Star Army

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RP: YSS Goban Episode 03: The Reflex

The wall, oddly enough, did not respond to Luca's punching. It was simply there, ugly mass that it was. Kyosuke, ignoring Roken's odd babble, set the soldier back down and thought for a moment in the air. He then came back to "Earth" as well.

" ... " There were no other outlets of escape other than the ceiling. And for now, there was nothing happening and no one coming. Whether they could see inside the cell, or the ship's AI handled it ... or if the ship was more alive than that, Kyosuke didn't know and didn't want to consider.

He didn't move for a moment, his eyes fixed on the grate above them. Then, he lowered his head and gave Luca his flask.

"Just a sip," he said. "I think it's going to have to last."
Luca nodded to Kyosuke as he took the flask, and took a swig of the fluid.
"That's good..." Luca began to feel himself slow down from the anger as he screwed the cap back on, "We should all have a flask of this stuff in our back pocket if we get home."

Luca jumped up backwards against the wall and was stuck there.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'mma going to try and rest."
And so, Luca drifted away from the conversation, off to rest his weary body, vertically.
Luca's rest lasted about two minutes before he began to feel an intense, sharp pain needling into the left side of his back. It started as a pinprick, but it was quickly getting worse. No matter how Luca attempted to pull away, he found himself stuck a little too well.

"Shit," Kyosuke said, rushing up to Luca's leg. "Don't just stand there, pull!"
"Fuck!" Luca called out as he began to pull his arms and legs free, but they were stuck to the wall, "Can't a man get some rest without being attacked 'round here?!"
He managed to get his left arm free with a heavy tug, then he tried to throw himself forward without any luck.
"God damn it, don't just stand there!"
He threw himself forward again, and managed to get the right side of his body free, but his legs and groin were still glued to the wall.
Kyosuke managed to get one leg free, but as Luca's top half hung down from the wall, he could see the surprisingly clean wound on the Hei's back -- a bloody hole, maybe half a centimeter deep except for a pinprick in the center. He couldn't see how deep that bit was, but he was sure it wasn't good. He grabbed the other leg.

"Dammit, Techard and Hanley, HELP ME!"

Kyosuke pulled on the other leg as Luca could now feel a pain in his left asscheek, the same pain as before on his back. Lucas dashed over and started to help, but the moment he put a foot on the wall, something tried to poke it. He yanked it back and stopped on the ground, which didn't seem to irritate it. He grunted and yanked on Luca's belt.
Galar, seeing the trouble his friend was in, rushed to him and started pulling on him as well. He saw the blood on Luca's back and pulled harder while simultaneously yelling to Ma'at, "Ma'at! Luca's wounded and it looks to me like some sort of probe did it. Perhaps he was injected with something. Come look at him and make sure I'm not just jumping to conclusions!"
"MY ARSE!!" Luca cried out, "MY ARSE IS BEING ATTACKED!!"
Luca really began to squirm around and grunt as he threw himself forward and forward again, pulling his butt off the wall. With the help of Lucas pulling at his belt, Luca fell on top of him, crashing on the ground.

"Uaarrghh... fucking hell my back hurts." Luca groaned as he pointed upwards, "Medic!"
Luca tried to shift himself away from his squashed, almost equally named friend Lucas, but he just couldn't. The wounds got to him in the soft spots.
Roken did not do anything to help. He knew he was going to get a lecturing for not assisting them, guess that is what happens when you stick to the wall Roken thought. He made his way to the others and could not help but smirk at the situation "let's get you off the commander,â€
Lucas had been in a stunned daze ever since they wound up in the dank, pulsating "room". For once in his life, he was at a loss for words. Not even his humor could penetrate the least, not yet. The shock of battle was still lingering. Lucas had grinned a few moments earlier as he remembered taking one of those tenticled-SOBs down before he was knocked out. Currently however, threre was a pain-stricken Luca tumbling down on him, which vanquished all thoughts of capture. Lucas pushed Luca off of his chest and layed him flat on his stomach.
"Damn..." Lucas gasped as he looked at the pinpricks, and probing holes in his comrade's backside. "Erm...hold still, Luca." he said quickly as he removed his uniform jacket, and held pressure to the wounds. "You've got the worst kind of luck don't you?" he asked the wounded -Hei.
Ma'at was still a bit nervous about what she had to do, not sure if she should go foreward yet and get in the way. But when they finally got him free, Ma'at started to go towards Luca. But she started to hurry when she saw how bad the injuries were.

Standing next to Lucas, Ma'at knelt down and started to prod Luca lightly. She winced a little at the wounds. This must be so painful to he crewmate. Glad that she had gotten into the habit of carrying around a small first aid, she took it out of her pocket. "Okay, Luca. Don't move or it might hurt more." Taking a deeo breath, Ma'at started to work on cleaning all the small wounds.
Luca's slightly muscular, but pinpricked back hurt like hell, he wondered how Ma'at produced the medical supplies in such short notice. Luca saw himself as a pincushion in his mind's eye.

"Y'know what they say, Lucas," Luca said while he had his wounds treated by Ma'at, "Not all luck is good. I think we had our lucky -ouch- burst when we got the -ack- Adauchi, then it went downhill from there."

"I wonder why they didn't dispatch a -eep- qualified combat crew to pick the old Goban?! I heard that the Nekos outnumber -ow- normal people 9 to 1!" Luca shook a fist of rage in the air feebly, "No wonder they've got their -ugh- heads so far up their -ouch- asses!"
"Well... this is going to be a long -ouch- story..." Luca stated to Roken before his tale started, "So sit back, grab a coffee... ask Ma'at for some -ohh- rubbing alcohol to sip or something."

Luca initially explained a bit about himself, his family, his old job as a deliveryman and his old employer and his home town.
He went to explain that he was one of the more recent additions to the the Goban, transported shuttle, to the ship and taken to New Kohana, then he told them about the NH-X and the attack by the Custodian, along with some grisly details about the storyteller's injuries.
Then he continued that the crew had stolen a shuttle to get back to Yamatai to heal up and get some rest. That's where they met Ma'at. Luca then went on to to explain about the requisitioning of the YSS Adauchi.
Then Luca stopped, he figured that the more recent events didn't need any further explaining or bardic bullcrap.

"By the way, how'd you find your way to the army?" Luca asked Roken with a quirk of the eyebrow.
Kyosuke wasn't paying attention.

He was instead looking above them. How the dim light was obscured.

"They left it in her pocket," he said toward the ceiling, quietly. "They left it in her fucking pocket, you can count on it."

He turned around as the light began to dim further. Luca, lying down only a meter or two away, was hard to see. "It's their way of playing with us."

The room was almost dark. Kyosuke audibly sighed -- as Luca and Roken spoke, the Shoi closed the gap between himself and his crew. "Everyone get in close," he said. "Stay the hell away from the walls. Bolverk, can you see very well?"
Galar winced at the efforts that Ma'at was making to clean Luca up, despite the fact that the constant yelps of pain combined with Luca's facial expression made the situation slightly humorous. Seeing a friend hurt was something Galar despised. He leaned down next to Ma'at and Luca and asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"
Ma'at tried not giggle at the noises coming from Luca as she cleaned up all the blood and applied the bandages to the wounds. As funny as it was, Luca was probably in a bit of pain.

Looking up at Galar as she put the finish touches on the bandages, Ma'at shook her head. "I think I'm all done. But thanks anyways, Galar." Smiling slightly, she sat back, giving Luca enough space to move. "Tell me if you're still in pain, okay?"

At the question, Ma'at looked up at Kyosuke. She hadn't noticed that it was slightly dark in the cell that they were in because of the glasses that she was wearing always adjusted themselves to the surroudings, a feature that she herself had built into the glasses. Looking around to make sure that she could see clearly, Ma'at nodded to the question. "I can see pretty well."
"Then you're going to have to be our eyes," Kyosuke said. He did not sound particularly confident or calm. It was not normal for him, but the situation wasn't normal either.

The light shut off completely. It was now black.
"You spoke a bit soon, didn't you?" Luca asked nobody in particular as he stretched his left arm forward and accidentally groped Lucas' leg. His other arm began to search for something to hang on to, he found Ma'at's thigh and held it. "C'mon everyone, hold together literally, that way we know where we are."