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Guess it's a matter of whether the party will wait for Sorri or not, then. Should we fast forward an hour and have Sorri's study completed, then, or is there something the group will busy themselves with in the meantime?

A side note: I'm kinda stuck on whether to have her finish healing everyone to full health or save her heals for later. Either way, if we have a random encounter on the way back then we're stuck out here another day, ICly.
I would love it if we could all just head back to town now.

Really guys, forget the treasure in the mansion. EXP is the best treasure you can get! D:

Also, you guys've already found some treasure here and there! When we get to town we get to trade it in for actual GOLD!

Would you like to head back to town and die on the way because your healer was unable to heal?

*waits for an answer to previous post*
I can't reply until I get an answer from Gabe for my question, and Sorri has already told the others they can go ahead if they want, no matter how bad of an idea that sounds like from an OOC perspective.
Double-post, sorry for being scatter-brained here.

Last post I saw was Sentient's on the main thread, didn't notice everyone else had posted (wasn't showing up on the Active Threads set).

Based on everyone's reactions, I'm going to just jump ahead an hour, if that's alright with the DM, and finish patching Aurelus up. On my phonet work, so it may be a couple hours.
Just leave already, I say. I'd rather not have the party risk itself on even more traps that we KNOW are right around the corner.
Not like we have a choice, actually. Missing fast forwarding an hour means that we would've just sat around for an hour then decided to leave anyway. I can't say I'm happy with that agreement, but what's done is done.
Edit: Hm. Idea. No one post, I need to drastically change my last post. I'm late for work, so it might be a while, though.

Edit 2: Okay, new post is set. Let's hit the road.
*Stares at screen for a week and a half* "How the f*ck long does it take to leave a stupid house!?!?" *One week later* "Screw this!" *Pulls out a gun, puts barrel to side of head, fires* *CLICK* "What the..." *CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK* "Shit"