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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Blarg, I'm a horrible person. Got burned out of SARP. Again. And was busy with stuff, sorry. Though I can't say I wanted to join in the first place.


I'll kick a post up when it's more into a interlude or something similar.
Wait, I did?? *checks and headdesks* Yes, I did... Fixed it. Grah!!! I hate when I accidentally type a post with the wrong character name... :? Sorry about that..
Hanako picked up Nana, then Aendri, and brought them to a smaller table on the lower level of the wardroom for Aendri's interview.

Shouldn't that be Kumiko and Kumiko's interview?
Thanks for catching that. Fixed.
See if one of the other crew members wants Kumiko as a roommate. If you have trouble, see the XO and we'll have everyone reassigned, room-wise.
I've been looking at the crew quarter assignments and leaving Yaichiro out as he's a senior officer and part of the command crew that leaves Hotaru's, Valen's and Mango's quarters with free places.

Konoka still needs a room also.

I'm sure Hotaru wouldn't mind a 'roomy', she's never been kept awake by her snoring :lol:
All Eucharis players and joining members: I've sent out a PM to the Eucharis usergroup with 15 questions about our RP and missions. Please answer it by the end of October 1st.

If you are not in the Eucharis usergroup (found in your forum control panel), please join ASAP so that you will not miss important announcements.

Please also make sure your character biography is up to date. Update your history and other areas that might have changed such as skills, personality, inventory, etc. Make sure there are no red links on the bio page. Also, please make sure the Eucharis roster is up to date and that your user page is current. This is important for scoring well on the upcoming Plot Audit.
We need someone to interact with Konoka ASAP. Her post is an obvious cry for interaction/attention. Let's make Konoka feel welcome!
I'll see if I can't have Kim bump into her.

EDIT: Especially since it seems that she hasn't got any real orders to carry out.
Breakfast is now closed on the Eucharis.
What should I report for my completion? I was assigned to work with Valen on wiring and the rear half doing routine maintenance, but Valen isn't on the ship anymore, so what should I do?
Since you were new, Yaichiro assigned you the easiest job. As such, you should be done with the wiring. Valen was just there to assist if needed, his real job the fabrication bay.

No parts were requested from Nana and Cherry, making it even easier.
What's with these lame, short, no effort posts, guys? I'm looking at you, Aendri and Wolf Ward. Please put some creativity and effort into your writing!
Gamerofthegame said:
I apologize. I've had both not to much time to do stuff and, more notably, writers block on Cherry's part.

But I can assume she's in the shuttle?
Yeah... Probably.

Wes said:
What's with these lame, short, no effort posts, guys? I'm looking at you, Aendri and Wolf Ward. Please put some creativity and effort into your writing!



You know that was coming.
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