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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Wes clarified what I didn't say very well - while I did suggest posting about Akane's actions without necessarily having to force her into a conversation, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was suggesting you to post about every little mundane thing. That, as our beloved GM pointed out, is boring. Offer a little insight into Akane's thoughts, or if you prefer not to allow the readers to know what's going on in her mind, express it in her body language. Give the readers some kind of idea what sort of person Akane is. Make us want to know at least a little more about her. It doesn't have to be anything like a huge in-character history told via a soliloquy, but little things that give hints into her personality, and provide clues to other characters present as to how they might approach her.

As Wes said, the Eucharis crew are Akane's coworkers and family. It's really in her best interest to at least make an attempt to break the ice with somebody, otherwise she's going to be miserable, to say nothing of failing to build trust with the people whose lives will be in each others' hands. I know it's tricky to play quiet characters who shy away from social interaction when you, the player, really want him or her to be involved with the other characters, but if you give the rest of us just a little bit to work with, either I or one of the other incredible RPers in this plot will take it and run with it.
Thank you all for your feedback. I appreciate it.

First, is there a way to shut off the Happy Holidays frame or at least tone it down? It makes the forum look like it's been buried in snow, so it's harder to read what others have written.

Second, I agree with Wes about writing tedious things being boring. I'm trying to think of a way to use the mundane as a tool to show more about Akane. I am not a fan of writing about food, since I'd rather write about characters and actions.

Finally, yes, Dragon*Con is a bit of a waste if you don't find more people to talk with while you're there.
@Nightender: You can switch styles to the non-holiday versions. Using the link in the bottom left of the forum. It may take a little trial and error since the tree appears to be blocking part of the link on some templates. If you have trouble here's a direct link to the style chooser page.
Alternatively, you can change your chosen style at the Preference page of your Account Settings.
All Eucharis players, please fill out the player survey located here: Your responses will help me decide on our future adventures.
I filled mine out.

Whatever update the site just did, it broke the styles or something. I had to pick the basic black on white, otherwise I can't see any of the text.
/late -but

I have a really anti-social character myself. Sometimes I have to insert her into a place, in hopes that someone will strike up a conversation, or I have to have her open her mouth for fives seconds because she's a really polite person and doesn't ignore people. The most important thing to remember is to not seclude your character (unless they're supposed to be working alone somewhere on the ship). Whenever possible throw your character into a crowd of other PCs, someone is bound to take notice and say hi.
Happy birthday, Eucharis!

Exactly six years ago, on December 19, 2007, I created the YSS Eucharis plot to continue providing a quality RP for Yamatai that accepted new players and showed my vision of Yamatai and the Star Army universe. I also wanted to continue Hanako's story from my previous RPs, the YSS Plumeria and the YSS Sakura. Six years have passed and many players have passed through the corridors of this battle-tested starship and the threads of this roleplay campaign, and I'm proud to look back and see we've made it this far. We have outlived every other continuously-running plot on Star Army (even the YSS Miharu) and survived over half of the site's lifespan, yet we still forge new adventures ahead of us and welcome new members of our ship's crew to bond with. Thank you to everyone who is, or was once part of, the Eucharis RP. I couldn't do this without you.

Your GM,

Congratulations Wes, and the Eucharis. That's an achievement to be proud of.
Reactions: Wes
I might be new around here, but that is something to be proud of. I haven't played with many forums that have the player and story strength that Star Army has. And in the Star Army, the YSS Eucharis is the brightest beacon.
Reactions: Wes
I've been part of a game where the 6th year was when it died. This place has not even shown the signs that plagued that game after its 3rd year.

Congratulations truly are in order.
Reactions: Wes
Forwarding a note from Tanka. His internet is out due to unforeseeable issues. He said he will try to get online when he is able to from alternate sources but there are no guarantee's. He said it will probably be a few days until his home internet is restored.
I'm working on a post for a new thread for the day after the dinner party, but last night I didn't think it was interesting enough to post so I'll get it up by this evening. It will provide an entry for a new character.

Thanks for the update on tanka, Gunsight.
Well this is what I get for not checking in on here enough... 1st off Happy belated bday Eucharis, 2ndly So posting question (more for mr wes here). Seeing as I have this wonderful adventure written (or more so mostly written) up for Mr. Bors should I post it in a new thread or should I just post it in the creative commons and have it linked in another post?
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