear standing tall, the other flopping limply forward. "I see we both got shuffled onto the same ship again."

"Nice to meet you as well," she said, turning towards Haise. "I'm C'Baruce Shu'teggere Aiu'tarou. I'll be your medic on this ship. It'll be my pleasure working with you."
Space Port

After a long few days of fighting and discussing with his wife and getting his stuff sorted. Vivaldo took a deep breath as he moved through the pathways of the spaceport. He rather wanted to just stay home, at his little farm and just get left alone from all the political and military operations that were going at this current moment. Yet his expertise sold him out, Vivaldo wondered why he specialized himself so much, a simple leg injury that could cripple him at one of his operations would have made him skipped the bullet to be selected for this operation. Yet on the other side, he was still a good candidate as a shipmaster is not suppose to do a lot of moving.

He walked with his open military jacket towards the Stella and noticed the homeworld outside of the window and stops as he looked at it. So many problems that a beautiful planet like this held without the people realizing it had. It was kept silent for a reason, but it felt a bit unfair at the same time. He narrows his eyes as he knew that if the news would break out that mass panic would start and riots would get loose, yet on the other side people were dying as was the planet of a problem that was not even publically known. He saw a few people standing at the Stella port and blinks as he smiles softly as he walks to them.

Seeing the three Daurs standing there, he had hoped on some cultural diversity, but it was the military handpick in this matter. Vivaldo came to a halt and looked at the group "I presume you are here to enter that ship and fly off to do some classified mission?" Vivaldo smiles "Name is Vivaldo La Rostislavovna, I will be your shipmaster and going to guide you into the unknown, let's get inside so we can begin some formalities that require your attention in regards of what will be waiting for us" Vivaldo smiled softly again and enters the ship as he could smell the dense oldness of it, the ship had some history and some parts were replaced, even now it had some repairs going.

It took not much longer before they entered the ready room as the ship was rather small and Vivaldo took a seat "Please sit down, any questions you have thus far?"
Space Port

"Yes, uh, something like that," Aiu replied a little awkwardly to her captain's greeting. "All I know is that my orders said to come here and nothing else."

"Oh right!" Aiu added quickly with a sharp salute as she nearly forgot who she was talking to. "I'll be your medic aboard this ship, C'Baruce Shu'teggere Aiu'tarou reporting for duty sir!"

SVN Cercatore Di Stella

As they wandered through the older ship, Aiu wondered what they were brought here for. If this was an important mission, I feel they'd give us a newer ship with the latest technology. Maybe this is something long on the military's to-do list and they're finally getting it out of the way with an excess ship. The captain doesn't look terribly thrilled to be here either, but he doesn't seem like a bad person. Maybe we're in for a few months of grunt work before coming home.

Aiu quietly took a seat in the ready room and waited for the presentation to begin. No sense asking questions before anything's been explained, she thought as she idly straightened out her gray uniform skirt.
Space Port

Micalio smiled as her old friend came into view and waved to her. "It has been a while hasn't it, what a surprise seeing you here Aiu I thought for sure we would end up apart after the Furi'Ken." The tall Daur said as she waved back, their last assignment together had been attacked before they took off by a group of extremists, and from the chatter the red haired Daur had been hearing recently it sounded like those ones weren't even the worst of it anymore.

"Morning Shipmaster, much like our healer I was simply assigned this post, though from the lack of information I had gathered something important must be going on, regardless I am ready to serve. Engineer, C'Baruce Micalio Alderman." The engineer said with a small salute before they boarded the ship. Once in the ready room she took a seat next to Aiu and awaited the briefing, like her old friend she had no questions as of yet, well maybe just one. "Only one sir, are we moving out today? I noticed the ship is still having work done and wondered if we would be delayed."


Haise nodded to Aiu's greeting but offered no words in return, stoic faced as ever while she boarded the ship listening to the others, however once in the ready room she did speak up. "Good morning all, I am sorry for giving you all the cold shoulder outside however as you probably guessed I'm not standard Navy personell. My name is Haise Ci'Rado, I'm representing Division 5 on this mission for the integrity of internal affairs of the kingdom, though despite my rather bold job description I have no intention of being some rule lawyer on this mission. I'm as much in the service as you all are and look forward to working with you all." The white haired Daur looked around at the other faces in the room and hoped she wouldn't be treated too much like an outsider, it wouldn't be surprising if she wasn't fully trusted to begin with.
SNV Cercatore Di Stella

"Only one sir, are we moving out today? I noticed the ship is still having work done and wondered if we would be delayed."

