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See, this is why I have that standing agreement with my parents. They don't touch anything on my desk, and I don't set their beds on fire. XD
Well I've told them not to touch my stuff before, bet they don't really listen. My mom is fine, she's on my side, but my dad is stupid so he'll go "cleaning" meaning that he will throw stuff away that he thinks I don't need, or he will "put it away" meaning that when I ask him where he put it a week later he can't remember.
If this is a recurring issue, you might want to try a notebook, sketchbook, or binder. I think they would be much less likely to toss out paper that was in one of those. Alternatively, you (or I) could start a wiki and store all the info online.
And didn't you say that me and Joanna took the humanoid down last time? So all that would be left is the skeleton. Actually.. it looks like the skeleton is down too, for me.
I'm confused now. It was my understanding that there was a Skeleton, a blob, and a Zombie in the beginning. Did I miss something, because by my perspective, they're all dead. Er. . . Re-dead.
Sorri had the skeleton, the snake, Aurelus, and Ghira all had a zombie, Talarin had one blob, Joanna had...that blob too, I think, at she at least finished it off. Denkou had the skeleton.

So who's fighting the second blob?
Yep. The poor, low health rogue (who I bet had less health then most of you) got two enemies, while the rest of you got three.
Alright, so on one side of the room was Denkou, a blob, and a skeleton. On the other side was everybody else. Joanna took out the blob, and then went to go take out the second blob, so is now by Denkou. Then, the snake obliterated the skeleton (the animals have a funny habit of getting critical hits). For some reason, Sorri got the bright idea to continue attacking the skeleton that is now dead. And Aurelus killed to the zombie and Denkou killed the other blob. So now there is Joanna and Denkou versus a skeleton, with everybody else a couple yards away.
Don't make it sound like Sorri is stupid. She wouldn't attack something that was already defeated. I misread something somewhere, or someone wasn't clear on what was dead and who was fighting who.

EDIT: I thought there were two skeletons, actually <_< Not two blobs. I thought that the "skeleton" was the zombie that the snake was attacking, not the same skeleton Sorri was fighting. And then...just read my breakdown below and let me know if I missed anything else.

Gabriel said:
Moogle's viper struck at the zombie sinking it's fangs into the zombie's neck, most certainly poisoning it.
Okay, viper on zombie, not skeleton: Check.

Gabriel said:
Denkou's shot to the blob resulted in a slash, direct across the center. Sorri's spinning blow at the skeleton resulted in a double-hit. Aurelus' shot on the skeleton missed greatly, but Talarin's magic missile scored a hit on Aurelus' blob.
Dekou has a blob: Check.
Aurelus is combating both a skeleton and a blob: Check.
Sorri fights the skeleton: Check.
Talarin shares the blob w-Aurelus: Check. So Aurelus is between Sorri and Talarin.

This round ends in Sorri and Talarin both pulling aggro from Aurelus. DPS and heals pulled from the tank...Talarin gets KO'd.

Sorri does minor damage to skeleton.
Aurelus misses on anything. Redirects aggro to blob, but too late.
Den misses on blob.
Talarin's Johanna attacks said blob, destroying it.
Ghira still has a viper on the zombie (not the skeleton) and attacks the same zombie.

So...still with no animals on the skeleton.

Sorri starts missing the skeleton.
Aurelus switches to attack the zombie, which the snake is fighting.
Den misses her first strike, then hits on her second strike at the second blob.
Ghira and viper both miss the zombie.
Talarin still KO'd; Johanna has finished off her target, redirects to the other humanoid blob that Den is fighting.

So I pause here with the snake ordered to continue on the zombie while Ghira joins Sorri on the skeleton. Likewise, Den and Johanna are double-teaming the second blob, defeating it, leaving Aurelus joining the snake on the zombie...Wait.

Moogle said:
Ghira commanded his snake to continue attacking the zombie, but switched his own attacks to the skeleton instead. After all, sharp things went through a skeleton's ribs but blunt things smashed them, while sharp things rip apart flesh when blunt objects only bruise.
Gabriel said:
The snake dove at the skeleton, biting at what was now the second creature's neck, and completely severing the head. The rest of the body then crumpled to the ground, following the head.
THIS is the problem. Snake was not supposed to be on the skeleton, only Sorri and Ghira were. He ordered the snake to remain on the zombie. Also, who is the "second creature"? Second, meaning not the blob? Or did the viper disobey orders?

Gabriel said:
Aurelus came down with one final mighty blow, slicing clear across the zombie, cutting through the bone so the blade came out the other side. The two halves of the zombie fell to the ground. This meant that over half the creatures had fallen, and only left the two that were still concentrating on Denkou.

Sorri's attack swung at the skeleton, missing where the now destroyed skeleton had previously been, but managing to hit one of the destroyed pieces as it fell to the ground.


The skeleton swung at Denkou as it watched its comrade fall, missing terribly.

Gabriel, you keep switching what you're calling the skeleton and what you call the zombie and what you call the blob. So now is there another skeleton that swipes at Denkou, if there was one skeleton (which you said the viper defeated when it was only attacking the zombie...odd, that), one zombie, and one blob living, one blob dead?

And...okay, if the snake attacked the skeleton anyway, with the wording up there I thought there were two skeletons or something. Either way, Sorri's not that dumb. This just happens when I don't keep track of what exactly is in play and don't re-read posts between reading them the first time off my phone at work, going home, and posting without remembering what exactly happened. Among other things that aren't exactly my fault here.
First of all, battle began with two blobs, two skeletons, and a zombie. I made an oopsie when I read Ghira's post and just got them backwards (I had Ghira on the zombie and the snake on the skeleton), which I admit is my bad. So going off of that scenario, the snake killed the skeleton and Ghira missed his attack on the zombie. Then, Aurelus cleaved down the zombie, while Sorri attacked the skeleton. However, Sorri was on the opposite side of the room than the other skeleton, and all of the creatures near Sorri were dead.

So starting off the battle ended up on two sides of the room
Side 1:
-Skeleton 1
-Blob 1
Side 2:
-Skeleton 2
-Blob 2

First, Talarin dies, Joann takes out blob 2 that killed Talarin and moves to the other side of the room to attack blob 1:
Side 1:
-Blob 1
-Skeleton 1
Side 2:
-Skeleton 2

Snake kills skeleton 2, Aurelus kills zombie, Denkou kills blob 1:
Side 1:
-Skeleton 1
Side 2:

It was in this last instance that Sorri attacked the skeleton, but there wasn't one near her. So, it can be assumed that her intent was to attack the skeleton, but the snake just beat her to the punch, so her blow landed on the already dead creature.
Gabriel: Okay. I was just generally confused about what was being killed...and I'll play Sorri's swing like that. The "bright idea" comment just touched a nerve : / So we're down to...one skeleton left?


Nevaraon: Aw, Den's been doing a great job dodging so far : ) We're all heading your way now.