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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

This weekend's post will be on Sunday. Was a few cities away several hours longer than expected due to my buddy locking us out of his car.
Chapter three has started. Sorry it isn't much; I will be adding more information in another post tomorrow. You may continue to post in Chapter two, or you can start posting in chapter three.
Good news everyone!

Internet is back for me, and will likely be staying on for quite some time. The bad news is, I'm obvious very, very behind and need a briefing on what's happened pretty bad. What's worse is that I don't know in what role or capacity either you the players, or the GM and CO-GM would like or need my help. Hell, I don't even know what's happened to my dearest pipsqueak, Sif!

Either way though, hoping I can get updated and play an active role again!
Correct me if I am wrong, but not too much has happened since the plot restarted: we picked up with Squad 13 escorting the tank. Some new recruits were dropped off in an APC with some supplies. The squad continued onward and escorted the tank to a big open city square with NMX fortifications. While the tank and another squad continued onward, Squad 13 has been tasked with checking out a tunnel leading underground, presumably to the enemy fortifications.
You are correct, Cyborg. And now the enemy is running away.
I've already spoken with Cadette so things are settled in that regard.
A late reply, but that's more or less it.

As eager as I am to get back into things, I know it's better I don't suddenly do so - I know what it feels like when a previous GM does that after a long leave of absence. That's why I'm taking my time to slowly bring myself back into the story. After that's done with, I can take some of the workload off Kai, and the story will hopefully move at a more interesting pace for you all.

Now, to post....
I took a look at "General Melee Weapons" on the wiki and constructed the Twin Umbra (Specialised Katar Blades) there

I was unaware of there being a set set of colours for Daisy armours. I did a search on the wiki page but colour wasn't mentioned.
The color of a newly assigned Daisy is always Primary green. A character can eventually have their armor customized with permission from the unit commander, and get a different paint scheme.

But, for now, you can't have a black armor, but in the future, you may be able to. However, the color of the armor really isn't a concern since it does have Active Camouflage.
I know it came up about the Mindy once, and I would assume the Daisy is treated the same. From Wes : "Overall the color scheme should be the light-blue gray, although colored shoulders/accents are okay if everybody in the line of people in charge of you say it is." I think all black anything is usually reserved for SAINT. (And that was cleared up while I was typing this.)

Are those blades attached to the Daisy? They're listed under it, I think.
Yeah, for a Mindy, the color is the light blue, since those are Spacy armors. the Daisy is Green because it's a ground pounder armor.