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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 3.2] The Unknown Jui'varen!


Def'leor smiled at Shar, "I will be sitting in the Commander's seat. Why would I deprive a good Marine like you Lu'man the satisfaction of driving. Leaves me free to coordinate and assess the situation while you deal with the terrain. Climb in and fire her up. "
Cargo Bay

Ye'gor looked around, noticing that Def'leor and Shar seemed to know where they were going while he did not. Sure, he understood that he would be going outside with others; but whom specifically was a question that practically danced on his head.

"So, what teams are we in?" the engineer finally asked, no longer wanting to assume.
Cargo Bay

With the others started to prep the tank to leave, Keri'cruen proceeded to locate some of the requisite signal boosters they would need to penetrate the comms interference in the region. The young kit unboxed one suitcase-sized booster and rested it upon the back of the tank, above the counter-gravity drive and behind the turret; after locking it into place Keri'cruen went back and repeated the process another two times until the tank had a total of three signal boosters mounted on its aft section. The kit then powered the devices up, making sure that they were fully functional before he hopped down off the back of the tank and peered over at the others.

"Boosters set and online."
Shar snickered as she climbed the tank. She dropped down the driver's hatch and set her rifle next to her seat. "All right, but I got to warn ya Lexy, I have driven this less then I would like to." Shar said to the superior in the turret. "Expect a bumpy ride." To be exact, Shar just drove it here and back through hangar and did a bit of hovering with it. She did not even get to fire live rounds, just tested aim systems. Well at least it should make everything interesting.

Def'leor slid into the commander's seat in the tank. She switched on the equipment at her station. "That is okay Yuah, you break it I'm sure the Ship Mistress can deduct the cost of the tank from your pay." She said with a grin. She turned her attention to the navigation system, as she expected it was acting up. She manually programmed the starting position and direction. For now the system would have to operate by dead reckoning.
"Yeah that is fine," Shar responded as she was activating the systems. The mighty engine of the tank started and the big machine lifted itself up from the ground. "It is not like any of us does this for money right?" Shar joked and put on the driver's helmet used for targeting and also for getting extra information on her surroundings.
Def'leor rose from her seat and looked out the hatch. She looked at Ye'gor "C'Baruce Tos'cana you waiting for a gold plated invitation. Move your tail and get on board."
Ye'gor jumped. Any question he could possibly think of to probe at how he missed such vital information was shoved aside to make room for compliance. "Yes, Mah," the engineer gave in reply, quickly embarking without any further delay. Only once inside and buckled in did he begin considering that perhaps his head hadn't recovered enough after all, or the drugs were nibbling at the edges of his attention. Either way, it bothered him that such a detail slipped past.
Sa'kira watched with a half smile, she wondered what they'd find out there; although if other planets were like their own, it would be a dangerous trip. "Get going," she said to the team and stepped away from the ramp she wouldn't be in the way. Outside, rain started to fall across the landing site and in the distance, cutting visibility down a bit.

Def'leor programmed in the target data as distance and bearing into the tank system. Dead reckoning was their most reliable but with the boosters they should be able to better maintain contact and by extension navigation.

"Okay Yuah, take us out. Course has been laid in. We have a strange new world to explore, and hopefully we can get some answers." she said

(OOC: Away team thread)
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Sa'kira stood on the ramp as she watched the tank and the away team leave, heading off on their mission, her eyes were drawn to another recon team that was leaving the transport on a pair of Ri'to'ree which soon disappeared into the forest. The officer pondered what was truly out there and whether or not they'd find anything of import. "Well, no use standing here all day," she said and generated a holographic display which showed the ships current damage profile. "Still some things to repair..."

She then queried the ships computer to see whom was still onboard.
One individual that was still on-board was a certain midnight-furred Laibe. Located in an area that had received some mild structural damage due to the landing, Erm'olai was in protective gear as he applied some reinforcement to fractures in both bulkhead and internal structure. Overall, the damage was negligible, but Erm'olai was a firm believer of making sure the structure or vessel he was on should be sound.

Stress fractures did not meet those requirements.

So the Software Engineer had tasked himself, with a brief message to the chief engineer of the Gam'trosha, with some mundane technical task. It involved a mask and a welding torch, much to his dismay.
There was dozens of stress fractures located all across the ships internal structure, much of it accessible thanks to the many access tunnels that snaked their way through the ship, the stress fractures however were both short and long; some of them were spiderwebbed all throughout the structure while others seemed to be appear from the converging point of two structures.

As the Laibe worked, his helmet's speakers would crackle to life with Quin'trema voice. "How are repairs coming along?" she would ask.


Sa'kira was on the bridge, looking through reports from the other ships and their away teams. "All quiet on the front it seems," she said as she put the reports down. "What about our away teams?" she asked, looking at the ships newest aviator.

Shi'sha'tra turned in her chair, still not quite used to ships controls yet. "Report came in briefly from the away team, but still nothing from the recon group.. think they ran into trouble?"

"Maybe, maybe not; we have flyers in the air so if they got lost or are in trouble we'll hear about it," responded Sa'kira, who went back to her reports.

