Star Army

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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 3.2] The Unknown Jui'varen!


"No, you are not going to sleep," said the mister healer as she gave the injured councilor a steroid injection to keep her awake. "Not until we can be certain you don't have a life-threatening injury," she looked up at Zes'kes. "C'Baruce, help me move this bed over to the examination room," she said to the soldier.


Shi'sha'tra Je'ha'shue nodded and placed one hand on her hip. I've already memorized this entire ships layout, but then again, maybe there are some modifications that weren't listed, she thought and then looked over at Shar. "Anything on the ship that isn't standard? The files I was given after being assigned didn't list anything recently added but a lot of Shipmasters seem to like leaving out those details for one reason or another..."


Quin blinked as she listened to the message from the Lexicon, she quarried the ships damage control systems but found nothing listed; no information about any damage of any kind. "Strange," she leaned back in a chair she had been sitting in and runned her chin. "Keri, can you go to the lounge and inspect the damage please?" she asked and then looked up to see where Mache'lato was.

C'bar Mache'lato, I need you to inspect all of the systems located in and around the ships lounge please.
Def'leor continued to examine the damage. Whatever had passed through the hull it seemed just melted its way through. She could not even imagine what kind of temperature that would require to do so that quickly. And then there was the fact that this hull breach was not detected by the ship's warning systems. Once again their technology seemed to fail them, the only good side was it most likely happened in descent so explosive decompression of major portions of the ship had been unlikely.
Ice-blue eyes fluttered open and attempted to focus. Things were blurry at first, but the picture was sharpening over the few moments. All he could see was a metal wall a few meters away.

Wait --- wall? No, gravity was different and he felt something on his back. Down --- he was lying down. This meant he was staring at the ceiling. Which was strange considering he didn't remember going to his quarters for the sleep cycle.

No, now wasn't the sleep cycle. But why would he fall asleep on the job. That was nothing like h...

No. He didn't fall asleep. He fell!

Slowly, Erm'olai's confusion began to clear. Muscles in his abdomen and thighs flexed as he began to sit up --- only for pain to announce itself. But the pain was coming from his face rather than his body. A paw came up to his face allowing a hiss to erupt from his mouth. Well, his muzzle took some damage. Pulling the appendage away, he noted blood upon the paw. A tongue over his teeth told him that he wasn't missing any, which was good since cosmetic work was expensive.

A glanced around the room told him that the trip down to the planet had been a bit rough --- though a blood stain upon the console said more than the sole tool upon the deck. Probably good that the fastidious Laibe made it a habit to properly store his tools.

Grasping at his belt for his communicator, Erm'olai dialed in Engineering. "Dis 's...." he began before pausing. While he sounded quite stuffy, it probably signified damage to his nose in some way. Lovely.

"Dis 's Ro'zario," he reported to Engineering. "Suff'rd some conc'sive force, 'ut 'm fine." he continued as he slowly got up to check on the computer systems. "Could I 'ave a report 'n damages? 'ny assistance required?"
Def'leor reentered the Gam'trosha and looked for the nearest IDT. She spotted one near the door and activated it. She access the ship's security system and sent a query for all data from the lounge, environmental data, video etc. Perhaps a review of the data would help pin point when the damage occurred and if the video was working perhaps a glimpse of what tore through them. After sending the query she waited for the data to be collated.
Zes'kas bolted upright when she said his name, "Got it!" The over-energetic Liabe rushed over to assist. "Ready to assist in any way possible!"

In his head, he already started zipping down possible injuries, and the results of said injuries. Of course, he didn't know the whole story, so he couldn't be sure, but the medic could make a guess. If he had one, he didn't say.

It still hurt - all over. Ye'gor wondered if they would just get on with it and fix him up instead of leaving him to languish in pain. He breathed a little too hard, as if to sigh, but instead yelped out in pain as a broken rib poked at something.

What luck... to go from managing to fix something to laying broken on a table.

