Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Dark Ononi

Kaeto wakes to find a strange shuffling noise coming from the direction of the forest. He get's up to investigate, taking with him a pole and blowpipe.
On arrival at the edge of the forest he becomes noiseless and climbs the nearest tree to it's top. He then climbs along the tops of the trees till he reaches the source of the noise. He sees the source of the noise, two other Seelie, roughly his own age standing in a clearing talking.
Cio saw a movement out of the corner of his eye, and looked, he thought there was something in the branches, he drew his sword and lept up to the top of the tree while shouting to Ito, "cover me"

He reached the top branch and looked around, he saw another seelie standing there, Cio looked relieved, he sheathed his sword, "Thank God for that!" Turning to Ito, "HEY ITO its just another one of us!" Turning back to the new seelie, "Who are you, and why are you here?"
Kaeto replies, "I am Kaeto Mura. I heard a noise so came to investigate. Who are you and how did you manage to see me?"
He jumps down to meet the other Seelie.
Ito stared out at the forest, trying to work out where that voice had come from, giving up on trying to seeing 'Kaeto' from where he was standing, he jumped into the air and grabbing the low branch above him. Using both hands to hold on, he swing his feet in one swift moment and run up the trunk. At the peak of his swing he was in a perfect handstand on the branch, from there he pushed up, flipping in the air and landing feet first on the branch with his arm on the truck, which he began to lean on. From this position he could see just against the outline of the trees a dark figure moving towards them.

Feeling very over-confident Ito shouted down "My names Ito and this is Cio" pointing at Cio, " and as for how we saw you, i have no idea. Anyway, do you knwo what has been going on around here?"
"you are not the most quiet person in the world, and anyway (Cio points to his armour) I am in the army, we are trained to find people in hiding and hear things that are very quiet"

Cio looked up and saw Ito, "Hey, Ito he seems safe, come on down"

Cio turned back to this man named 'Kaeto', "So, do you have any clue about what has been going on, because it looks like you just got up, in which case you missed the strangest thing you shall ever see"
"yeah" Ito said but it was muffled by his own landing, as he jumped from the tree and land with a thud. "you have no idea!, First, right and you will not believe this, same aliens landed and...." and so Ito told kaeto everything he know to have happened from the second he awoke to this meeting in the forest (as quickly as possible), leaving out the part about his panic attack
Thoron moved through the forest, bouncing of trees and jumping of branches. The chase didn't last long, they entered a clearing soon after. This was when Thoron stopped and finally saw whom he was running after. It was one of the black armour soldiers, and new one that he had only seen promoted from white armour to black a few weeks before. The man leapt at Thoron, who moved to his left immediately. "Hold on, I don't want to fight. I want to help...â€
Cio jumped when he saw the arrow, and then when he heard Thoron land next to him he swung his sword at him, but sheathed it as soon as he realized who it was.

"Right then, looks like we are sorted, I don't know about you Kaeto, but I know that this is what me and Ito were looking for, come on then!"

With that Cio jumped after Thoron to meet the troops.
"Hmm, I think I can trust you guys, and since you are fighting seemingly evil creatures I shall aid your cause as best I can."
He bends down to pick up the arrow at Cio's feet, he spots a frog nearby and wipes the arrow on it to poison it. He then puts it away and proceeds to follow Cio and Ito.
Ito turned to follow Cio and Thoron, still a little annoyed that Thoron could ran over in the forest fir all of ten seconds and come back with a troop of black op's at his every beck and call. He turned to check kaeto was following only to see him wipe an arrow on frog, 'hahaha' he thought to himsel'the company i keep'.
Cio leapt from the branch deep into the forest after Thoron, he span in the air, landing without a sound, he began to sprint after Thoron, he didn't like it, having to rely on a twelve year old, even if he was a friend, and was a Dark Ononi, for one it was kind of embarrassing, and he didn't like following someone without knowing where he was going.

The forest was dark and dense, at his speed it was getting hard to avoid the trees, he saw a branch coming towards him and he lept at it, landing and jumping off it to bounce off a tree trunk, he sailed through the air, grabbing hold off a branch and spinning round it, letting go after a 360 spin, this extra speed put him right behind Thoron, 'God' he thought, 'If Thoron was my age I would have no chance of keeping up with him!'
Kaeto had just finished putting away the arrow when he spotted Ito running after the other Seelie and so he ran up the nearest tree, grabbed hold of a branch, swung off it and got enough momentum to jump onto the next one. He then proceeded the swing from vine to vine, barely keeping Cio in sight.

