Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Fort Ready Discussion Thread

I don't know where we are on the map. And there are several L-shaped buildings, so...yeah. Can you give a listing of the buildings in the OOC thread since I'm sure the characters are able to see where the instructor is pointing/looking?

Also, do we get to make up the arrangement of the interiors as we go, or is there a floorplan already in place?
At least one of you mentioned having your stuff, so I'm going to say you all have it.

Also, I actually did give you directions in addition to the L-shape. :P The barracks is the building on the north edge of the map, across the fountain from the gate, you're standing facing west on the map on the larger field right next to the gate.

And the barracks is pretty much a standard military one. Big open room from the front door, beds on either side, not bunks though. Figure about 20 beds total, it's not a big place, but there are three floors. Little walled off kitchenette in the back, but don't count on using it.
Aendri said:
At least one of you mentioned having your stuff, so I'm going to say you all have it.

I thought you said you assumed the obvious? :p

*Makes note to put an elephant in a room sometime when playing with Aendri. And not figuratively. "Well, it was obvious it was there, wasn't it."*
I was assuming that all of you had your stuff. But since the question came up, I can answer it. :P

Btw, if you ever have questions, ping me in the IRC. I'm pretty much always on to answer, if you don't mind waiting a bit at times.
I'm just waiting for one of the characters to pull out the Book Of Really Important People You Need To Know To Get Ahead and flick to Rikous page. XD
Remember she's only a couple months old, she's probably not in there. She got sent here about as soon as she was full sized. Thus the full military bodyguard on a secure installation, and all that jazz. You don't know it yet, but there are two Samurai around right now. :D
Are the footlockers trunk- or chest-style, or are they more like high-school lockers (maybe a bit bigger)? I was picturing this kind, but then qsx started mentioning shelves...

I figure a good compromise would be that the trunk-style could be stood on end, since there's a bunk-bed arrangement and two lockers would need to be at each bed's foot. Partitions in each trunk could serve as shelves when they are stood on end.

EDIT: Nevermind. I have no clue what Q is looking at in his post. How big of a locker is he working with?
They're only normal footlockers, to my knowledge. You're not allowed to take much with you to basic, so you don't have all of your worldly possessions (unless you're a neko). Think of it like a big box, bottom of it is completely open, no partitions, and then there's a shelf that goes on top of that bottom compartment you can lift out to get at the bottom that's partitioned into two parts.

If I wasn't mid-move, I could give you guys a picture from irl, but... Think like a hidden bottom, except it's much more loose and obvious then that. And the top part is only about 3 inches deep, out of a total foot and a half or so.

So, think about 4' wide by 1'6"~ tall by 2' deep, with a 3-4" tray on the top of the chest.
Does Q need to change his post? Or am I reading it wrong?

Personally, I'm going to continue being vague about where stuff is in there : P
We'll let it slide just because there are posts past there for now, but yeah, being vague is always fine for something that little. I don't need to know how you all plan to fold your clothes (or not) (yet).
I'm kind of wondering how 2-3 rounds of posting = 20 minutes. You peoples' sense of time is rather skewed. People have only barely done anything, and said very few things to one another, yet, suddenly "Oh, it's been twenty minutes and we're all late and everybody is dumb for taking so long"

Generally the passage of time is left to GM discretion, or at least, that's how it's supposed to be.
It's fine in this case. We'll just say that they spent a decent bit of time unpacking or something. Maybe it's a longer run then we all thought? :P
I was thinking the unpacking too a while, too. I know Q glossed over his unpacking, I did the same...and time is pretty flexible.

Maybe Aendri could change the time Shizuko gave to five or eight minutes, if you wanted to do more.
Check out the chibi art I got for your characters! It's on the UX-13 Fort Ready page and also on your character pages!
Looks good, Wes! I hate to be a downer but it looks like Daniela Miller's art has a tiny detail wrong with the ears. Considering the rate we work poor Ichan and this is, like, his first mistake ever when working for the site, I think we can hold the lynch mobs for now. :)

Other than that they all look great.
From RADM Dominic Valken said:
On behalf of all Nepleslians, this is an outrage! Release the angry mobs blinded by anger looking for the first thing to blame, even if the victim is innocent!

But awesome stuff as always. Thanks!
Could you be more specific, Jimmy?