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Um... anyone gonna post?

Damnit, could we just de-activate the trap and break the source already!? >:C

I wanna get out of that stupid mansion!
Well, people weren't moving out of Denkou's way and Aendri will be busy for a couple weeks, I just moved you guys and did everything myself. I hope you don't mind, but the delay was starting to annoy me.
Yeah. It's cool.

Sorry about that. >.> I got a new job and it took a while adjusting to it. It's fine now, though, so I should be back on normal posting schedule! ":D
Uhm, Neva, Talarin doesn't have any fire spells....

EDIT: After re-reading the post I realized it doesn't say "fire" so I'm going to assume you meant magic missile.
Stink, Divine Favor can't be cast on someone else...

Hey, can Resistance be applied to Difficulty Checks? They count as saving throws. Would it make it more difficult for someone to hit a player character?

If yes, then would that increase Aurelous' DC enough to make a difference?
And how long was a standard action in comparison to a minute (the duration of Resistance)?
It regular combat it would not make it harder to hit. The point of a resistance spell is to make one resistant to what would be considered uncommon battle techniques, so anything outside of normal combat. Yes, there are spells that also apply to Armor during combat, but at first level those spells are unavailable. Also, a turn is 6 seconds, making 1 minute 10 standard turns.

Also, SR, the only window in the room is above the door that you entered through. However, the window has been enchanted so no light can go through. How the battle field is set up is that there's a door at the end of the rectangular room (roughly 30x15), at the other end is the gem, with the creatures between the gem and you. So the tomahawk throw is good, the bull rush isn't.

ALSO, throwing, running, then attacking is three standard actions whereas you only get two per turn. The reason the necro did so many things per turn is that the spell that animated the corpses was quickened and did not count as a standard action, also, movement in less than 5 feet (him ducking) does not count as a standard action. So therefor his only standard action was summoning the oozing things.
Ah crud, there goes my brilliant plan! D:

Well, I had thrown the axe and then subsequently bullrushed. Those are two actions, I would think... It isn't running and attacking so much as attacking by running... but I'm gonna have to re-think my strategy now considering the confined space we're in.
C'mon guys, are we really going to let the RP die now? We're finally at the source! All we have to do is kill a couple of skeletons and a zombie and we're finally done with mission 1! D:

I want to level up for once in a tabletop Message Boarded game!
I was actually out of town for thanksgiving week, and didn't have my full character sheet with me. But now that I have it, I can sic my pet snake on that necromancer!
She isn't a cleric, per se, just a believer. I started her as an experimental character, to see if I could make the system do what I wanted. However, this is requiring more bending of the rules than I thought so she will be leaving after this mission is finished.

This was fun and interesting, though, and I learned more about a game system I haven't used before. Thanks for putting up with Sorri's peculiarities and mine, it was worth a try : )
The One Who Is?



By the way, that kind of sucks that she'll be leaving. :c I really liked her as a cleric. She's always looking after Aurelus, and anyone that gets hurt. She's awesome. :d Even if she's using... like... modern medicine to use magic. >.>

So are you going to be making another Cleric character, or is anyone else going to be making another Cleric character? Or are we all going to die after mission 1? :D

In an unrelated note: I AM NOW A SENIOR ROLE-PLAYER! WOOT! =D