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-Fully agrees-

I'm still waiting on these people to get down to the balcony. Denkou is the only one that's missing, I think.

I really, REALLY just want to get out of this place already! D:>

Aendri won't Role Play with us anymore. He's expecting too much, and won't Role Play with us if we move on to ignore his character in some parts for the sake of keeping the Role Play alive, which I find is not very reasonable of him.

I vote we leave him behind and let Cy83r in. I think at least Cy83r's more reasonable.
Well, this is your guys' plot, so its your choice.

Just an FYI, cyber had his character set up as a cleric, since we weren't sure if missing was sticking around.
Well, I'd just rather keep the current number of players than not. Don't care so much about the classes, even though the rogue will be dearly missed.
Ah, how I do love it when people misquote me for their purposes. What I said was that I won't be sticking around if my character gets left out every time I have to leave for a few days. I'm not happy with the way that Missing skipped us ahead at first while I was in the middle of a conversation with another character, and then having everyone move ahead, skipping right past the conversation and any arguments I had after missing edited his post, which never showed up as a new post for me.

It doesn't make sense from a character standpoint for her to want to leave right now, and to be honest, I'm not much in a mood to try and completely change how I wrote the character to be played because of OOC drama.

What it comes down to is that I play D&D because I enjoy it's freeform play nature, and the fact that the characters in a group actually interact and make their own decisions. If my character is just going to be railroaded without getting to say anything anytime the group decides on something, then yes, I am stepping down. Especially when all of the deciding happens in that short of a period.
Personally, Aendri, I would be willing to compromise and doing as you said to the best of my ability and try and take into consideration whatever your character can do at any given IC moment. But there's a reason why I'm just giving up on you and that's because I don't think I can guarantee you that won't happen again.


Because I like posting here. I like Role Playing here. And, like me, any other person here could have the same opinion. If I have to be looking out for someone that takes two weeks to post, and make sure we have a posting order and stop it right before we exceed the limit where you would have 1 post per every 2 posts we've done, I don't think I'd go out of my way to say 'Ok, no one post until this person does'.

Note, that while I would be willing to compromise, that doesn't mean I agree with it.

My way of seeing it is this:
If you leave for a time, it's on you, sir. Expect to have characters move on for the sake of not idling.

If I were to say "Hey guys, won't be able to RP for a week", or I just suddenly was barraged with shit to do over a weekend and never had the chance to tell you guys, and we were about to enter a dungeon last I left you guys, and when I come back to RP you guys chose to go up a bridge instead of going through a tunnel (which I wanted to do), I wouldn't bicker and get all cross-armed and leave everyone in mid-air because they didn't wait for me.

It wasn't my fault. It wasn't you guys' fault. It was just happenstance that I couldn't post for that amount of time. So, I'd cooperate with the group (major important player-friendly attitude) and just have my character go out of his way to join in with you guys.

Particularly since we can't split, because that's Gabe's rules. Personally, I'd let Denkou RP on her own while we're going on and about. But as for the little skip we did?

All's well that ends well. Put up or leave.

You're not being very cooperative. We're not gonna be revolving around our individual needs here. This is a group RP. Otherwise you might as well be RPing on your own.
You do realize that the posting rules are once a week? And that there is only a 2 day gap between Missing's post and yours? So no, I'm not skipping out on posting for two weeks when you decide to start moving on.
Ok, dude, whatever. I still don't see the fuzz, I still don't see your dilemma.

Oh, wow, we cut off your discussion and moved on ahead while you were gone. Whoop-dee-friggin-doo.

Doesn't mean you can't come down and talk to us and continue it. Doesn't mean we can't come up and talk to you and continue it. Doesn't mean we just outright left you because we don't care about you (seeing as we're still waiting on your post before we continue).

If you really have to state out the rules and enforce them, then you discuss the situation with Gabe and tell him we're doing wrong. Gabe will then point it out and, as DM, tell us to wait the hell up or to delete our posts. Which, if he would've done, I would've gladly deleted them.

