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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

Heh. It looks like it would be a pain to get a new magazine into it too. Nice job with the post though Reynolds, exactly what I was going for there with the assortment of weapons by having you just pick what should be there for Anzu.
Gwathdraug said:
Thanks for letting me know Brett and don't worry about it. Just post while you can before you leave and if we are still in the middle of a shindig when you pop out I'll work it out from my side with no trouble for you.

Similarly if I'm still the main drummer around while you are gone and when you come back, if you want in I'll work you in as fast as I can no matter what we are doing.

Alright, thank you very much!
Just a note about my latest post, I'm not trying to rush anyone, but felt I had a good window to add a bit more atmosphere to things.

Just wanted to make sure, Warrior, you still with us buddy?
You guys didn't kill off that moronic medic of squad 13 yet? Man, that's such a waste of potential material.

Now before any of you all could freak out or anything, this... isn't my comeback. I just never managed to get this place out of my head and came by to see how you all were doing. In truth it would be nice if this were the story of my return to star army but I have to be honest with myself, I'm not in a position were I can be confident that I won't have to leave again and I still feel guilty about before. Sorry for that, by the way. I realized I only left a pm for Kai and said nothing to the rest of you.

Anywho, reading the stuff here so far has been great. I'm surprised that micromidget hasn't gotten you all killed in some brutal fashion by now.
For this event, post order really doesn't matter. just post when you can, as often as you can. The more activity we see, the better, even if it is only for two or three people.

Also, news on my schedule: I will remain at my current schedule for another 2-3 weeks, although that may change if one of my job opportunities pulls through. I will let you guys know for certain probably within a week as to what's going on. Oh, and from September 5-10th I will be pretty much completely unavailable regardless of other circumstances.
Reynolds if need be I can proceed with this with just you as the player. I got plenty of ideas up in my noggin that can get thrown down from this point.

Your choice though, I could understand if you didn't want to run with just you as the only player character.
Update: Cadette has surfaced, but does not appear to have stable internet access. I have at least two weeks more of the current schedule, perhaps more depending on how everything goes, so i'm still unable to help move the plot along for a bit. That leaves Gwathdraug to push us forward, if he can.
Sorry about the last two weeks Reynolds. A couple of surgeries in the family popped up, along with having to run a ring-about with the government, and some personal problems.

I've had free time, but just been left not feeling things. That's all blown over though so I should be able to do good upon my word later today.

My apologies again though, I should have at least been putting out something.
Hey guys, I've managed to get back from the clutches of Singapore. I've recapped this thread, but if it's at all possible I'd like to get caught up on the actual roleplay thread(s). If it takes me a while to do so, it's because I'm trying to catch up elsewhere.

It's fantastic to see you all again!
Good to have you back Brett. Though, the entirety of the roleplay thread you have to catch up to here is I think four posts.

We haven't been very busy since I ended up hitting some similar life problems as our normal GMs. I'm through all that at the moment though, so if you want to jump in I'm back in action.
Just so you know, I've had Anzu transferred out due to the hiatus. Since this is already backdated, though, I should be able to post in the training thread. I'll work on something tonight.
Sorry things hit a bunch of problems over here Reynolds, post over here as long as you want then, but where ever you have transferred to is definitely your priority now then.