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Congratulations! And I'm not sure what's going to happen. Missing has first dips for another character, but I've got a backup ready just in case.

On an unrelated note: Grand Master Role-Player beats your Senior Role-Player!!!
I think I'll sit out the next mission.

SentientRace said:
No, she isn't, the reference was intended as a crossover more with Christianity than Judaism. As I said, this was experimental.

Even if she's using... like... modern medicine to use magic. >.>
It was a substitution. Sorri had no spells, but I was using the game mechanics to accomplish the same goal (recovery of health). The game rules don't account for temporary HP (the ability to fight through injury -- for example, in the SARP, a wounded soldier can get patched up just enough to keep fighting, but will still need medical treatment when they get back; biofoam injectors in Halo also serve this purpose) and I had to get HP back to you guys somehow. Thus the pills and mixtures. Sorri hasn't actually cast anything, her first aid is just that good.

Any "spells" beyond applying "heal ____ wound" to what she could do on her own would have been more 'gifted' by the deity she served at that deity's discretion rather than cast. But I couldn't quite think out how that would work so it wouldn't be a choice made on the player's part...I made attempts at it, which was why I asked Gabriel to choose the spell removed when exchanged for the second heal, but it wasn't quit the effect I wanted and one reason the experiment failed overall.

I agree though, as a character, Sorri had potential : )

Thomas Edison said:
Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless.
I have not failed. I've just found ten thousand ways that don't work.
Of which this is my first of those ten thousand.

Grats on your rank-up, Sentient ^_^ Hey, Aendri's close to a rank-up too, I think...
You know, in terms of size, wouldn't Sorri be more like a 3/4ling? Since a quarterling would be smaller than a halfling.
Snake goes bitey-bitey. Zombie goes braaaaaains. Skeleton goes rattle-rattle. Moogle goes, "I can't fucking wriiiiiiiite, kupo!"
Moogle said:
Ghira commanded his snake to continue attacking the zombie, but switched his own attacks to the skeleton instead. After all, sharp things went through a skeleton's ribs but blunt things smashed them, while sharp things rip apart flesh when blunt objects only bruise.

Ironically enough, the original creatures had damage reduction (I removed them to decrease the difficulty) but the skeleton had damage reduction 5 to bludgeoning weapons and the zombie had damage reduction to slashing weapons.

Also, don't post yet. Just because I posted damage does not mean that you can start the next round. The monster have NOT gone yet, all that post is was a damage update so SR knew who was dead.
Heh. I'd looked up the skeleton stats and noticed that reduction...that made me laugh. Just my luck, that hitting something is the one thing that something was resistant to...

And about the "quarterling" thing: If you're talking height, yeah, maybe. But if you're talking lineage, then one parent was a halfling (half of what, we don't know), and the other was a human. So she's half-halfling...a quarter : )
Aendri said:
But she's also 3/4 human, so 3/4ling! HAH.
No...she's half human, and two separate quarters of whatever the halfling was halfs of. I'm one-quarter something, and fractions of just about everything else, but those smaller fractions don't make me more than one-quarter of that one thing.

If halflings were half-something-half-human, then you'd be right. But they could be half dwarf, half gnome. Half angel, half earth elemental. Half dragon, half Picachu <_<

Hobbits and halflings are never told what they are.
Well, somebody in my family decided it would be a good idea to go to my computer desk and move/throw away the notepad paper that was on my desk. Therefor, I lost all the information on the creatures and I have no idea what their HPs are, so I'm just guessing from here on out.

I can't wait til I get out of this house....