But you don't leave us in the air for two weeks waiting on you to post as retaliation. It's not fair for us. Specially not over some weak foul like this one. If you're gonna get so cross over something as insignificant as this to the point that you're not willing to RP with us anymore over it, you might as well quit while you're ahead.

It's stuff I wouldn't even think once about to forgive and move on.
I vote we move on without Denkou. Reason? Aendri is expecting something from us which I don't think we can guarantee him won't happen again in order to keep on Role Playing here.

Feel free to vote in favor or against, or not to vote. I'll just go with whatever the majority says.
I think everybody needs to calm down. Yes, it was unfair to timeskip past what Aendri wanted to do, which was search the rest of the mansion for loot. And yes, Aendri hasn't posted IC since the 7th, which is over two weeks. Do you know what that means? It means get over it, things happen that you can't control, now we know for next time, but does it require players to bash each other? No.

With quarrels between players, I feel that it's better that they work it out themselves in a civilized manner. I won't take sides because, frankly, i think both sides have truth to them. My suggestion is that you move on back to town, and next time Aendri wants to search a place, or stick around, or whatever he wants to do, we will actually consider his view point and, at that time, decide what the group wants to do. What's done is done and there's no point in bickering over it.
Amen. Let's do that.

I'm willing to compromise and do my best to keep that from happening again. All I'm saying is, I can't guarantee it won't happen again. I don't know if we'll all be looking out for whose turn it is to post at the right times.
And that right there is why I'm pissed off. Yes, you can guarantee it won't happen again. It's called reading other people's posts. To be honest, if the characters had discussed it, instead of everybody but Missing jumping outside all of a sudden during a two day period, I wouldn't have minded. And to be honest, I'm not asking for anything that's not standard in every single other plot on here.

That's my problem here. If it had been decided, IC, that the best option was to go back to town, fine, whatever. But no, it was decided OOC because some people really wanted to level up. But instead of seeing that OOC everyone wanted to move on and get back to town, and coming up with a decent IC explanation for that, the conversation about staying was completely skipped. If every mission ends in a desperate rush back to town so everyone can "level up", then at least try to come up with a legitimate reason IC.
With that part, I agree with Aendri. Just make the plot a little more in character, and play your characters as they should be played, and everyone will be happy :D
Heh, playing a character who does not like the possibility of dying has its advantages. Like IC excuses to avoid everything.

Note: Just a joke! Don't hit me!
Misunderstandings tend to happen, specially in posting orders. Some might interpret a previous post as being part of the current stream of posts in the posting order and so forth. Which is why I said I dunno if it's guaranteed.

Again, I'll try to do just that (what Aendri said, I mean), but I find some details hardly matter, so whenever I'm in doubt (which'll be often, apparently) I'm gonna end up asking OOCly to avoid skipping posting order or to ask permission to do so.

As for the IC reason to leave, my character's had a reason since they got into the mansion. He's tired, hungry, and wants to get it over with. He's said so a couple of times. It's why he got slashed by a trap on his way up the stairs to the pearl chamber.

Sorry if I got ahead of myself yesterday, but I felt frustrated because I was trying to remedy a situation that I didn't think could be fixed.
Sorri's tired, her stuff is disorganized and she needs to make more, and she isn't sure they did what they needed to.

Seeing as I'm leaving, it doesn't matter to me if the party splits and Gabe doesn't want to play out a split party. She won't be going back to Caloma whether or not the others are (they can get their rewards, she needs to move on...this was a bit high-profile for her tastes), so if she splits from them I don't need to play out what she does next. Bingo, no split party from a DM standpoint. She just vanishes off the face of the multiverse.

If Aendri's leaving, then Den can likewise stay at the house doing whatever then disappear without all that needing to be played out; the plot can remained focused on the guys who are still playing. If he's changed his mind and staying...then dunno.