Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Dark Ononi

Ito followed Cio through the lines of burnt tents, trying not think or even look at them knowing that he had played a part in causing it but he had to focus on the mission at hand. He thought about one thing at a time, when he was sure he would be alright.

Ito was brought out of his shell when Cio suddenly stopped, it was so sudden that Ito ran past him for a few metre before doubling back and looking where Cio was, Throron looked in a bad way but unhurt from what Ito could see each was better than he thought .

Ito turned to Cio but address d both of them "What are we going to do now, it is clear we cant fight them, so have we lost for good, should we run away?"
"I think we can beat them, it is just a matter of how, stealth I think is our best option"

Cio sat on the log from which Thoron had been hiding under, "Any thoughts you guys?"
Ito looked at Cio with despair "But we tried that , and somehow they heard, stealth won't work, we need to get their weapons, just one and we could win, I am sure" Looking at Cio and Thoron for their thoughts "We need a plan!"
"Yeah basically" Ito responded "Well I was thinking you know that oil bomb we made, maybe we could use that, if we could hit them with it, then even if they don't die then we could stun them for long enough to steal one of their weapons."
"Well when we left the general said he would make them, so lets go and find him" said Ito, with that he turned and ran back up the lines of tents to the generals tent, which had suffered only a small amount of damage with a few burn holes but was very damp from the thirty or some buckets of water throw on.

Ito knocked on the a-frame an called in, only to have the reply came from behind him, making him jump out his skin, "Hello Ito, what are you here for? As you can see we are a little bit busy." the general informed him waving his arm at the burnt tents.

Ito gave them a quick glance but tried to put it out of his head, "You know we came to you earlier, about making an oil bomb",


"Well I was interested to know if you had completed making them, and if so where are they? ... sir" the last bit he added so he didn't seem rude.

"Arr, of course, we finished them a little of an hour ago, and hiding about two metres into the trees over there" the generals finger pointing straight at where Ito had been only a moment ago with Cio and Thoron. Without any further conversation Ito turned and ran back to the log and started looking for the bombs.
Cio looked at Ito then at the general, "Urrr.... mind if we borrow them?"

The general gawped at him as if he had gone insane, "Why on Ahmar would you want them, after what they just did to us, there is no way those things would work!"

Cio laughed, the general was not think in a very logical way, "Just because they have powerful weapons, does not mean they can survive fire and explosions, so... from your reply I take it you will not be needing them so, um bye!"

With that Cio sprinted after Ito and stopped when he reached the bombs, he knelt down beside them and asked Ito how he wanted to carry them.
Founding the bombs partally covered with levaes under a large tree, Ito turned to Cio "Well we are only going to need one, I hope, so you can carry it" with that Ito smirked and picked one up and handed it to Cio. The bomb wasn't as heavy as he thought it might be, but the shape made it difficult to carry, so Ito began to worry about how they where going to use it on their enemy
Cio looked at the bomb, then looked around, trying to find a way of carrying it, he saw some rope not so fa off. He put then bomb down and ran to bring it back. First the rope was wrapped around the bomb, then he slung one end over his shoulder and tied it to the other, "There!" Cio exclaimed with a huge grin on his face.
Ito stared at Cio with disbelief, "you want to carry a highly dangerous bomb over your shoulder like a knapsack, you're mad. Oh well just don't stand near me with" Ito shook his head 'mad' he thought. "right then", turning back to Cio, We need to found a Monster I think" with that Ito turned and headed over into the forest.
It was not far into the forest before Ito could see shape darting in and out of the trees, always at the corner of their eyes. The Mishu had never really left the camp, but had been waiting at the outskirts for someone to try and leave. Now they where having their fun.
'Damn, he's gone off without me, the Mishu are probably close by too' Cio ran off after him, diving through the forset as if the world was crashing down behind him. There were many obsticles, easily removed from the picture with a jump roll or a slash from Cio's swords.

Cio just about managed to catch up with Ito before he got too far into the forest, from Cio's perspective anyway, he came up next to him, "Ito! What are you doing, these creatures could be anywhere, we have to tread carefully, stop running!"
Ito ran into the forest jumpibng from tree trunk to tree trunk and slowly climbing them as he went until still running, Ito was running on the treetop. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye Ito spotted them not knowing how best to react he kept running hoping if we didn't know he had spotted them, then he may have the advantage.

Ito continued to run along the treetops, trying not to move his eye but watching them out of the corner of his eye, when Cio then suddenly called up to him, Ito nearly tripped over in shock, however managing to keep on track and keep sight of the beasts he know needed someway to tell Cio what was going on without exactly tell him. "Ummm, yeah, i would stop" Ito shouted nerviously down, "but if we dont get home with the meat, your carring, soon then mom will be really angry at us" Ito felt like such a moron but he really hoped it worked
Kaeto woke up, his head was dizzy. He vaguely remembered a nearby explosion and then fainting.

Cio looked up at Ito like he had gone crazy, "What did you mean go home and get food to mum?â€
Ito ran through the forest as fast as he could knowing that their would be more monsters behind him, the instant Ito had began to run he finally understood what he had been doing, normally he was quiet and kept to himself but today for some reason he had run around like a moron trying to save people and kill the monsters, but why, he finally worked it out. People need him, from the moment he saw people being captured by the horrors he know that people wouldn't save themselves, it was not him being selfish, they just would not do it for themselves so he had to do it for them. He always know he had been born for something bigger and this whole alien attack thing just felt like the tip of the iceberg.

For what felt like hours Ito ran in silence through the forest only his light footsteps to keep him company but all the same it felt like the horrors where just behind him, breathing down his neck. At last he burst through into the light of the clearing like ripping out of a nightmare. All the same he was not about to let his guard down, with his final step into the clearing he kicked of leg, clear into the air, as he went he spun to face the forest behind him and draw his sword with one swift movement. Landing he skidded on the wet leaves a feet or two, but didn't move or take his eyes off the forest that lay before him, in complete silence he looked on into its depth for an movement at all. When no movement came Ito, let out a long caught breath and replaced his sword in its sheath, then dug into his pockets for something to eat, he was sure he would be safe in the clearly with everyone around, dinner time had come and gone and from the looks of the sun, it was about 7 o'clock, leaving them with only about two hours of daylight to play with.

Finally finding some food from his pocket he sat down on the wet leaves not caring for his clothes, ‘when I am not under attack constantly from alien invades with death arrows, I will do the laundry' Ito thought smirking to himself but then remembered the object he had picked up in the forest. The object was long, cold - a metal of some sort and black from scorching, whatever it was, it was important enough for the horrors to be carrying it, so Ito know it must be important to him, ‘know your material before trying to work it' the blacksmith had always told him and Ito thought the same must apply to your enemies. Ito stuffed the last of the food in his mouth and then turned the gun over and over looking for some markings but he could not find any, at least any that could be clear labelled as ‘markings'. The only thing that was clearly visible its bumpy surface was hole at one end, it was probably some sort of ranged weapon like a blowhole, it had to be a weapons or else he felt the monster would not bother to carry it.

Ito set the weapon down on the grass, hole facing away from him and walked over to a nearby fire and got a log, not once breaking eye contact with a weapon he took the log back to where it lay and set the log next to it for better light to examine the instrument by. After this he set about clawing at every inch of the weapon to find some way of working it, or a hatch for the darts or whatever it was that could make trees explode and creatures instantly drop died, he shuddered at the thought of the first time he had seen the horrors.

Ito was about to give up all together on it being a weapon, thinking it was just raw iron laying in the forest, after all stranger things had happened; when one of the bumps about half way down the weapon gave a little, it was so hard to push in Ito put it against his stomach for support and used both hands to pull down the bump. Suddenly the weapon made a loud cracking sound and rammed itself into Ito's ribs, winding him and knocking him from his seating position to flat on the ground. When he hit the ground he was so shocked that the gun had winded him he throw it over to his left shoulder and rolled over to his right trying to catch his breath, however instead of the little thud Ito had been expected when the gun landed, the ground shock and a sound like thunder screamed through the air. Ito sat bolt upright and his head whipped around to the weapon, which just lay there innocently on the grass, Ito's head slow rotated around back to the middle where his jaw dropped so low it nearly unhinged. There, less than two foot in front of him, lay an whole tree ripped cleanly off the base of the trunk. Still amazed Ito's head turned back the weapon "woooowâ€
Cio had been running through the forest, when he heard what had come to be the familiar sound of terror explode from a nearby clearing, he jumped on to a branch high up in the forest and instantly leapt forward, drawing his sword in the same instance, he came through the clearing, flying like a bullet through the air, he landed, looked around, there was no one there except, "Ito!"
As Cio came through into the clearing, Ito grabbed the monsters cross bow and hid it behind his back nd sheet so it was no longer visible but was in a position he could get too quickly. "Cio, did you see that a monster fired at me in the forest, it missed and hit that tree, but we better get moving or else it could came back" he is unsure why he had lied to Cio, he just felt like if he told them, then they would run off into the forest again weapons blazing and he was not sure that was a good idea.

Ito would tell them, he was sure, but not right now he was just sure it was the wrong time.
Cio walked towards Ito slowly, "You are lying, Ito, I heard that shot, it came from the clearing for one, and secondly what did you put behind your back?"

Cio's eyes narrowed, he tensed for an attack, he did not know Ito very well and he could be up to anything, his hand went to one of his swords ready to draw if Ito attacked.
Ito looked at Cio, this was going badly wrong, "look Cio", staring at Cio's hand on his blade, "I don't know what you are talking about, the shoot didn't come fromt the clearing it came from over there" Ito backed away slowly, and pointing into the forest just to Cio's left, he didn't think he could beat him in a fight, and he didn't want to attack him. However he could outrun him if he had too.