One held her questions to herself as the other did have one question. A fair question about the condition of the ship and Vivaldo nodded to that "It is a good question to ask, the ship condition is in refit, resupply and some minor repairs here and there. They told me that the ship will be done today, so I suspect that we can leave as soon as they are done. There is certain haste to it and they know that as the pressure is coming from the higher command" Vivaldo said in honest as he notices the man looking at them and wanted to introduce himself.

"Good morning all, I am sorry for giving you all the cold shoulder outside however as you probably guessed I'm not standard Navy personnel. My name is Haise Ci'Rado, I'm representing Division 5 on this mission for the integrity of internal affairs of the kingdom, though despite my rather bold job description I have no intention of being some rule lawyer on this mission. I'm as much in the service as you all are and look forward to working with you all."

Nodding to that "Yes, command did inform me that an agent would be sent to Stella to support our operations in space. I appreciate your honesty and experience advise is welcome when we undock from the shipyard mister Ci'Rado" He gave a soft smile at the man and leans a bit back in the chair as he took a deep breath pressing the button on the table that would lock the room and darken the windows "As I said before, I am the shipmaster of the Cercastore Di Stella, Formally go by the name of La Rostislavovna, And for some struck of luck I am dragged into this mission of great importance" He said as he shrugs a bit "Our mission is quite simple, we are to head out in space, travel up north from Nesha Prime and find a new suitable homeworld where our people can live" Vivaldo lets his left-hand rest on the table "We are mining ore from our homeworld that we pretty much use for quite a lot of technology solutions...but it is biting us back and slowly consuming our world. Thus why you are all here, your talents, your experience have made the cut to help me find this new colony. Now I ask again...questions?"
"With all due respect sir, can we skip past the jokes and move onto the real debriefing?" Aiu asked a little bluntly, her good ear flattening a little in annoyance. "I understand our mission is probably going to be a trudge, but joking that our homeworld is going to be destroyed is a bit much. And how would taking crystals away from the planet make them consume us? That just sounds backwards." 'Talents and experience' didn't mean much either as the lowest military rank possible, she thought, but she left that out.

This outburst felt a little out of character for Aiu, but something about seeing their leader not care about his job rubbed her the wrong way.
Micalio scoffed in a similar reaction to Aiu, Lunebaren crystals taking over the planet? That was a load of crap surely though she didn't remember her old healer friend having such a bite in her words, from memory Micalio herself had been the one to bite with words on the Furi'Ken though perhaps she'd gone through some tough deployment afterward.

"I gotta agree with Aiu sir, it doesn't sound like it makes a lot of sense. I've worked with these crystals, which I assume is what you were referring too since they are widespread through our technology, and they've never displayed any kind of ability such as what you've described to us." The engineer wasn't as blunt, though she still didn't believe what they'd been told was the truth, she was sure those crystals were harmless, heck they were used in everything so how could they be bad?


Haise nodded, she suspected her presence would have been reported for security reasons among all else so it was good to see communication was still being properly maintained, as an intelligence operator nothing annoyed her more than inaccurate information as the result of bad communication. The next part of the discussion, however, was interesting, she'd been briefed beforehand on parts of the mission, she knew they were searching for a new world but not why after all Division 5 wasn't exactly the best people to give the most highly classified intel to incase of being kidnapped and tortured. Their jobs had them in danger almost more than the Navy at times especially while the only war they fought was a civil one.

For the time being it would be better to let the shipmaster explain the situation, piping up would not only be disrespectful but potentially confusing and unhelpful so instead the white haired woman sat by and watched with a grim expression, interested to see exactly what would happen.
"With all due respect sir, can we skip past the jokes and move onto the real debriefing?" "I understand our mission is probably going to be a trudge, but joking that our homeworld is going to be destroyed is a bit much. And how would taking crystals away from the planet make them consume us? That just sounds backwards."

"I gotta agree with Aiu sir, it doesn't sound like it makes a lot of sense. I've worked with these crystals, which I assume is what you were referring too since they are widespread through our technology, and they've never displayed any kind of ability such as what you've described to us."

Vivaldo stayed rather calm and showed a neutral face to their reactions. Reactions that were perfectly understandable and if it was not the highest chief of the branch telling him the information and showing the evidence, then it was something hard to swallow for him as well "Sadly I am not joking, if you think this is a joke then look around you. The room is closed, the security is on high alert and I am not laughing" Leaning backward in his chair "However, I understand perfectly your reaction in the matter, the government has chosen not to go public with the information as this would cause panic in everywhere and then we need to do crowd control that is out of our league" Vivaldo shrugs a bit and taps on the console that was next to him.

