Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: YSS Goban Episode 03: The Reflex

"Whatever happened to her is between her and the Mishhu," Kyosuke muttered, calves touching Roken's back. He didn't sit down; the strange things with teeth and tentacles had spooked him enough. "Same for that other poor bastard on the Adauchi."
"Who the hell was that guy who you blasted back on the Adauchi?" Luca asked as his hand managed to grope Ma'at's belt, "He sounded like a stuttering record if there ever was one."

Luca's other hand hung loosely on Lucas' belt, "Not interfering, am I?" Luca questioned to Ma'at and Lucas, whom Luca thought were probably red with embarrassment.
Galar reached out to orient himself and managed to give Luca a moderate blow to the chest with his arms. "Sorry bout that, but what do you think is going to happen now that they have seen fit to introduce us to horrors that might make another crew cringe. Are they trying to scare us?"
"Oh no no no..." Luca replied to Galar half-heartedly while tilting his head side to side, "Yes. They're trying to scare the flying shit out of us... It's a mind game which a lot of bullies used to play with me back at school. I know how it works, you nibble away, bit by bit at them till they snap."
Lucas had stood there and listened to all of Luca's 'unique' story-telling (personally enjoying the small amounts of BS that were thrown in here and there) while Ma'at worked away. During the time she was wrapping Luca up like a present, he had slipped the bottle of rubbing alcohol away in his pocket. Not for drinking of course, but for self defense later. Alcohol give a nasty burn to the eyes.

It was only when the light began to dim and Luca grabbed at his belt, did Lucas actually remember the bottlel in his pocket. He grabbed at it as the lights were almost out, ignoring Luca's comment about interfering, and nudged the Shoi and lifted the vial with a hopeful grin.

"Hey Shoi. Have you ever seen a kid with his first taste of hard liquor?" he said nodding towards the Commander's flask and imitating pouring it's contents on the organic floor. It was the last gesture that he could make before the lights were too far gone for even enhanced eyes.
Kyosuke didn't see the move by Lucas. His eyes, unfortunately, were locked squarely above.

The total darkness seemed to last precious seconds. Nothing happened. All was quiet, except for the breathing of the Goban's ill-fated crew.

However, grunts of pain soon eminated from the Yamataian crewmembers, including Ma'at, as a telepathic ringing penetrated the thick silence and went straight to their brains. It was a high-pitched mental squeal, something akin to a dog whistle for them. It made Kyosuke's eyes scramble inside of their sockets as he tried to block it, push it out, turn it off, do anything to make it fucking stop! It went on, for what seemed like minutes, piercing his concentration and destroying it from the inside. He went to his knees as it kept ringing, his eyes screwed shut, nothing making it stop at all -- then, it did stop.

Kyosuke fell to the ground, unable to care about the floor as his hands held his body up from it. It was as if he was taking a breath again after holding underwater. He was sweating from the perceived pain. "Fuck," he muttered through choked gulps of air, then looked up some.

Without shining any light on anyone, a Mishhu had appeared inside the room. And it was bathed in a fuzzy white glow.

"HEU HEU HEU ... "
Roken was certain that his skull would explode; his mind was not ready for the ringing that had pierced deep into his mind and brought him to his knees. He put his hands over his head and gritted his teeth in a futile attempt to block out the pain, eventually the ringing stopped and silence filled the room once more.

Roken was looking at the ground trying to make sense of what had just happened to them but did not have time to ponder on the thought when his augments registered an increase of light in the room. He was breathing heavily but managed to lift his head up and noticed that they had a visitor, "w-what is that?â€
Ma'at had been surprised when the lights suddenly turned down. But she was glad that she was wearing her glasses at the time. She wasn't sure how she would have been able to deal with the darkness without them.

But the one thing that even the glasses couldn't help with was the pain exploding through her brain. She feel forward against the floor, curling into a ball against Luca, whimpering as she held her head in her hands. It was something that she never wanted to experience again. The pain was too much.

But almost as soon as the pain had started, it was gone. But she laid there for a moment, just holding her head as the pain slowly receded from her.
Luca, now with a piercing screech ringing through his head wasn't in the best of moods. The pain it caused wracked his body.
His instinctual reaction to the noise was to clench and clench tightly. He curled with Ma'at, and still holding onto her belt and pulling it towards him. He pulled so hard that it snapped. Of course, he never meant it, but it happened.

"MNNGHHARRRRHHFUCKTHISHURTS!!" Luca groaned as he clung tight to Ma'at, "AAAAHHRRRGGHHHH!!"

Luca was unable to speak after the noise had resided. He just collapsed in on himself, a quivering heap, breathing heavily. He got a glimpse of his captor, he could make out the shape easily.
I remember that one... that's the one who knocked me out! Luca just growled like a caged wolf as he remembered the moment.
The pain that engulfed Galar was unimaginable. Even though his body was undoubtably having convulsions on the ground, his mind was in some sort of glazed over calm state in which he was no longer aware of his surroundings. He thought to himself, 'I wonder, is this is what it feels like to die?'

