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RP [Day 3] One Piece at a Time.

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One of the Azorean guards shook his head for a 'no', but the other asked, "I am curious of what types of food that you eat. Alien cuisine would interesting to speak of when we return. Unless it is trouble for you, of course. He nodded with a slight smile.
Misaki connected to the station and found directions to the most appropriate restaurant that could accommodate them. "Most of what we offer should be safe for you to eat. If you'll come with me..? Or I can have a few things brought for you to try." Sending a message to the Eucharis, she intended to be alerted if they were about to eat something that might prove dangerous from what the medical scans earlier had taught them.
Edward looked up from his seat as these new blue-skinned fish people made themselves known.

He was already privy on most of what Nepleslia could gather from their communication monitoring and initial assessments of the planet immediately after Hanako brought the world into Nepleslia's knowledge with her own blend of welcoming. Eddy wasn't a fan of water; he sank like a rock, fitting for his ID-SOL physique. But he did like fish...or more specifically, he liked eating them.

The Nepleslian senator quickly utilized what limited PANTHEON access he could garner to download their language onto his datapad, allowing the device to act as a translator for his voice as he made his way to the delegates greeting Aqueniss. The ten-foot ID-SOL towered over the much smaller Azorean representative and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Greetings, Azorean representative. I am Edward Vanderhuge of Nepleslia. We are your neighbors to the galactic south...it is always good to find another intelligent race amongst our stars. You must allow some of our representatives to see your world soon, and you ours."
"I apologize for your being outside your regular atmosphere," Roxanne said. "What is your home like?" She then frowned as the much taller, and much more imposing, Nepleslian representative towered over her, interrupting.
The two holy warriors discussed amongst themselves for a moment before the second one replied, "My companion here will remain here to aid the ambassador if she needs help. I can accompany you. He smiled as he waited for her to lead the way.


Meanwhile, in the conference room, Aqueniss had to strain her neck to look up at the very large alien. She nodded politely, saying, "It is always good to make new friends. I pray that peace and friendship come to both of our peoples. If you wish to visit, we will be sure to grant you hospitality."

Towards Roxanne, she replied, "It is a bit dryer then I'm used to, but there is no harm more then of a sore throat. My home... is quite different then this. Our planet is covered in water, so our cities and people exist there. My own residence within the city has a wonderful view of a field of Hythu flowers. The sight is breathtaking, to say the least.
"I can not imagine it," Roxanne replied with a large smile. "I shall have to visit your home sometime, after more formal relations are established. Can I get you some water or something, to help your throat?"
Aqueniss smiled with a grateful nod towards Roxanne, "If that is possible, then I would give you a tour of the Gardens myself." Pointing to one of the white, star-shaped flowers with five pedals attached to her robe, she explained, "These are Hythu flowers. They are the most abundant flora on my planet. And, yes, water would be nice if it is no trouble." It sounded like the ambassador had already made her first alien friend.
"The station, coincidentally is near Albini, a planet rich in water like your own." Misaki explained as she led one of the Azoreans through the concourse towards the restaurant. There were a few looks in their direction as they did, but she didn't let on how excited she was to be showing him around. "What sort of things do you like to eat, as the basics? Maybe we can start there."
Ayana sat rather quietly as she went through her data pad to check on the status of the hostage situation on Jiyuu... she hadn't heard anything more about it so she hoped that everything was going all right. She glanced up an noticed that the Azorean ambassador seemed to be getting along well with the others. She couldn't understand what they were saying and access PANTHEON as well to download and install the translation pack into her mind as well.

She didn't quite yet intend to speak to the ambassador but she felt that she would soon enough- being in a new place with unknown quantities, she felt it would be too much for her to start trying to pull the Azorean into another different conversation.
He smiled, letting her give him the grand tour. "That is not surprising. The universe is vast. I would be surprised if there wasn't another ocean world out there." As they walked, the holy warrior soon realized that he hadn't given her his name yet, and he soon corrected this, "By the way, my name is Retyur. I like a variety of food... most of which would probably be classified as 'seafood' to you. Perhaps we should start there?" Retyur's smile remained as he continued to walk beside his pretty companion.
Maysaki simply smiled a little to Roxxy, having given the new alien creature a nod in greeting. Similarly to the Nepleslian, she downloaded the language file to her datapad. Unsimilarly, though, she just had it display text (In Japanese) of what the creature was saying. She did, though, send a short text message to Roxxane's datapad.