With Zes'kas's help, the med that Bar'diel was on to MRI; with the bed in place, she looked over at Zes'ksa and said. "Help Seu with her patient please," then brought the machine online as it began to scan the civilians body for further injuries, although several had shown up almost right away including one she already knew of - being a concussion - although the scan also revealed a few minor cracks along the councilors skull. "Stay still a bit please," she said to the councilor.


Quin stopped what she was doing when she heard Erm'olai enter the bay and subsequetely speak as if the man was drunk.. or very high on something. With a shake of the head, the young engineer said. "No you are not fine, get yourself to medical for an evaluation, don't want you passing you in the middle of repairs..." she stared at the Laibe.

Outside Cargohold Entry

Information scrolled across the terminal, including details about a power failure in the lounge and an inability for the ships main computer to communicate with the lounges internal sensors, which also included its damage control sensors used to detect any sudden changes to the dynamics of the room... such as a window blowing out.... soon a video popped up from the lounges internal security, but the angel of the camera didn't have it viewing where the entry and exit holes were but instead it was right down the center of the lounge. The camera there captured what appeared to be an extremely bright class that momentarily caused the camera to polarize itself, this was followed by unsecured items being thrown across the lounge and some even flying off to the left and right of the camera. A time index on the camera showed that whatever it was occurred while they were in descent toward the planets surface, although there was a secondary camera, but this one wasn't in the room but rather located on the ships external hull, but the camera appeared to be frozen and refused to playback any footage it 'might' have recorded.
Shar shrugged. "As far as I know it is just a normal ship. Except the few distinctive individuals and lack of proper infantry, there is nothing too out of ordinary." She explained as she moved through corridors towards her destination. "Well we do have family of critters that joined us. Furry little things so I hope you do not mind that as Shipmistress decided to keep them around for now."

Def'leor stored the single image of the object that was detected. The lack of other data was not entirely surprising. But from this one image she could surmise that the Gam'trosha was hit with some form of a plasma ball. One hot enough to melt through the ship's armored hull like butter. The spped with which movedd that only a single frame could glean information as it extrapoliation of the data would supply a value of how fast it had to be moving to only be seen once.

'Somthing like this can not be a natural event. A lighting storm may create ball lighting but nothing on this order of magnitude. Better to take a look at the hull camera. Although depending on its condition, I may have one of the techs work on retreiving its data.' she thought as she stepped back outside to look at the camera location.
Computer Room

Erm'olai's tail was in motion once more as frustration fueled his reaction. How dare she believe that he was compromised! It was insulting. He may have just rejoined the crew before the mission, but he was still a soldier!

"U'derst'd, Mah," came the reply as he kept his thoughts to himself. It was all he could say to someone who was superior to him in rank. Taking the time to make sure he secured the Computer Room, Erm'olai exited and made his way towards Medical.
Outside the bridge

Shi'sha'tra rubbed her shoulder as they walked. "Little critters? Huh, wonder what they be," she asked and glanced down one of the side passages - noticing a faint shadow as it crossed into some light but then disappeared. "Are these critters being allowed to stay to hunt for rodents or is there another reason?" she asked.


The area along the bottom of the ship seemed fine, the areas of the hull that had external camera's were easy to identify due to their blackened oval domes that protected the sensitive internal equipment from external elements. In this case, the domes nearest the lounge seemed intact with the except of two of them. The dome directly to the 'left' of the entry hole was burned away entirely, while the dome to the 'right' of the exit was only partially melted away, revealing what one could possibly see as an intact camera.

Def'leor examined the damage cautiously, while she pondered the question of whether she should try to extract the camera herself or wait for one of the ship technicians. It was with some reluctance, that she walked back into the hold and activated the Intercom. "Engineering, this is the Lexicon. I require a technician come down to the hold, to help retrieve an external camera that may contain vital information." she said.
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Quin said:
"Keri, can you go to the lounge and inspect the damage please?"

Ker'cruen looked up from his console, emerald-sapphire eyes meeting the female kit's from across the chamber. He nodded, the gesture causinghis unkempt mop of silver hair to sway. After a few moments to grab a tool kit just in case it would prove useful, Keri raced out the door and through the bowels of the ship toward the lounge.


Later, immediately upon entering the lounge chamber, Keri's eyes began darting about the room in search of the reported breach.