A few 4D images were shown of infected Daur with crystals attached to them and not looking health, a gif like image that showed the slow movement of the crystals and then looked at them again "The mission of this ship is important, sorry...that is an understatement, lives to depend on our results and time is ticking against us. All information regarding this will be given to Haise and this ship's command. For now I can only show you this"
Aiu still felt a little skeptical with Vivaldo's doubling down on armageddon talks, but the video of a crystal-infested Daur threw all those thoughts aside. She bolted up and quickly walked over, staring closely at the image. The patient's skin looked pale and sickly as crystals grew like they were parasites feeding on this Daur's body.

"How fast is this video playing? How much exposure caused this infection? Is there a cure? What's the mortality rate?" Aiu panicked, scanning the video for any information at all that she could gleam. However, the captain's earlier words echoed in her head with new meaning:

"...find a new suitable homeworld where our people can live."

even if we cured this, we couldn't prevent the cause," she eventually mumbled. She clutched the necklace resting just under her uniform. It was a simple marble-like orb with a swirl of blue, given to her by her brother from a local festival. Her family, friends, everyone was in danger.
Micalio had fallen silent, the images didn’t lie it seemed and this was most distressing, but from the sounds of it the infection wasn’t widespread among people. She certainly had no symptoms and had been working with them for ages so it must be to do with contact length of time, but medicine and this stuff wasn’t her strong suit.

“You can’t prevent it? Aiu I think you heed to breathe and think it over a bit better.” The large engineer spoke as she moved to wrap the smaller medic up in a big hug, she knew the healer wasn’t made of steel by any means and she was looking a bit distressed at the moment. “Hell I’ve been working with these things for my whole life and I’m fine right? There’s probably just a little detail somewhere that no one has figured yet because its so rare.”


Haise expected as much, she was an intelligence captain for D5 after all and having to restrict information from her colleagues was nothing new either even in her own department as was the responsibility of a Captain. “Understood, so how are we beginning the mission? I’m assuming we have a lead or first specific destination.” The white furred Daur asked, her large ears twitching slightly as she looked up from the desk to their shipmaster.
"How fast is this video playing? How much exposure caused this infection? Is there a cure? What's the mortality rate?" "...even if we cured this, we couldn't prevent the cause,"
“You can’t prevent it? Aiu I think you heed to breathe and think it over a bit better.”

Taking a sigh at the commentary that finally sink into his crew, Vivaldo nods slowly in agreement that this was the facts on the table. Of course, he had seen more in-depth information about the situation regarding the spreading problem that was affecting his people. It was only logical for them to worry about their friends and family, but Vivaldo also knew that the Kingdom was doing everything they could to get a cure or find a different solution and Stella was such a solution.

“Hell I’ve been working with these things for my whole life and I’m fine right? There’s probably just a little detail somewhere that no one has figured yet because its so rare.”

"The issue is not so much who has worked with it or not, it is the crystal itself" Vivaldo pointed out "We don't know what it is that is doing this, but they are doing everything they can to get it fixed. We are the backup plan and I do what I am good at" He tried to inspire the crew a bit to get motivated for the mission ahead, they were going into an unknown area and problems were going to occur, but time was not working with them.

“Understood, so how are we beginning the mission? I’m assuming we have a lead or first specific destination.”

Looking at his D5 specialist, Vivaldo simply nodded "Yes, we are going north from our current location" He swipes the galaxy map and zooms in on the Kingdom territory "We are moving towards the north sectors to find a suitable home. It is largely unexplored as there was no budget to go there. Well, there was also no real reason to do so. We go sector by sector, scanning star systems and hopefully find us a new home" Vivaldo shrugs a bit "I expect some resistance of whatever kind, so I will be relying on everyone's skills on this ship to do their best"
Aiu let out a tiny surprised yelp as she was hugged from behind by the engineer that towered more than a foot over her. "T-that's true, I-I'm being hasty," she stuttered, her tiny heart having two reasons to race now. "If you notice any symptoms like in the video... promise to come to me immediately!"

"And sir," Aiu said, turning towards Vivaldo. "I'm sorry for my rude remarks, I was out of line. Please forgive me." She tried to bow, but with her body currently stuck in a hug, she could only really duck her head a little.

