Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Dark Ononi

"This is amazing" sayed Ito to Cio and still staring at creatures, he couldn't look away from the moment he seen them. They looked freaky but he know one thing for definite, although new and strange, if the forests had taught him anything it was no matter how strange something is it can always be explained.

"Alright thanks for showing me this but we shouldn't sit here and just wait for them to come to us, i have a feeling that whatever they came here to do, it wasn't to be friends and share technology" Ito said whilst leaning forward and grabbing on to a branch infront of him with both hands, ready to swing down to ground level. Then stopping and looking back at the other two, "let go".
"Yeh, Ito's right, we need to work out what the hell is going on, and what they want with us, and were gunna need people with more experience, and that means the black op's, i mean look at them, if they try to kill us, we havn't got a hope in hell of stopping them, we need experienced soldiers, so we need to get moving now or we'll never find those soldiers, in fact they've probably gone into hiding already!"

And with that Cio followed Ito and got ready to decend from the tree.
Thoron nodded, thankful that people where now making decissions instead of him. He jumped from where he was, and for a brief moment he was flying. Then he landed on all fours. Getting up slowly, turned round to the other two and smiled. Then faced the other way and began to run. He ran as fast as he could, through the forest and out of it. Ending up back at the centres square. This was where he was going to begin looking.
Cio looked at Ito, gave a nervous smile, then started after Thoron, he caught up with Thoron when he reached the square,

"Right, I think that if those soldiers were to try and hide from those creatures, they would want somewhere that was close enough to observe them, but small enough not to be noticable"

Cio scanned the immediate area around the creatures, it would be somewhere around there, "My guess is that it would be in a forest, they would feel more comfortable about fighting there"

Suddenly Cio thought he saw a something Black move in the distance from the corner of his eye, he sung round to face it, it was in the forest, and it looked like a good place to hide out, it could be there, but he couldn't be sure

"Thoron! over there, in the forest, i thought i saw one of them, i'm not to sure, but it's al we have to go on, come on we better get a move on!"
Ito watched Cio go and turned, gave one more look through the trees at where the creatures where standing (or planning), and then turned back and ran quickly after Cio, leaping over roots and kicking off trees to keep up his quick pace. When he burst out the forest and undergrowth, finally ccatching up with Cio and Thoron he just arrived in time to hear him say "Thoron! over there, in the forest, i thought i saw one of them, i'm not to sure, but it's al we have to go on, come on we better get a move on!".

Ito looked at the part of the forest where Cio was pointing, doubtful, its true it could have been the black ops but it seemed unlikely, it could have been just as easily a black bird or something. "oh well"he thought to himself "his guess is as good as mine" and prepared to follow Cio but into the forest.
Cio turned after his comment to see Ito had just burst onto the square,

"Glad you made it, now lets get going!"

Cio burst into a sprint towards the forest, juimping high into the air to avoid a fallen branch, he somersaulted at the peak of his jump and then landed gracefully, picking up his pace again in roughly a second, that second giving the others a chance to catch up, the thrill of all this had Cio going wild, he had never known anything like what was happening before, and the excitement had Cio on a high, as he ran he began to wonder if he would end up fighting these creatures, and if he did, what would he be like, Cio knew he had skill, but fighting a dummy, mentor or at training camps was completly different to the real thing, he didn't know what he would do when it really came down to it, would he freeze up? he hoped not, he didn't think he would, he'd never been scared of battle before, but you just never know untill it happens.
Thoron walked forward looking at the two men in front of him. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do, he didn't know if they where there in front of them, it was a big chance to take, it would take ages to find them if they went in there. "To be honest, if anyone found anyone, they would find us. Ito, do you want to take that chance. Well I suppose at the moment it is all we have.â€
Cio looked at Thoron and saw that he had his sword out, Cio span around drawing his swords out, looking for some kind of threat that could have Thoron spooked, but he couldn't see anything. Then he heard something, like a whisper, but it was coming from the trees. That couldn't be possible, could it? Then again, after those creatures arrived he was beginning to think anything could happen.

"Hey, Thoron", whispered Cio, "Have you got any idea what the hell is going on here, there's just something not right about this place."
Ito ran quickly after the two of them, however a branch stuck it in the path causuing him to duck sharply, but it was too late to avoid it and mid-bend he was hit by the branch at the bottom of stomach. Althoughhe had seen the branch long before it hit, he had expected to avoid it and it hitting him took him by shock, instead of stopping Ito hit it with such force he was flipped over it and hit the ground head and shoulders first, ending up on his back.

