Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Pisces Episode 01 - 'Under A Blind God'

Marina coughed slightly; everyone had arrived in short order, though the engineers were straggling, but she didn't want to open the package with a child around. "Erm...does this child need medical attention, Yokama-hei?" She hadn't yet met the young soldier, however, the formal introductions could wait.

Meanwhile, one of the engineering team leaders, a dependable sort, informed the doctor of the situation that had cropped up in the last meeting - that is, the taunting letter and meticulously stored eyeball.
Yuichi looked at Marina for a moment before realizing who she was...her Rank Pin was different from a 5th XF's Taisa to a degree, but he could still recognize it...She was Command Staff...

"No, but this nice lady does...she protected me from the boy with the gun and the knife...she has a bullet in her I think..."
As she saw the wound in Koyama's leg, Marina winced slightly before instructing the newly arrived medic. "I regret that we don't have time for a proper introduction, doctor, but you should treat this boy right away..."

And then Marina turned to Camellia, package in hand. "Please examine this package for me, Sarri-chui. I believe it to be from the same person the last one was from."
Camellia turned to Marina.

"Another..?" She asked as she took the box. "You mean... You?" She asked as she looked at Marina. "Where'd you find it?" She asked quickly as she advanced on Marina this time. "When? Was there others there?" She asked, not pausing for an anwser.

"..." She paused as she backed off, "Taisa..." She said slowly, "you realize you've compramised your own investigation by taking this from the scene." She said calmly, "Proper procedure dictaes you should have notified security the moment you discovered this."
the XO had arrived. Chief looked ready to yell at someone, and she wasn't at all happy that there was another "gift;" she could only hope that it had come from the same body as the last one. This was getting out of hand and she was all for doing a section-by-section sweep of every square centimeter of the station.

That was sure to catch the perpetrator, or at least more evidence that could point to a suspect instead of having a phantom running around leaving morbid gifts for an amateur captain. Unless this was a being capable of teleporting. Which she hated.
Caine sighed at being ignored and watched the action going on. Apparently the psycho had struck again to haunt Arisa. "If I may... Do you remember anyone you may have wronged in the past?" He asked the CO. The blonde shifted his position and leaned up against the wall behind him, crossing his arms sedately over his chest ashe looked over at her. If there was someone she wronged, perhaps they were doing all this and apparently had been stalking her as well. How else could someone know where she was so quickly?
Terry entered the medical bay in a rush - his first official duty (sort of) and he'd got delayed by being on the wrong floor. He provided himself a moment outside the door to steady his nerves, and walked through - bowing in the direction of Marina, before taking his position within the group of people (which included trying to work out just where his position was).

"Are we being given a present, Arisa-Taisa?" He asked.
"I can't proceed with a proper investigation, if people ignore protocol and tamper, even unwittingly, with the evidence." She stated flatly. Raising a hand, she rubbed her nose bridge, both out of sheer annoyance and to collect her thoughts for a second. Turning her attetion to the child, Camellia addressed the package.

"Indeed, this is not a present, it's a message." She said simply, as she returned her attetion to the Taisa, "handled inappropratly by the senior staff." She added, with a slight acidic tone. When Caine spoke up with his question, Camellia huffed in aggrivated irritiation as she whirled around to face him, "Caine! May I ask you a question? Are you the head of station security, or the senior Intellegence officer?" She asked, barely restrained, but pent up anger, clearly evendent in her tone.
"Whoa whoa Cam. Relax... please, I'm just trying to help." Caine said as he took a slow step away from her and sighed. In the past he hadn't seen her looking like that and saw it migh tbe a better idea not to provoke her more. "My apologies then, I'll shut up." He sighed.
Yaichiro cleared his throat, looking to Camellia, and glancing at the others as well.

"Please stop, this will not solve anything...and there IS a representative of the civilian population you wish to start rumors of gross incompetence and miscommunication among the command staff?"

Yaichiro indicated briefly to the young Yuichi, who was staring at the Officers, his head tilted in bewilderment...

"Is something wrong? Why are you fighting over the present? Can't you just share it whatever it is? You're grownups, and should know better..."

Yaichiro ignored the youth's comment.

"Well over half of KAMI's sensors have currently been installed, approaching 2/3rds. When the KAMI arrives, it will be much harder for the person to move around and do this...however, for the time being I have an would require some basic design attributes and a decent amount of production, however...I can't be sure it'd be ready before KAMI arrives."
As Marina saw the argument heating up between her staff, she stayed silent. She had made a mistake, yes, but she wasn't going to apologize for such a thing in a moment where action was paramount.

When she heard Yaichiro, her face lit up for a brief moment before turning to Yaichiro. "I request an explanation of your the meantime, I would like Sarri-chui and doctor Wyndham to open the package for examination, under whatever conditions are deemed necessary."
The Engineer thought for a moment before speaking again.

