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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

Ah, it's good to see some more fresh blood!

It's nice to meet you all.

As for Kai's latest post, I'll try to post tomorrow or Tuesday.
I like how everyone is trying to convince themselves that Anzu was being extremely careful and expertly placed her shot to avoid damaging the tunnel. Instead of just not caring or thinking things through at all.
Damien is new and naive he's all starry eyed and such. But yeah we did get lucky she didn't take out half the squad. Also curious now I do believe that anzu is in charge if kai april and sif aren't pursuing the enemy with us(atleast not intially).
Fieke and Geiger might have bad things happen to them in the near future if this posting slowness keeps up.

I will post tomorrow, so you two better do something in the meantime.
Well, this is late, but better that than never - I've only recently returned to the site after a hiatus, but welcome to the plot Zain and Quantum! And don't mind Sif if she's being mean, it's not anything personal on my own part at all.

She's just like that - you guys should have seen how she acted towards the Angel Winged Elysian dude. : P
Zain, please edit or remove your post. While you are allowed to decide actions, you are not allowed to decide the result- that is the GM's job, meaning, CadetNewb or I will determine the results of your actions based on your posts. Autoing (as this is) is treated first with a Warning (which I am currently giving you) and then with bad things happening to your character. If you repeatedly auto, it is grounds for removing your character from the plot, so please do not Auto again.

Also note- running in front of your squadmates is dangerous and stupid, please refrain from doing such unless your character enjoys being shot in the back. thank you.
Thank you, Zain. Sorry to be Harsh on you about that, but we've had problematic players before, and we like to make sure everyone in the plot (not just you) is clear on what's allowable.
I don't know how new you are to the roleplaying scene, but, this mistake is something I made myself early on. Don't let it bother you. It really boils down to making sure the roleplay stays fresh - if everyone gets to kill the enemy as they see fit, the element of surprise and suspense goes out the window. It's also why Kai and I use dice rollers. And though all our characters get rewarded for being clever or smart, nobody really knows what's going to happen next.

Even us.
Im just getting used to the Eucharis where your mostly expected to Auto in combat =P its just a change in perspective. I still wanna evicerate thoe people in the tunnel though *grins.

I guess I just need to stand back a little.

Edit: I started RPing at about the start of August so im pretty green on the whole thing.

Eucharis is easy mode. :3

For this take on RP, you need to focus more on stating what your character wants to do. It's like going all in on a bet. You make your call, and hope it works out. And you never know what you'll get back. Don't sweat it though - I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time. When I made that mistake during my beginning, a lot more waves happened. XD
Hehe. Right'o I'll treat this somewhat like D&D and I should be fine. Thats much more dice constrained and less freeform. I know how to do that but didn't realise that was what is needed here. Just give me a boot up the backside if I start being problematic.
Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say how it is in DnD. Typically in RP on the site, it's all freedom to do what you want to do within reason. Depending on plot though. Here, you could have gone right into joining the others in combat if you'd liked - just minus detailing what the results are. Those are left up to the the GMs to decide what happens as we talked about. However, we realize that it's just better if there's that unknown element in there.

What I'm trying to say is that what we do in the plot is nowhere near as constrained as DnD with strict rulesets and stats, and rather, simply a twist to the normal freedoms in RP.

It's a different take.