He had always been skilled at swinging from vine to vine, because as a child he spent a lot of time in the forest. One day he was looking for berries to eat when he heard a grunting noise right behind him. He saw the hungry glint it whatever it was' eyes and ran as hard as he could, however he could hear its grunting behind him getting louder, his only choice was to climb up a tree. As he did this he felt the beast start to shake the tree, it began to move vigorously from side to side, he could hear the timber inside splintering. He did the only thing he could, he jumped to the next tree and grabbed a hold of one of its branches. The beast sensing his movement immediately changed targets and headed for the tree Kaeto was currently on. This repeated in this fashion until he ran out of trees to grab onto. Panicking he looked around wildly in a search for something to save him, he saw a few vines dangling from some of the higher trees and saw that as his only chance. He gave one last jump, grabbed hold of the vine, it gave under his weight, snapped and sent him tumbling through the air for several feet. Fortunately he was already nearthe edge of the forest and the monster sensing this ceased pursuit and gave up. This extraodrinary chain of events lead Kaeto to train on this every day until he could do this as will almost flawlessly.

He used this technique as best he could but still couldn't quite keep up with him but managing to keep him in sight. He swung from vine, to branch, to vine diving in and out expertly as though he has memorised each and every vine, branch and trunk.
Thoron followed for what felt like ages. Taking the occasional glance back to see if the others where following. Then they stopped, they where in the middle of nowhere. The men in front passed through a bush out of sight and Roccab then did the same. Thoron followed not knowing what was on the other side. Then suddelny he was out in the open with tents all around them. There where fires going and Seelie soldiers everywhere. Wow, where the hell are we? Thoron though to himself.

Rocab turned round to face Thoron. "You are lucky there is a tent spare, you and you freinds can take it. There are some blankets in side." He pointed towards the tent, and Thorons gaze followed. It was the same size tent as all the others, in fact it was identical. He walked over to it and looked back for the other guys. "Cio, Ito?"
Cio burst into the clearing after Thoron, and stopped dead in his tracks, 'Holy cow! I was expecting one Black op's group, this looks more like an army!'

"Thoron! I am over here, this is great, better that just one grooup of Black op's thats for sure, We are definatly going to be safe here! So were are we staying, and do they want us to do anything, as you seem to be the only one who has spoken to them, I thought you might know something?"
"Hey, i'm sorry man. I wanted to tell you what was happening back there, but we needed to get here first. I don't know much really, they didn't even tell me we where coming here, they just told me to follow. Who is the new guy? Oh and this is our tent. Cool isn't it." Thoron had a huge smile on his face.
"wow!" was all Cio could get out at first, he struggled to regain his composure, he had so many questions to ask, " did the others get here, i thought there was only one unit of black op's, bot that i'm complaining. There is a whole army here, those creatures don't stand a chance!"

Cio looked towards the tent that Thoron pointed at, "Maybe we should get setlled in, and start training, if that ship comes back with more of those things we need to be on top fighting form, what do ya say?"
Ito burst out of the forest seconds after Cio and listened in on their conversation whilst looking around in confusion. "How did they.... Why, what??, Am I the only one just a little confused?" Ito glanced around at Cio and thoron and then at all the tents, "fine whatever but I do have to question, how did all this happen and why do we need the tent? why not just attack them outright and be done with it... I mean there are plenty of us" he added sarcastically.
Cio heard Ito and span around, "Well Ito, for one they have technology far beyond our own, we don't know what they are capable of, and also there spaceship is still up there, we don't know what that is capable of, and we don't know how many more are up there, if they come down we are going to need all the men alive, so creating a tactic will allow us to get them, while losing as little men as possible. Plus we are going to need rest, and we should probably get some training in first, we are going to need to be on top form for this!"
Thoron wasn't to sure how they had got there, the men that is. Rocab had only said that this was their training camp. So they must have arrived a while before them. "Rocab said it was a training camp. that is all I know. Cio is right, make a plan and then attack." Thoron smiled and dived into the ten. it looked huge inside, almost as though it grew when you got in. There where five beds in there as well. Wow, nice sleeping facilities.
Cio ran into the tent after Thoron, "hey! Cool, it's huge. Well, I don't know about you lot, but I think we should get some rest to start with, so I shall speak to you lot in about an hour" And with that final statement Cio striped out of his armour into his under garments and flopped on a bed, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the bed.