The pain finally receded and Galar's mind finally returned to reality, shocked and battered. He finally looked up and saw the alien figure. "Oh, damn. A Mishhu." Then to the Mishhu he said tiredly, "What do you want?"
The Mishhu floated in front of everyone with some kind of ... smile, or smile-shaped picture, painted on top of its hardened shell. If everyone had not been reeling from some level of pain, they might have wondered exactly what the hell was going on.

"I am the Angel of Death," the Mishhu said simply, outloud, and in a fairly normal tone of voice. "You must talk amongst yourselves to decide who is coming with me to die."

Kyosuke just looked at the glowing Mishhu. His eyes wanted to cross, but he couldn't make them. "What?"

"PICK WHO AMONG YOU IS THE FIRST TO DIE,", the Mishhu shouted into everyone's heads.
Kyosuke, it seemed, had had quite enough.

"Fuck you," he spat, the fear in his voice quite apparent. He stood in the dark, almost stumbling over his fellow crewmen, and then walking toward the Mishhu floating in the black void before them. "Fuck you. Fuck this. I'm not going to die, and neither are my crew."

If anyone could have seen him, they would've seen him shaking. But they couldn't; they could only hear his voice, teeming with anger. "You're fucking with our heads. You're not here; hell, we're probably not here. We could be brains in a fucking vat for all you care. So fuck off."

The Mishhu seemed to look at them, for a moment, as Kyosuke's shivering sillouette was visible to them. Then, it seemed to smile at them.


Instantly, the light returned. The Mishhu was gone. All was as it had been. Kyosuke let out a short, halted breath, then fell to his knees. "Shit," he said.

Then, the floor started to move.
Lucas squinted and blinked rapidly as the light flooded back into his eyes. Even though it wasn't that bright, it was still enough to make them water. As he brushed aside slight tears, he glanced over at his commander. The man was still shaking slightly. Lucas moved over to his side.

"Sir, I-" was all he got out before the floor slipped and threw Lucas's attention off track.
"That was amazing, Kyosuke," Luca said while giving an enthusiastic thumbs up, "Now we have the stupefying issue of the moving floor," Luca said as he pointed downwards.

Luca smiled a little as the floor gave him a minor massage.
Roken eyes adjusted to the lights wonder what is going to happen next Roken thought. He looked over at the commander and gave him a slight smile "so that's a Mishhu huh?â€
What came out, surprisingly, was not a terrible, ultimately fatal mass of tentacles or something of the like that were to have their way with the sorry crew of the Goban.

Instead, they were tentacles, but much smaller ones, without any teeth or nastiness to them. They sniffed around each crewmember, covered in some kind of dripping slime.


The voice rang through everything as the tentacles poked Lucas and Luca. One seemed to wrap around Roken's leg.
Ma'at had stayed in the position she was in when the Mishhu came in. She had heard everything that was said and couldn't lie that she was scared of what could happen to them. But she gave a soft sigh at the response from Kyosuke.

When the floor started to move, Ma'at sat up, groaning a little in pain, looking around, not sure what was happening. But from the way that the floor was moving, nothing bad was going to happen. But she knew better then to relax about that. Ma'at kept a sharp look out for anything that can happen.

Ma'at's eyes widened when she saw the small tentecales come out of the floor and wrap around Roken's leg and poked at Luca and Lucas. Seeing as Luca was the closest to her, she tried to bat at the tentecles, trying to get then off of him. "W-what do we do now?!"
"I think they're gonna eat us, little by little." Luca told Ma'at as she fended off the tentacles, "But it takes more than that to get rid of us!"
Luca grabbed one of the tentacles and attempted to pull it apart, however it was too slimy to get a firm grip on it. So he decided to give it a good punch with a windup, sending it a fair distance away.

"C'mon lads 'n lasses! We are NOT gonna go down without a fight!"

Luca then leapt to his feet and slammed his fists together. Renewed energy flowed through him. His wounds now healed, he tore off his bandages, to show only minor injuries compared to the original ones he recieved. Luca leapt up and kicked a section in the wall which a tentacle was sprouting from, crippling it.
"Let's show 'em what we're made of!"
Galar frowned at the newest intrusion, he really had had enough of this. The Mishhu were really starting to twist his proverbial dreads now. Galar was not going to be eaten alive, roasted, basted, or killed in any way, especially not in one involving food. He lashed out at the nearest tentacle with his arms, sending it reeling. He then followed up by attacking it with his legs as well as his fists. As Luca voiced his determination not to go down without a fight, Galar added his assent by attempting to rip the tentacle in half, no matter how slimy it was.