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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

Birthdays, Father's day, and visits to injured Grandparents in the hospital mean you guys will get a post on Monday.
Oh, man, that sounds awful. I hope your grandparents are okay/will get better soon.

Please, don't rush for us - stuff like that should take priority.

Again, I'm sorry to hear about that.

end of rant.

So, I should be able to post sometime today. I hope. Maybe. If the internet stays up.
so, finally I have posted. I'm sorry for taking so long everyone. Cadette and I are going to start posting on the schedule as we are available to keep things moving, which means that either of us can control the enemies, rather than exclusively me controlling the enemies. Hopefully this will result in the plot moving faster as we move forward, despite my often being busy.
Yeah - though it was initially to keep some element of surprise between the two of us, as well as some fun, it's best we simply move things along and make sure you all have a great time. Again, the schedule will be Saturday and Wednesday, though I myself may post more often if you are all rapidly moving yourselves.
That's cool, as the only one with an enemy left, can I JP with one of you so I can finish my fight and move the plot on? I feel like I'm holding things up.
Yeah - I'll be on all day tomorrow Warrior. Go ahead and catch me, and we can get started on that as a 1 vs 1. And don't let any of this discourage you - many of you are not the most experienced with what these suits can really do yet. If anything, Sif is simply here to represent the pinnacle of what you guys can achieve, so keep that in mind.

I'm hoping this has proven either enjoyable or humorous so far, but if not, speak up right away. We'll definitely do something about that.
Neato. I think we've still got a way to go before we get to that stage though!

Quick question so that I don't do something dumb - would Aya have a reasonable chance of shooting at the last enemy without accidentally hitting Damien? It seems a bit dicy, but I doubt Aya would just stand there slackjawed, being... Aya.
It's your call really - it just means I take a few dice, make a pre-determined subtraction or addition depending on your choices, and make the roll to see what happens!

Also, go ahead and keep posting everyone - going "Fight, fight, fight!" or not, we got a storm coming. That means you too Warrior - it's ok to go ahead piece by piece too.
Just a heads up - I'm currently unable to post since I'm without any reliable source of internet connection for the time being. Things have rapidly become a mess, and I have no clue as to how soon I will be able to post again consistently. As a result, it's perfectly ok for you guys to go ahead without me if that's what's needed, but this will hopefully only be for a few more days if everything works out.
With Cadet's internet problems and my trying to get a new job, I'm not sure the two of us will be able to keep to a posting schedule for a while. I will try to get a post out soon, but I have no idea when that might be. Sorry to hold you guys up for so long.
Again, it's cool. Real life trumps everything else (heck, yesterday I had to basically be out all evening, so I couldn't check for posts). Don't sweat it!
That took me way too long to get out. Ah well, movement is movement, hopefully I'll be able to keep it going.