Maysaki said:
Stop showing me up, Roxxy-poo you fiend."

All in fun and games, of course.
"The flowers are beautiful," Roxanne said. She bent down to inspect them further, and smiled. "I would be delighted to see them in your garden! After relations are set, I will contact you about this. For now, please, enjoy your stay. I have already sent for more water for you."

Roxanne smiled and bowed slightly again after standing up. She liked the representative already.

Her response back to Maysaki:
Roxanne said:
Stop being so easy to show up then, you giantess. One more peep out of you, and I'm getting the paddle tonight.
Tio raised a brow watching as the group left the conference room.

What the hell?! He looked to Ayana, having downloaded the plugin himself, but not in enough time before they left on their tour. He did a time check with Pisces. The Elysians had yet to show, and his own delegation was wandering around giving tours, playing tug of war over the new race.

He just closed his eyes, sipping his tea, trying to make sense of it all.

The table people, the table....
"To start, I suggest that all nations present agree to follow the provisions of this document," Hanako said, presenting the Rights of Early Contact treaty.
Maysaki sent Roxxane another quick message,

"Quiet shorty, you wouldn't know how to use a paddle if someone showed you step by step.

... And this is such the Yamataian thing to do. Share sexual themed banter in a International conference, I mean."

Having done so, she looked over to Hanako quizzically, but looked away with a brief shrug. This is something for senates to approve of... Not... just people in this conference... Although she didn't say it, so it didn't quite matter.
"We eat a lot of seafood, actually!" The officer smiled as she ushered him into a restaurant. The hostess gaze a wide-eyed stare to the Azorean, then ushered them to a large table. She made sure an image of Albini was requested. " I'll just order a platter and you can sample a lot, Retyur." She ordered a drink for herself, and the seafood platter (normally reserved for larger parties). "While we're waiting do you have anything to ask about Yamatai, or well-anything I can answer?"
Davis looked over the document once more.

"I find it somewhat odd that you would present this kind of document to me, Taisa, after your recent bombastic display," the Sky Marshall said. "This document, although noble, interferes with the armistence, which Nepleslia has approved and places up to review for the Yamataian senate to consider."

He transferred the document to the other senators. After taking a moment, he shifted the senate's attention to a segment of the Early Contact article.

The Discovered have the right to pursue contacts, trade agreements, and treaties which whoever they choose. They may select the government they wish to rule under by merit, and not be coerced or limited by their location in traditional expansion areas of space. They can also speak with whoever they choose.

"As you can see, the Azoreans are located within the territory designated for Nepleslian expansion. We understand that an indigenous peoples have the rights to their own rule, and we have permitted that in the case of the freespacers. Should these people wish to establish trade relations with their neighbors or others, so be it."

"But we cannot, in good will, permit a discovered nation to sign under the Yamataian flag within our planned jurisdiction, as it permits an unreasonable and dangerous avenue for strategic purposes should relations between Yamatai and Nepleslia collapse."

"We would gladly consider signing this as soon as a proper provision for this issue is inserted, as well as a special document stating that, should serious relations be started, that no foreign military vessels of any kind be permitted in the territory."
The Mistress of Judgement slowly strode into the room, but this time, she did so with the tall shadowed figure of the Hand of War behind her. The lioness glared at the guards as they stepped to block the path of the tall To'Yaree.

"He is to accompany me into the conference, as he needs to speak on behalf of our military, since that is all this conference is to be. A show of military force."

Then, the two Kohanians strode into the room further, Judgement with not another sound, and the To'Yaree being heralded with the heavy thudding of his hooves off the floor. Both sat down, the feline steepling her fingers as she sat back in her seat. The Hand of war just sat forward, elbows on the table, and scanned the room, staring down each person in turn.

"I'm sorry for being late, the two of us needed to discuss what actions must be taken if once again our talks are interrupted by ego," She looked to Hanako, "or threats..." Her gaze returned to Ayana and she bowed her head ever so slightly in greeting.

Judgement spoke with an obvious tone of anger at the way this was all going. She hadn't expected everything to be wine and roses, but at the very least more talk should have been accomplished. In two days, they had gotten at most a couple hours of work done.
Roxanne looked at the document. She approved it ... but the Sky Marshall was right. Hanako had, apparently, wandered a bit too far, and now they were in trouble.

"The Sky Marshall has a point, Senator," she told Hanako.
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