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Well, that's all I'm asking, which definitions of evil do I have to conform to to get the options I want; do I have to conform to those definitions to get the goodies at all; and how's this as an alternative.
Well, Gabriel's the one that gets to decide, but personally I'd see it a bit hard for your character to be able to do that.

There should be a reason behind why evil clerics can rebuke/command undead as opposed to good clerics turning/destroying them. It has to do with what energies keep the undead alive and which ones resonate with the cleric at hand. Undead are supposed to be born of negative energies that go against all life, which is why they are abominations to the living. If your character has enough of this energy type that he can control them, it means that your character is a being filled with negative energies.

While you could theoretically use negative energies for good use, it's a bit of an oxymoron. It's kind of like using the feeling of racism in a 'good way', which technically is kind of a contradiction in that, sure, you could be racist towards a particular ethnic group that is killing your people and use it to fuel your fights against them to defend your people and thus use it in a constructive way, but the thought of racism itself is bigotry regardless, and is not the proper way to think about it (considering that, if there were attackers that were from a favored ethnic group such as those of your people, they should still merit your rage).

It's kind of hard to explain, but pure irrational hatred, regardless towards who it is, is still a negative energy regardless of however it's used. The same way jealousy is a negative feeling, as are greed, and other such things. It's not so much about the way you use them as it is the intent behind them, which is what really 'defines evil', I'd say.

So if you use negative energies for good purposes, they stop being 'negative energies' because they fail to have the negative intent, which is what fuels them.

So again, unless you somehow manage to have a neutral character that can alternate between having evil intents and good intents enough to balance it perfectly, I'd see it very unlikely to have a cleric which is capable of doing that.

There's a difference between clerics and sorcerers/wizards. Clerics use divine energy. Wizards and sorcerers use arcane magic. Arcane necromancy can well be used from the hands of a good wizard, because arcane energies do not rely so much on the soul of a person, more or less, but on arcane energies that are completely neutral to everything. Divine necromancy, however, relies almost solely on the soul of a person, and thus pretty much requires the malign intent behind it's use.

Perhaps you're better off cross-classing a necromancer wizard/sorcerer with a good cleric? Just suggesting.
They way I see it, a person could be raised to worship an evil deity and learn to wield evil magic, but not actually be evil them self. It's just the norm that a good person uses good magic. Personally, never be a straight up evil cleric is my point of view. If you are a neutral cleric than you get to choose with all of your abilities. For instance, an evil cleric uses command/rebuke undead, a good cleric uses turn/destroy undead, while a neutral character gets the choice between the two, so long as they have a neutral deity. Same goes for a spell conversion. Having cure/inflict spells is 100% useless, you know why? Cus deep within the Player's Handbook, it say that all good clerics can turn any prepared spell into a cure spell infinite times per day, all evil clerics can turn any prepared spell into an inflict spell infinite times per day, and a neutral cleric gets to choose. The wonderful part is, your choice between undead and spell conversion don't have to match. You could create a neutral cleric with a neutral deity, that can rebuke/command undead and convert any prepared spell into a cure spell.

Ultimately, you can be an evil cleric without you character having to act evil, but at that point you might as well just be neutral.
I think Talarin and Aurelus went downstairs to the bottom of the spiral case with the blade trap, then out onto the balcony that they tossed Sorri up on initially. So, Neva, Talarin wouldn't be able to just 'turn and stick his head in the chamber'. There's a full staircase and a door between them.
Aurelus is on the first balcony. The one he threw Sorri up to. So yes, Talarin is still supposed to be on the balcony just next to the tower where we fought the goblins like MissingNo said.
Progress of the group, from ground to chamber:

Ground. Climbed up rope to second-floor balcony. Climbed an external staircase to the landing with the goblins (still outside). Went inside a room on what could be called the third floor. Went up a spiral staircase to the chamber.

To get to the balcony that Aurelus went to (which Sentient thought Talarin was on), you would need to go down the spiral case, outside, then down a second staircase to get to the second-floor balcony, where Sorri was tossed to. The railing atop the first floor is where we thought Talarin was.

And, Aendri, who's Kyou?
Ah, I'd forgotten about the neutrality bit, what an interesting way to look at dividing the abilities. I'll go for that if you have room for it.
That's all up to whether Missing has decided to stay. If she doesn't we'll just put you in with a similar amount of experience.

Speaking of which, you guys dont get exp until the encounter is over, which doesn't happen until you return to town. The theory is that you're not magically going to POOF out new abilities, but during your down time in towns and whatnot you take what you've learned from the encounter and you hone and modify your combat styles/spells or whatever.
Yes, lvl2. Just roll up a character and send me the info. I'll trust you on your abilities, but obviously if you get all 18s I'll question you and make you re-roll.
Gabriel said:
That's all up to whether Missing has decided to stay. If she doesn't we'll just put you in with a similar amount of experience.
MissingNo's a girl?

Also, Aurelus said hi to Talarin who is on the landing above the staircase. Nevaraon says Talarin is above the staircase on the balcony. There's only one place where you can be 'above a staircase' and 'at the balcony' at the same time, and that's the landing next to the entrance into the tower.

Then Aurelus descended the staircase Nevaraon talks about after talking to Talarin, so he's currently the only person on the second floor balcony (the balcony where he tossed Sorri to), which is why he shouted that last bit at Talarin.
Aendri if you're gonna have your character start exploring the mansion do so already! >:c

I wanna get to town and get our exp ups ASAP! D:

That'd be fun!

"You're all in under 2 HP, battered up and limping and what-have-you. Along the road you find a pack of 12 hungry wolves that are blocking your path and are surrounding you. What do you do?"

"Cry. Then die. |:
