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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

Hey there!

It seems like she'll make a good counterweight to Aya (if she doesn't drive her up the wall first!).

By the way, I'll try to post this Saturday, if not earlier.
Hoddie-hey. Checking in here for officiamalal records to say I'm still around and ready. Good to see everyone back who is back and all the new people though the squad had kinda melted down to an understrengthed fire team otherwise.
Alright! My first GM post in like, two or three months. Holy dang. Anyway! I've given us a push, let's get this ball rolling!
Not sure if you're just writing Anzu out as fast as possible, or have something else planned, but I left things open for her to finish out this planet's campaign before she transferred.
For some reason I had been under the impression that I'd asked if you wanted to end the mission or not and never gotten an answer, but I guess i had forgotten to ask. If you'd like to end out the campaign, let me know; it's an easy fix.
It's really up to you, if you need an extra poster around. I left it open in case this really did pick back up where we'd left off, Anzu can stick around and help as long as we don't jump ahead a few months suddenly. But if you think that might be too confusing or you have enough people, we can ship her out and I'll just say she spent the rest of the time elsewhere on the planet.
I can very easily include you for the rest of the Campaign, Reynolds, just let me edit my post. As for the rest of you guys- GET CRACKIN!

Edit: GM post edited for you, Reynolds.
So for those cultured Yamataians; what is an appropriate way to address a superior officer? Would it be "rank" + "-sama?" Saying "sir" as a Neko doesn't feel right to me for some reason lol.
You can just say the rank, or use the rank itself as an honorific attached to their name. I think sir or ma'am is also appropriate.
Reynolds said:
You can just say the rank, or use the rank itself as an honorific attached to their name. I think sir or ma'am is also appropriate.
This is correct.
Ah, whew. I have to admit that I was sort of sweating bullets about that as well (hence why I've had Aya be oddly silent whenever orders are given out), so it's good to get clarification.


I'll try to post by Sunday or Monday at the latest.