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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

Lie Hard 2: Lie Hard on a... er... Sock? I dunno, you guys come up with something better! =P

Basically I'm trying to follow @CadetNewb 's advice to just go with the flow, even if I end up making mistakes - I've been holding people up too often, methinks.
@Brett M @Syaoran @cyborgakadjmoose @Eistheid @Gallant

Lie harder damnit! Lie! Lie like the wind! Or prepare for righteous fisticuffs. Remember, you guys got telepathy. You can do this!

If you all decide to fight your way out though, the Praetorians are basically wearing Lorica Segmentata over chainmail hauberks. They are also wearing full arm and shin protection in the form of manica and greaves. The swords themselves are the classic gladius, and are a little shorter than normal, but are still quite good. Their faces are exposed by their helmets and their inner arms and armpits are only covered in cloth. Their hips and thighs are covered by the lower section of the chainmail hauberk however. Finally, they do not have full size shields with them - just bucklers.

Most importantly though, you all don't have your weapons with you - not that you actually need them. Use your Neko power to the fullest!


Ok, just to clarify, your characters didn't play along quite enough. Here, they didn't pretend that they did know, while asking questions that would get them answers without suspicion. One odd statement would have had him thinking that it was odd, but as long as he didn't dwell on it, it would have flown under the radar. Unfortunately, there was too much, and he thought over what was said as a result. I went ahead and fleshed out the post some more to explain this a bit IC. C'mon guys, you can do it. Think - all the answers are right beside your characters! More than one even!

I don't wanna see Sif on a mini-crucifix, dying for your mini-sins!
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Herro. I have been ver sick. Sorry for not communicating this, but it was not really a luxury that I could afford.

Sad to see Sif is in danger. Will try to catch up and see what is going on.

*Backflips and falls down the stairs*

Apologies for the double post, just trying to keep you updated: a combination of applying to university, finding myself slipping into the trap I did previously of making super wary posts, and getting dunked on by real life issues has made it hard to find the time to post. I'm going to try posting next monday at the absolute latest!
Right now I'm actually totally confused as to what is going on. It feels a bit like there was a whole chapter that was missed prior to this or something <.< Kuroneko has only been gone like a day but she's been collecting artifacts and such?
Well, Kuroneko had a head start, but the lead she's had has been growing; a carriage, though comfy, is not the fastest thing around. If you remember, she also purchased several horses at the human town, so she has widened the gap between them to just a single day. However, you've noticed she's been taking breaks at night from time to time. During this time, yes, she stole something, and based off of what was said by the Consul, she is not alone. It was easy to miss this clue, but he states very clearly that Kuroneko has companions. Who? You don't know.

Right now though, you guys didn't do well on the speech and persuasion bits, but are hanging in there. Regardless of whether or not it works out and you all go Neko-fu on them as needed, , you'll still need to find out a better way to catch up. I suggest selling the carriage and getting some horses.

That's besides another thing that I've been worried about though. Our pace is currently at a snail's crawl, and I would like to get it moving again. However both Moose and Eistheid haven't visited the site in a week and though, Eistheid might still be sick, that's still a huge blow. I'll likely have to have their characters sit out until they're ready to return. And I'll be frank; I would like you to do the same @Brett M - this plot will still be here when you're good to go. I actually like this story enough that I'm willing to keep it going on just a handful, so I won't be closing up shop anytime soon.
Okay, so it's been more than a day from the bar with the fire lady, to where we are now?

Edit: Also a bit confused about what stance we can even really take. Dimitri has been saying "their ally didn't steal it" this whole time, and has very blatently said they were looking for someone when they entered and the consul overheard. So I don't really see how we ended up on "we're hunting Kuroneko."
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Okay well then I'll ask those participating in OOC, what image and objective are we trying to convey. Because what Dimitri was doing is shot. This way though if we talk about it OOC we can all be on the same page.
There was a prelude JP in which she pieced some things together, and then during the interview, she's come up with the narrative she sent you the readers digest version of.

Essentially, she was introduced with different orders, and might actually be hunting Kuroneko down for some weird SAINT purpose - whatever it might be.

Also she's lying out her ass.

Understood. I'll assume you'd like me to just quietly monitor the threads until the next plot thread opens (i.e. Chapter Nine)? If not then please let me know. Until then I'll probably just comment on things so that you know I haven't dropped dead. :p
Well, it all depends I think. If you honestly think you can keep up with the pace, that's cool, but if you know you can't, it's better to wait until you are able to.
I'm very sorry everyone, but I had needed to take a break from things a bit. I was getting very worn out and needed to rest. Give me another day or two, and I'll be up and posting. Again, I'm sorry, it was very unfair to you guys, and I regret simply dropping things without notice.