As Shi'sha'tra turned back in her chair, she quietly moved her hand over to a switch and silenced the incoming communications from the recon team before something completely wiped any record that such a communications had been received.

"Thank you Ma'am... I appreciate it!" He saluted and headed off the bridge glancing over at the new person on the bridge. He would look into them once he was out of the shower.


Zur'el arrived to the showers a few minutes later after stopping by his cabin and pulling a change of cloths and his toiletries. With the water set to hot, he started stripping and placing his wet cloths in a folded pile on a bench. His pistol was set on top of the clean pile, but he drew his sword and set it inside the stall, just in case. With a almost painful gasp he stepped into the hot water and felt every aching muscle in his body tighten up then release as the heat worked in.

He stood there under the hot running for a few minutes letting it run down his fur and tail, before starting to scrub the soaps into his fur, starting from the top and working down. He scrubbed, rinsed and scrubbed again, making sure all the mud and cold alien water was washed out. Then he shut the water off and started the long drying ritual.

For people like him, who hated being wet, drying off was a key fact of life. Oh Zur'el had heard of people staying wet and letting the air dry them off. Barbarians they were. The very idea of being wet longer then needed grossed him out to no ends.

Once the last of the wet was removed he got dressed, in his civies this time, black jean, tee shirt over his poly-pro undershirt and his combat boots. With those on he buckled his uniform belt on and holstered his pistol and sheathed his sword. feeling much better he headed to the Mess.


As he walked he looked to find out what was on the menu for the day.
Mess Hall

There wasn't much going on the mess hall, minus a group of infantry on the far end that were eating something and the ships mess officer who was behind the counter cleaning some glasses. A meny pasted on the wall near where the counter was showed what was on todays menu, several different items - fruits, vegetables, various other cousines were also listed although the ships crew did have the option of requesting their own meals that weren't on the menu, provided the chief had the ingredients.

"You look like you've been through hell," remarked the mess officer - a My'leke female who set down the glass she had been cleaning and looked at Zur'el. "Whatta have?"

"I have seen better." Zur'el replied to the comment about how he looked. "I'll take a burger and some fries please... And maybe a cold Chie'trena'ahay, the whole bottle, if you please." Zur'el tiredly smiled before looking around for a place to seat and wait for the food to be done. As normal he planned on just taking to food to his cabin and work on reports and other work he had on hand.

"The whole bottle eh?" remarked the mess officer with a raised eye-brow. "I won't ask wha'cha saw then, one burger with fries and a nice cold bottle coming right up," said the chef as she pulled some fresh meat and quickly shaped it before setting it on the grill - followed by a basket of fries going into the frier. She waited until the food was ready, placing aside some condements for the agent and then the fries on a plate before grabbing a bottle of Chie'trena'ahaye from the wine cooler - the chef glanced at a glass, first a tall one and then a shot glass and elected to give the soldier both.

"Here ya go," she placed the plate of food in front of the agent. "If you need anything else, don't hesitate to let me know."

"Thank you." Zur'el grabbed the plat and what not and slid it onto a tray along with the glasses and bottle. With a wave he picked the tray up and was off to his cabin.

~~~Cabin 2~~~

Keying into his cabin, Zur'el sighed and relaxed a bit, before crossing over to the desk and sliding the tray onto it. he opened up the lower drawer of his desk adn pulled his security files. Flipping through them he found the one for the new bridge member. Dropping into his chair he flipped oven the file and started reading as he nibbling on a fry.
Cabin 2

The file read like one that was well organized by logistics, it was a neatly done file that showed the aviators record, including having once been a fighter pilot for the 405th that was presently stationed within the capital. Despite being low in rank, the soldier already had a few commendations for gallantry and even a few wounded medals. The file listed a few of the soldeirs family members although locations were noticably, and understandably, reacted. There were also three seperate operations listed, one during the soldiers initial training phase and two when the soldier had been a pilot.

One of the operations was declassified, although Zur'el would have to request further information on it. The other two were still currently classified and couldn't be access at Zur'els current security level.
Main base on Jui'varen

Shim'moto's first steps onto the planet from the SNV Ya'hayusha were tired ones, his first few days planet side were spent dealing with paperwork. Crew rosters, munitions paperwork, all but basic paperwork that had been left in his hands to finish. A yawn crossed the young kit's lips as he made his way slowly down the ramp. He had those of his things he could carry; already battle ready in case of emergency. His final step off the ramp, gave him pause as he looked around the base. He let his duffel hit the ground; stretching out his arms over his head. It was great to be out and about instead of filing away paperwork, a light smile crossing his lips, grabbing his duffel turning towards the SNV Gam'trosha taking careful steps around crewmen and such running around handling their jobs, as well as delivering munitions and such.

His feet stopping just in front of the boarding ramp to the Gam'trosha. When he had arrived on planet, he was utterly excited to get a chance to get aboard the ship, but his excitement had ended almost as quickly as it had appeared when he was swamped by the paperwork that kept him busy for the first few days on Jui'varen. He could only hope that more paperwork wouldn't be his assignment aboard the Gam'trosha, at least not so soon after just finishing stacks.