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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

Really? No posts at all? Come on, guys, I know it took me a while, but the Thanksgiving holiday is over now!
Sorry, since I was the last person to go right before you guys, I was trying to wait for someone else to go first. I went ahead and posted, though.
Thanks, Reynolds! Hopefully everyone else will start posting again. I wonder what's keeping them?
Brett, I'm not sure how much experience you have with Neko, so I'll just give a brief overview here. She's fine and still combat capable. Aya's in a lot of pain, covered in bruises all over her back, and has a hole perforating her lower left lung, but she's still fine despite likely coughing up some blood. The suit's hemosynth layer will help it clot over and all that too even. It just hurts a whole bunch.
Sorry, I've just had a busy time recently; I was celebrating a family member's birthday and I visited a friend recently so I didn't have much time to post. I'll see if I can post tomorrow or Monday at the latest.

Thanks, Cadet. I'm essentially new to Neko (indeed, this is my first Yamatai plot) so I've been very nervous about misrepresenting the way Nekovalkyrja work (I've been erring on the side of describing too little/too generally). Your summary helps me out a lot.

Speaking of coughing up blood, I wonder if a Nekovalkyrja's blood has a coppery or metallic taste like ours (questions that sound seriously disturbing out of context #999... :p )?
I've been having some internet connectivity issues recently and as a result have actually not been able to access SARP.
So sorry for the delay, I will get up a post as soon as I can.
Considering it's a synthetic version of normal blood, yes, I imagine the taste is the same. In regards to being worried about playing a Nekovalkyrja incorrectly though, don't worry too much - it's why Sif is there. Her whole reason to being in the story is to point out any mistakes or such that the younger ones around her may have, as well as to set a standard to strive for. It's the same role that Zero played in regards to Megaman in the game - they're a type of mentor character that serve as an example of what your own can become. Your characters are generally inexperienced after all, and like children, it's all too possible they don't quite know what's 'proper' or expected of them in certain situations either, and we all know there's nothing wrong with that.

It's a learning experience. Even if a mistake can't quite be handwaved away as inexperience on a character's part, we'd just bring it up in OOC and discuss it.

And, I know how crappy or non-existent internet feels like - good luck!
Thanks Brett! XD

And we're making progress everyone! Yay! Zain, all you need to do is slow down a little bit more, and you'll be golden - at this point, sneaking requires more time. As your characters become more and more experienced, it'll get easier, but right now, this is just the beginning!

Also, I like this dice roller. It's completely and utterly insane!
Are we talking "the RNG wants to murder us all" insane or "hilariously mercurial" insane?

This is very important for my response. =P
Speaking of Gwathdraug, he just brought up a funny point - he's under the impression that some of you may have misunderstood how tall Sif is.

So just to make sure - Yes. Sif is 7 inches. Her armor however, is 5 feet tall, painted in dark blood red and with a black scarf.

And yes, she pilots it like it's a Mini-Evangelion that has the size and appearance of a small highschool girl that's wearing a form fitting military grade plated suit and a slim thruster pack with winglets. :3
Right, I'm going to try to make a post tomorrow or Friday at the latest.

Am I right in thinking Aya should go help Niel? It seems like Damien's already being dealt with, so I don't want Aya to waste time providing assistance to someone who's already got all the help they need.
Brett. That last line in your post, is awesome. That is exactly the kind of thing I want the characters to start thinking.

of course, that doesn't mean doing reckless things out of rage or whatever, but it does mean doing things that turn the name from an insult to the squad, but rather a title for those who defy us.
Aw, thank you very much!

I just thought "Hey, Aya's a hothead (or at least not someone to get discouraged easily) so I figure she'll want to show the enemy what for", but I genuinely didn't expect it to go over that well.

It felt a bit cliche, but I guess that sometimes the oldies are the goodies for a reason, eh?
Uh, hey Zain? Did I somehow lose track of my Reapers?

I recalled Sif killing one with her arm, then Kai killing a second with a burst of fire, and Sif just freshly killing the third? If I'm miscounting, I'll see what I can do.
all the reapers are definitely dead, you didnt miss count. and i like aya's line. itt might be cliche but were a squad of power armor soldiers with a cliche name. its expected.