As Keri surveyed the area, he'd notice the hole almost right away - it wasn't hard to miss given how big it was and the fact that there was a steady breeze coming through it. The glass was curled inward and there were noticeable burnt marking on the ground that lead straight to the second hole, where its class was curled outward instead of inward.


"One of our tech's should be in the lounge shortly," came Quin's response to Def'leors request.

Ye'gor curled up in pain again, almost wishing he could scream, but it only came out as a moan. The movement caused even more pain which soon overloaded the young Laibe's nervous system. His eyes shut tightly, only relax a little while he remained in a position reminiscent of the pain he was feeling. Unfortunately, his eyes did not open back up again.
"They are U'renese, clever little bastards." Shar replied to the pilot. "Somehow whole litter of them along with their mum got on board. Shipmistress allowed them to stay, they have a little den in mess hall, so you can go see them if you want. Some of the crew-members are already going all cutesy about them. And hey if they learn to hunt rodents, that would be even better. Personally I don't care much."

With wide blue-green eyes and the gentle breeze from the two large holes ruffling his silver hair, Keri knelt down and began to survey the damage intently. The holes themselves were in the transparant floor of the lounge, and from the appearance of the outer edges of the them the young kit judged that something had litterally melted its through as quickly and easily as a hot metal knife passing through nas'trayu butter. But what in the world could apparently burn right through, into the ship and then turn around and burn its way back out like that? Nothing in the kits -- albeit limited -- experience. Keri also briefly caught sight of neshaten standing below outside, including the shipmistress.

Considering the problem Keri concluded that repairing it entirely would take a visit to a shipyard -- not that the job itself would be all that difficult given that the damage itself was all structural in nature -- but because the holes were in the glass of the lounge windows and the Gam'trosha didn't have the required fabrication facilities to create new ones on board -- the assembly equipment they had in the engineering bay was predominantly for electronics and other small mechanical parts -- and weren't any spares in the hold to his knowledge, but he'd still check. He could use a hull patching tool on the glass, but it would be a shoddy make-shift job at best and they would still need to replace the glass entirely at a later date.

Keri decided to simply detach the damaged glass panels; once the compromised panels were removed they would be able to lock the external sliding armor panels shut over the breaches and restore the ships atmospheric integrity until the Gam'trosha could visit a repair yard or facility with the required assembly facilities. He also made a mental note to talk to the shipmistress about finding space for a larger machine shop or assembly room as well as some resourcing equipment for the ship; if the Gam'trosha was going to spend a lot of time away from the home system exploring they would need to be more self-sufficient in regards to repairing their own strucutral damage.

Withdrawing a tool from his kit, Keri began the task of uncouping the damaged glass panels from their metal framework.

Def'leor watched as a the technician approached. When he got close enough for her to speak to, she pointed to the damaged bubble. "We need this camera removed from the damage housing, the memory in it is vital to explaining what happened to the Gam'trosha. So retrieval of the data on the camera is the most important. If you can remove the camera without fear of damaging the memory. Fine, otherwise work on transferring the data, or extracting the data module. I leave it to your discretion."
Timeskip - four hours later...

Time passed, those who had been sent to the medical bay soon found themselves healed of most of the injuries they'd sustained during the decent - either through the use of surgery or from bed rest. The ship was still parked in its same spot, although the area's around it were much more built up. Now, there was a perimeter wall around the landing area with several prefabricated structures - including a medical building and vehicle depo that had a number of bikes... and tanks... situated under its roof.

Standing in the ships cargohold, Sa'kira stared through the opening left by the ships lowered cargo ramp. "All crew please report to the ships rear cargohold for mission briefing," was announced over the ships intercom. She had her hands clasped behind her back and pondered just what was out there...
Cargo Hold

Def'leor walked over to Sa'kira. She stood quietly and looked out at the area. The sky was darkening as the sun sank towards the horizon. That made her happy, it would make things easier for them when they set out. She wondered what if the technicians had any success with the camera, but that would have to wait until they returned from the recon mission.

"Ship Mistress has the first recon team reported back on anything of significance?"