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Just so you know, your chances are better then 10%. That percent is for him to stabilize on his own, with no assistance. You have a much more reasonable DC.
But it comes down to needing any of 13 options out of 20, which gives you a 65% to succeed, as opposed to his 10% on his own.
My last post was referring to the roll of eight and skill of seven adding up to the very number I needed instead of overshooting or undershooting it, not my chances. Even with that sixty-five percent success chance, that roll hit it on the nose, lol.
Moogle said:
Oh, to justify stupid actions in-character. The things I do for character development. :twisted:
Ok guys. Time to develop your characters as well.

Strike it in melee. That way your characters will learn not to do it next time. =D

Just like people IRL learn not to shoot themselves by shooting themselves! AHAHAHAHA! Ahhh...

...oxymora... :roll:
What's that quote?

"If a normal person pushes a button and gets a fairly strong electric shock, they won't push it again. If a scientist pushes a button and gets the same shock, he'll proceed to push the button again to see if it does that every time."

Wizards and sorcerers = scientists.

And I'm waiting for someone to post.
Ugh. Sorry guys. I've been sick as hell for the last two days (as in, thinking hurt, let along moving), but I'll try and post sometime in the next day or two.
I'll trade you. My body feels the need to evacuate both ends, and give me a headache and all-over muscle pains just as a little bonus round. Thought I was done, but now it seems I've cycled back to the start, so I'm thinking it's bacteria rather then the quick and mean stomach virus I thought it was.
We'll be going the long way around this, due to character decisions...I really hope depleting that gem didn't call the other wizards -_- If so, we're dead. No two ways around that, even if Sorri was a stock-standard cleric.

My Plan: Trade my three remaining spells to bring Talarin (reason for this stated in the post) back to consciousness. After that, we're waiting until the next morning, when Sorri's spell list repopulates and she can start trading them again. Once that happens she brings back Denkou and hopefully will be able to get Den some buffer HP. Rinse, wipe, repeat.

Now, is this a instanced dungeon or will everything respawn while we're sitting here? : P
At that point I'm mobile again. I think it's one health per day at level 1, but that will put me back into mobility as of the next day, if not great health.
That's good : ) So by tomorrow, we'll have Den and Ghira conscious (through the slow-recovery mechanic) and hopefully Talarin as well (through the cure mechanic). Better than I thought : )