Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Dark Ononi

Cio landed on one knee and saw the leg coming towards him and jumped high up, landing in a tree, he laughed and called out to Ito, "You're gunna have to do better than that if you want to get me hurt!"

Cio jumped back down and ran at Ito, he jumped, bouncing of a tree he brought his leg spinning round to meet the side of Ito's head.
Ito stood up and turned to face Cio in the tree. However as he did so he saw something out of the corner eye moving through the trees. For a few seconds he could make out what it was but then it became all to clear, it was two Mishu.

Ito jumped as out of the corner of eye he saw them draw their guns and ready them to fire. As he moved through tghe air he dived out Cio trying to save him from there evil creations.
Cio saw Ito jump at him and wondered why, then he saw. There were two of those creatures there with their weapons drwan at him, Ito hit him out of the way and Cio grabbed hold of a branch and swung into a tree, he kept moving, not letting the creatures get a sighting at him.

The creatures seemed to have lost sight of him, he silently moved into a tree behind the creatures and drew one of his swords, he dropped from the tree, making to attack the Mishu. The sword managed to penetrate the flesh a way, but did not do much real harm to the beast, who smacked Cio with one of its tentacles, throwing him a way. Cio landed on one knee and looked up, the other creature was pointing his weapon at him, Cio jumped high into the air, just missing a deadly shot from the creature.
Ito landed badly next to Cio and by the time he had regained himself, Cio had run off to his left without even so much as a 'thank you for saving my life'. Ito watched Cio double back round on the Mishu and ran after him, moving through the trees silently he arrived behind the Mishu just in time to see Cio thrown and the other fire his weapon at Cio. Ito draw his blade as silently as possible and as the Mishu aimed to take second shot, Ito swung down his blade.

However little did Ito know how good the senses of a Mishu was, greater than that of a Seelie. The Mishu had enjoyed allowing Ito the delusion that he could succeed, but spun around and grabbed the sword with two of its tentacles, and ripping it out of Ito's hands, "Fool" It's voice rang through his head, "Vermin." More tentacles grabbed Ito before he could move, and threw him much like Cio had been thrown. It was clear that they where toying with the Seelie.
Zakalwe said:
OCC: You are not allowed to control the Mishu. You are not allowed to control NPC's. Worse than this, you are not playing them right. Mishu do not have legs, and are much much tougher than you are giving them credit. I have edited your posts, and will now take control of the Mishu.
Cio landed after dodging the shot and ran at the mishu, he pointed his sword at the Mishu, then just before he hit it he jumped into the air, slashing the Mishui with his drawn sword, and drew his other sword in the air and stabbed down at the Mishu's head.
The Mishu grabbed his first sword with one of its tentacles, its reflexs superior even to those of the nimble Seelie, and allowing the other sword to come down on its head, laughing a horrible telepathic laugh. Mishu skulls where too tough to damage by swords, specially designed to resist greater impacts. While Cio was still in the air, one sword entangled, the Mishu wrapped one tentacle around his leg, and then pulled them apart, seperating him and the sword, and throwing the blade in the trees, before throwing Cio in the opposite direction. It was lucky perhaps that the Mishu had not had a chance to do much experimentation on the Seelie, and had not modified their toxins to effect them.

mason you can not control my character, you are not the plotline GM, and also have you got permission from Wes to control the Mishu, therefore you can not say that the Mishu threw me across the area, but I will let you keep it on this time because I have got no time left before I go to America.

Zakalwe said:
Actually yes, I do have permission from Wes. And actually I'm the current GM of this forum. My knowledge of the relative strengths of the races allows it.


Cio landed, grabbed his swords and prepared to leave,

"Ito! We stand no chance against them, my sword did nothing, we can only overpower them, lets go and get the others!"

Cio ran out of the forest to get the rest of the army.
Ito hit the floor, hard, and rolled for a few feet before finally regaining control of himself and standing up. Once his was on his feet, he glanced around for his sword whilst also keeping a watchful eye on the Mishu, he would be more careful in future now he know what they could do. At last he spotted his sword but he didn't like it, it was directed behind the Mishu about 5 feet or so away and he had no need how to get to it, he would have to draw their atention so how and get past him.

Ito had decided, he would throwtwo are tow darts at the Mishu's right and then jump to the left through the trees to his sword and back to camp, to warn the others. And with that thought he began to ran and draw at some darts, however his efforts were cut short by Cio flying straight towards him. Cio hit him at full speed and knocked them both back anything couple of feet to the foot of a large tree.
One of the mishu floated over too Ito's sword, and picking it up, threw it so it stuck in the dirt to one side of them, the other simply watching and moving its tentacles in a fashion that seemed to indicate it was hungry.