"AWWWW" he screamed momentarily forgetting the danger he foung himself in "damndamndamndamn". Standing slowly, using the tree for support, Ito wiped his hand down his face and sighed. After a few second of standing, he noticed the errie silence and decided he definitely didn't want to be alone out here with the strange creatures and so regade black ops unit. so he being to limp (due to his leg landing badly on a root) in the direction they had left in, still hold his stomackh with one hand and drawing his sword to use a support.
"Shit! That scream, it must have been Ito" Whispered Cio, He looked in the direction they had came from and it seemed to be where the scream had come from, "What do you think happened, what if he's hurt, dammit!"

Cio wanted to go after him, but he knew that they needed to find the Black op's, he was torn between two choices, "shit shit shit" Cio whispered to himself.
Ito staggered alittle further down when the path when he saw through the trees, Cio standing swording drawn and looking nerviously around.

"hey, CIO you little shit thanks for coming to my help, did you not hear my scream but a rest of the forest did!..... well come and help me!"
"Ito! Thank God your ok, you had me worried, I didn't know what to do, i mean, what if we lost the Black op's, I am sorry I suppose I should have come and got you"

While saying this Cio rushed to Ito and helped him back to where Thoron was, he lay him down and propped him up on a rock, "What happened to you anyway, you don't look to good."
"you lot ran off and i tried ot follow but i was going to quick...." Ito is suddenly cut short by burst of coughing, which moved his painful stomach to quickly, but after a few breaths the pain ebbed and he continued

"....this branch just jumped out at me as rounded a corner, i tried to avoid it but it was too late and i ended up hitting my head on the ground".
Cio heard this and couldn't help but laugh, he laughed so hard he had to wipe tears from his eyes, "sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but you have to admit, it is kinda funny"

Cio bent down while saying this, and having recovered from his laughter decided to have a look at the damage, not that he was anything special with medical assistance, but he might be able to help, "well it doesn't look to bad, any other part of your body got hurt?"
"not for me, you arse! ,well i hit my head, shoulder, stomach and left calve" Ito explained, he was beginning to worry about two thing: firstly he would be a sitting duck , if they attack, he was still to weak to stand and secondly what if they took him home, he did think he could stand that, sitting at home ehilst everyonne else was having an adventure...
"Right, it looks like you have not sustained any permanent to threatening injury, I suggest that you stick with us, I don't think we'll be going anywhere soon, so it'll hopefully give you the chance to recover, otherwise you are going to have to go home, we can't have you in a fight if you can't walk, it would be too dangerous, but I do think that you will probably be better before the fighting starts."

Cio said this as he finished checking over Ito, 'I hope to God that he gets better, if we do end up fighting, we are going to need all the men we can get!"
Thoron looked at the two of them. They where so loud, how on earth where they going to find anyone, when they could be heard miles away. "You are so loud, stop..." he would have finished, but he saw a movement in the shadow and leap forward through the trees and out of sight.
Pushing himself up very slowly, he bent over and picked up his sword, "I am alright , there is no need to send me home", putting his sword back in the houstery, next he drew out of darts and walked very slowly to the tree, trying not to show weakness. "Plus even if there was a fight I still have my dart" Ito Continued as he propped himself against a tree.
Ito however had been speaking to himself as Cio had turned to hear Thoron speak and saw him leap further into the forest, 'shit, where has he gone now' and without a moments hesitation he leapt after Thoron, 'Ito can look after himself, Thoron however, no matter that he is a Dark Ononi, he is still only twelve, I have to make sure he is ok'

It seemed as if Thoron had vanished, Cio couldn't see him anywhere, and it was getting darker, 'This is not good' thought Cio. He stopped as he realized he wouldn't find him blundering through the forest like this, he used his eyes to scan every inch of his surrounding he could see, nothing.

Cio tried to call him telepathically, "Thoron, Thoron, where are you!"
(OOC, sorry for the double post, had to as a new character is coming on and I needed to be at the same place as Simon)

Cio wasn't getting a reply, he decided that this was stupid, he should go back to the clearing. He arrived there quickly and saw Ito standing against a tree, how you feeling Ito?"

(OOC minorock couldn't get a reply in before keith wrote, so this is it)

minorocks reply

Ito had only arrived in the village two months ago and had kept himself to himself, Cio was the only person he had talked to and ever that had brief.
Ito laughed and realised that everything didn't hurt near as much as he thought, looking back on it, he had rolled when he landed just hurt but nowhere near as he thought. "aha, you know what!, I feel great, The best! and how are you? my good friend he said as he pushed away from the tree and put away the darts.