"I am thinking of a sort of device containing a biometric scanner and a short range radio tranciever....basically it could be loaded with the holder's biometric data, communicate with a simple computer system, and identify who it belongs to, where it is, and if its owner is in possession of it...The technology is simple enough that it could be integrated into a sort of identification card. The upside is that since the technology is so simple, it could be issued to both the soldiers and all these new civilians as well as be trackable without the resources of a'd help keep track of them, effectively helping with BOTH our problems, namely figuring out which people and refugees are where, and eliminating people from these 'crime scenes' en masse...maybe we could even add a function to the scanner telling if the holder has been injured or attacked by this assailant...The issue is that it would require mass production..."
Terry nodded, "I'll help you with that. It sounds relatively simple to arrange, and effective. If, that is, it works as it should. Hopefully no-one will start screaming about their rights being violated and such similar and annoying concepts."

"How many people are there on the station at the moment?"
Yaichiro looked to Terry-Shosa with a small smile on his face.

"This station is a military establishment. We have every right to pursue the security of it and make it run smoothly, Shosa. Besides, if you were displaced from your home, and the military was willing to assist you as long as you carried a card around with you...well...most people wouldn't put up a fuss. Besides, if things were normal, they'd be under the all-seeing eye of KAMI would require the Taisa's approval, however."
"He does not need medical attention, Taisa. He hs no parents, and was targeted by armed Nepleslian children. The station is... not particularly safe for him."

Kitty bit her lip after that and held her tongue entirely, not wanting to interfere with the rising tempers of the people around her. She possessed no rank, after all. She kept her hand gripped tightly to Yuichi's, certain that - if nothing else - she would protect him. He was much too young for what he was undergoing, having his innocence ripped away at such a young age couldn't be a good thing.


Del raised a brow at the order. "...the boy is fine, Taisa. If noone else is wounded, I should probably tend to the girl's leg." He attempted to help Kitty away for operation, but found the girl virtually unwilling to move, still clinging to Yuichi's hand...
Just like he'd said, Caine remained quiet for the duration of the conversation, not offering anything. For one he didn't want to dig an even biggest hole than he had and two he Caine didn't know what to say if anything at all. So far we've managed to get most of the refugees sorted through but getting it completely done might take a couple more hours. He thought as he watched everyone. Partially wondering why Kitty had brought a child here he perked a brow over at her and the kid and sighed.
Camellia took the package from Marina. "Well, since you had your hands over it, trace and fingerprints are not an option." She stated sourly.

Walking over to a bed and placed the package on it. With deft fingers and quiet grace, she popped the two sided of the wrapping and slid the box within out, while carefully maintaining the wrapping for later. "Noone touches anything on this bed. Nothing, noone. Not even you Taisa." She ordered, pointing directly at the bed and the closed box on it. Returning her attetion to the bed, she glared at the box for a second, then slowly pulled the lid off the box.

And as soon as the package was opened a loud beating filled the surrounding area, and it soon came apparent that it was the beating of a heart. And within the copious amounts of dark blue packaging – at the very heart of the box, lay a human heart and a small collection of connected veins and arteries, all perfectly clean. However it was still beating energetically, and showed no sign of stopping. And neatly folded next to it was a letter, sealed with a wax seal showing a stylised heart. The letter was typed and read:

"Oh my dear Marina Arisa-Taisa,

My heart really does go out for you as you start upon the great and terrible burden that is this command; for you really must be the life-blood of the station, bringing sustenance and hope to all sections and every person.

How exhausting! You must be glad that your species can not get high blood pressure, or I am sure you would soon be suffering it. Now onto a, at least for me, more pleasant topic of conversation. You really are not making much headway in finding me, and this brings much sorrow to my heart.
Could it be that I am not important enough to merit your attention? That you do not care for me? I am sure that could not be the case; it must simply be a conflict of schedules. The only result is that I have been effectively forced to give you another incentive. And do not worry, I would not rob you of a challenge by reusing the same trophy – this victim is rather different.

And now, if I may make something of a recommendation – do not think with your head, think with your ... heart?

With my heartfelt compliments,

It won't be that easy I'm afraid.â€
"One thing is for certain." The XO wore a grim smile as she regarded the still beating organ. "As...gruesomely inventive as this person is, he or she has left us with something to go on. I want a full inventory of all the medical supplies that arrived onboard and were used or went missing in the time since the first note was found."

Tetsuko turned to the chief medical technician and sighed. "For the time being, as the XO I am ordering a lockdown, with the security chief's approval. Impose a curfew if you have to. Captain, I would also suggest placing the doctor here under house arrest. No offense to you, doctor, but whoever is doing this apparently has either brought his own supplies or has access to yours."
Delight immediately ceased his attempting to restrain Kitty, who quickly recoiled from him, pulling Yuichi away at a still-dramatic limp. "House... arrest?" And for the first time in a very long while, Delight felt some emotion other than fear or his namesake.

He felt, how to say, profound annoyance. Maybe even anger. "What a fantastic fucking way to celebrate my arrival. There will be guards, I hope? I really don't want to be slaughtered by anyone with my own tools, thanks..."

Kitty nodded to Camellia's request of removing the child. "...I'll take him elsewhere... with your permission, Taisa?" Not that you could, right now, force Kitty to part with the child with anything short of debilitating force.