"RUN OR FIGHT, YOUR CHOICE." The Mishu's telepathic voice echoed around their heads.
Ito got to his feet for what like the millionth time and glazed at Mushi trying to work out what it was thinking, would it really just let them go? or was it a plan to make some sort of sport of them. He turned and helped Cio up and whispered extremely queitly (so avoid the Mishu hearing) "Count to three in your head and then you run right and i will run left, so we hopeful loss them. Then meet me back at camp".

After that the forest was silent, although Ito could only hope Cio had heard he counted to him 'ONE, I will not die, TWO, I will make it out of all this, THREE, RUN!', with that that he darted to his left, ripping his sword from the ground as he past. He jumped from tree to tree not daring to stop, but he was sure they where behind him and he know that if he could only warn the camp then it would all be alright.

After what felt like hours but had only been minutes, light began to grow between the trees and Ito burst into the clearing and what he hoped was safety.
The Mishu had divided to follow the two Seelie, but had not really tried to catch them, as they could have with there superior speed, but proffering to intimidate them, staying only a few dozen metres behind them, and sporadically firing their energy weapons around their feet, taunting them telepathically, "RUN MEAT." and some such. The had not particular wish to kill them, not when this sort of fun was at hand, and where there reputation could spread, causing more fear.

As they approached the village, they joined back up together, and high up in the sky (over one hundred metres) used their energy weapons to set fire to a series of tents, then flew off, laughing telepathicly that penentrated the occupants minds.
Kaeto witnessed the whole scene while somehow managing to stay hidden in the treetops. He saw the mighty fight between Ito and Cio, then saw the two Mishu violently attack them, almost as thought they were toys which they were playing with. Had they been weaker Kaeto would have attempted to help, but he was no fool and recognised a useless situation when he saw one.
After watching Cio and Ito escape he himself attempted to make his way back to camp as silently as possible.
As he approached the camp he was greeting with the stench of smoke and burning flesh. As he got closer and the smell was overwhelming he saw a scene of destruction so terrible and yet stangely orderly that it was mind blowing. One in every 4 tents exactly was burning vigorously.
Cio reached the tent and dived underneath a log just before a blast burned away the area he was just in. After the Mishu left Cio wandered around the tents in a daze, looking for Ito.

"Ito!!, there you are! What the fuck just happened, our swords did not do anything!"
As the mishu attacked the tents, Ito ran down the rows of tents screaming as loudly as he could over their wicked laughter, "RAN, GET OUT OF THE TENTS, THE MISHU ARE HERE". However too ashamed to believe he had lead the mishu with Cio back to the camp, he ran on straight through the whole encampment as fast as his legs could carry him whilst ignoring the pain. Ito ran into the line of trees and back into the dense but he didn't stop until he tripped on a root.

Everything fell silent around him and for minutes, his only company was his panting but then the noise from behind him began to grow as if it had just dawned on the camp what was happpening. At the first there is a few crys but then the noise swelled until the whole echoed with their crys. Ito covered his ears but he could stay hear the scream, the screams he had caused.

Time passed and the screams began to ebb away but Ito had not notice, he just lay there was his hands over his ears. For a long time the only thought in his head was the screaming and the horror that was going on behind him. In the end the thoughts got too much and he made the slow climb to his feet. After the long walk through the forest where every noise made him jump he made it to the clearing.

The A-frame tents where all complletely burnt to the ground, only the blackened frame remain. Ito walked down the line of former tents in a daze until completely by accident he walked into Cio, who must have seen him coming even if the vice versa wasnt true as Cio greeted him warmly.
"I don't know, this is horrorable! why did we let this happen.... we are responsable for this" Ito barked at Cio. "what are we going to do!"
Cio grabbed Ito by the shoulders and shoved him against a tree "What the hell are you babbling about!? This is NOT our fault, they are too strong we had no chance!! Now pull yourself together, we need to find survivors and rally them together, they can be beaten, but only if we all work together, and we are going to need Thoron!"

Cio let go of Ito and stepped back, panting.
"Ok, lets go!"

Cio began sprinting away from Ito to find Thoron, he saw a Quivering mass under a log, he stopped and called out, "Thoron! Is that you?" CIo looked under the log, and sure enough was Thoron, he looked so scared he could have shit him self.

"COme on Thoron, we need you right now!!"