"W-we should sit back down, Micalio. We're in everyone's way," Aiu muttered a little quietly. She made no effort to escape the hug, however. She stood silently as her tail unconsciously batted back and forth against the Daur behind her.
"I will don't worry, no stinking crystal will get the better of me!" Micalio exclaimed proudly as she released the smaller Daur and threw her arms out wide as if challenging the world to prove her wrong. "Sorry if I startled you, but you looked like you could use a hug." The engineer said with a smile as she took her friends advice and moved to sit down again. While she would never admit it, the big engineer had also felt like she needed a hug in that moment, just some extra reassurance after the fairly dark news and images they'd heard and seen in the last few minutes.

"Well I say we got no time to lose then, let's get out there and find, whatever it is we're exactly looking for!" While she was intelligent the red haired Daur was also quite headstrong, which had gotten her into deeper waters than she could handle in the past, always getting pumped up whenever they were getting ready for anything and everything.

”Oh and by the way Aiu, you should control your tail a little more” the engi whispered to her healer friend.
Nodding towards them and smiling softly that the situation was sicking in, he knew that time was of the essence and as if the gods had presumed came down with the lights flickering and it made Vivaldo look upwards as the power restores again making him shrug as he looked back at the others "Currently we are experiencing problems with the power grid and we don't know what the cause is...the engines look fine, the crystals look good. I want our dear engineers to get to the bottom of this and find out why my ship is doing this. Haise I want you to focus on the latest intel on the development regarding the crystals....medical should get the latest shipment but I think I need everyone on finding the power problem... when that is fixed we can leave docks and find us that planet. Questions?"
"I-I'll go prep the medbay, then I'll be on call if I can help with the power at all," Aiu stumbled out, refusing to respond to Micalio's comment about her tail. Instead she furrowed her eyebrows and blushed a little awkwardly, silently slipping her tail under her leg to keep it under control.
Kishi'ko quietly observed the interactions. She had kinda crept in with the others, and aside from cheerful greetings where she had also introduced herself, kinda thought her way through the situation as she looked at the footage. Not being a particular expert in the intricacies of power generation, she had just remained silent through the interactions. This sounded like a egg hunt. It probably wouldn't be, and she hated to admit that, even to herself. Hopefully the command crew agreed.

At the last bit, the black fur of her ears perked up, breaking the long white hair. There's a bit of a resigned tone in her voice, and a small bit of annoyance passes by her face. - visible briefly in her angular yellow eyes. "I've been here for a few days.. I'd welcome help.. about the only thing I've been able to do is establish it isn't one of twenty-three things, or it's all of them at once, or some other problem like that." She kind of shrugs. Her uniform does look like it's smudged in a few places, and the slender Daur continues. "I assume we can request new parts if needed, ser?"
"Well you're in luck then, I'm one of the kingdom's best technicians if I do say so myself, Micalio Di'Aldio." The tall, bright red-haired Daur says with a grin as she grabs Kishi'ko's hand and gives it a firm shake. "I kind of remember you from earlier, but you've been so dang quiet I almost forgot you were here! So let's go get this ship running." Still holding her hand, Micalio turned to leave the briefing room, fully intending to drag her new friend along if she had to, they had a job to do after all and she was all fired up now.

"With the two of us working on this big girl she'll be soaring in no time!" Micalio almost bellowed at her fellow technician, raising a fist into the air triumphantly.


Haise nodded and moved to follow the two techs, her first port of call would be getting to a terminal and digging out any old documents, if there was any, she supposed she could simply contact Division 5 HQ as well and request a search but it was already a headache getting her permission just to come on the ship and she doubted the other Intel Ops would enjoy her asking them to now find classified material. Suddenly the long-eared Daur stopped in her tracks, there were no info terminals just scattered about on starships were there, she'd have to go and liaison with the communications team in the bridge perhaps.

"I'll see you on the bridge Shipmaster, I take it the entire crew knows of our mission and is permitted to access relative materials via request?" Haise asked, turning back to face her captain with a flat expression if the communications people weren't cleared to access the relevant info then how was she supposed to get her hands on it. After all, it was only thanks to Vaughn sitting down in a bunch of really long meetings that his operators even had clearance to operate on naval ships, it really was a shame that the navy and Division 5 often bumped shoulders.
Kishi'ko found herself dragged to.. wherever it was she was being dragged to. It was nice to be around an enthusiastic fox. She hadn't felt this energetic all week. The smaller woman smiled a bit before asking with a bit of a laugh in her voice "Where are you dragging me to?" She was curious where the other engineer was suggesting they look first. Maybe she had missed something, but she had resorted to looking through The Book to start double checking every component of the grid.
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