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Approved Submission FSC Scalable Pulse Laser Technology


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Weapon Technology
Submission URL:Link

FM Approved Yet? Yes, by me
Faction requires art? Yes, Pending

@Ametheliana, this one could really use your attention to detail, it's going to be a little crazy. This is technically 12 weapons.

@CadetNewb, I want to make sure that this cannot be abused, would you mind looking it over as well?

@Fred please let me know if you see any issues with the DR. Your da boss!
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
The NTSE is not for WIP articles, and is strictly for those that are undergoing submission. If you bring it up in a separate thread in the discussion area, people can help you with it there, but not here. It's something that even I have had to go by as well. That aside, this submission is ultimately @Ametheliana 's - make sure to follow her advice and treat her with respect.
I honestly thought you were reviewing it, Cadet! I came in and had my say about grammar, spelling, formatting, and the like but I thought you would take care of the tech part of the article. I was fully thinking you had this under control but wasn't tagged. So, I had my say and I think your "advice", @CadetNewb, is more in line with a requirement as you're a mod asked to review it, not just a player.

I can finish the review of this article if you want that, Cadet.
I thought both of your opinions would be valued since this is not a singularly defined item. Since I don't really know that much about real lasers I would prefer to have a moderator that has a more extensive knowledge of them.

@CadetNewb since you had advice related to the type of laser I would ask you to review since that is something you seem to be familiar with.
Alright, since you're taking the common-pool/tech base article route, you'll have to modify the article significantly. However, it should be more removing things than actually whipping up some new info. Most of the stuff past the appearance section you can safely cut out entirely, because what your article will need is not much at all. You'll want this article to have the general summary of what it is/the about section, and common core components you'll find in its construction. The appearance section is optional since how it looks may actually vary from variation to variation, however, you can include it anyways.

Now, regarding the core components, those depend on how the laser itself is produced. Is this a solid state, free electron, or chemical based lasing system? The wavelength of the laser itself - infrared, ultraviolet or visible light and such - won't be included since that can actually vary from model to model depending on how they're configured.
I'm sorry if you've been waiting, but I've been trying to chew this for the past few days. The original article by itself has the basis of what you need, but currently, it feels very cluttered and messy. I'm trying to figure out how best to help you out, and one option is to try and walk you through rebuilding the article, simplifying it and such - do you want to take that approach?
I've wanted to help you out on this a lot, and I've taken several cracks at this, but I'm still running into a brick wall.

The method I've been trying to get to work with your idea is to make a base article, and have several smaller articles that draw off of it to save work. However, the problem is that it's best suited to more exotic weapons that need a lot more explanation. I'm under the impression that you're trying to cover all the bases with as little work as possible, but, I'm finding that it is very difficult to balance effort/article in the way you're looking for. If we apply this method anyways, it won't really help considering that this is a laser. Meanwhile, if we go with your original approach, it's still lacking since each 'Tier' of the weapon still doesn't have all the details they need for RP.

If it were simply one weapon that could be tuned up and down, I don't think we'd have a problem. However, since this is meant as several different versions of itself, it's honestly going to look and handle somewhat differently for each 'Tier' of it. Even between pistols and rifles, the looks and handling are quite drastically different. Unless you have something I haven't figured - which I wouldn't mind if you did - I think you might be better off just making individual articles I think.
Laser tech is primitive in our setting. My intention is for the concept to be applied to other submissions. For example, the cylindrical power assembly doesn't have to look like that nor do two different weapons have to look or even feel similar. RP details can be handled with the actual submissions.

For example, I'm planning on submitting a fighter in the future that'll be sporting two lasers. When I submit that I'll include the RP relevant data.

Of course an integrated weapon is different from a handheld or standalone weapon system but it'll save time for vehicle.

I hope that perspective helps
That's correct. You're trying to apply the tech and concept to other submissions, but the tech itself is so simple that it defeats the point of having a unified tech page; having a page where all the other actual weapon submissions can draw from to reduce workload. Because of that, I think you're just better off simply writing the weapons individually. You don't need to even describe the laser medium, pump or resonator, which are the key parts of a laser.

All you really need to do is describe the beam wavelength/color, how the weapon looks and handles. Mags/batteries/capacitors it uses. That kind of stuff.

If you want, you can add in an EDIT to your original post where you add to it the new articles instead and state the originals aren't the ones being reviewed anymore. That way, I won't reject this thread, and it'll keep things neat.
It seems like we're both on the same page but speaking different languages. You're saying that this tech is approvable, understandably since it's basic, but each weapon built from it should be approved, right?
Yes. It's a lot easier to just approve the weapons individually. Making a unified tech page is just extra effort you don't need. The only reason why you'd want to do that with lasers, is if you're hardcore into detail.
Okay, that was the idea in the first place. So if I stated in the beginning of the wiki that individual applications need approval I should be good, right?

I primarily want to make sure that tech and components like the gravitic targeting is an approved technology.
You're better without it unless you very specifically want to mention they all use interchangeable parts and such. Even then, don't list out the DR ratings and what's available until you actually have them.
Okay, got rid of the damage section.
I have no desire to drop all the work I've put into these three pages. To be honest I'm feeling pretty pissed about this.

You yourself have said that this is super basic tech. So why do I need to make a page for every tier of the same weapon?
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I should be more specific. The reasons you've shared, aside from delete everything and start all over again in a copy pasta purgatory, you have conveyed so little usable information to me that I am genuinely convinced that you have already decided from the start that you are going to reject this and are just hoping to wait me out and see if I lose interest.

I am human, I am probably wrong. However, from where I'm sitting it looks like this should be a real simple submission. Thus to me it would seem like you're intentionally dragging your feet to make this take as long as possible.

This is probably a prejudice I've subconsciously created based on the memory of a certain 'co-GM' incident I don't care care to get into that I remember as an intentional deception. So while I truely want to keep bad blood dried with the bad Nepleslian experiences I've had I should admit that my bad experience may be the reason I'm misjudging your intentions.

If however you are just planning on rejecting this anyway, I ask that you please have mercy on me and just get it over with so that I can appeal. I have so many better things to do then rewrite something that is very detailed.
No, it was and is not my intention to reject the article. If that were the case, I would have done so already. The reason why I gave so little information was because I could not decide on what direction was best to go for this submission, and was stuck trying to figure out what to do with it.

Since you're choosing to go with this as a tech article that will act as a central hub page, you'll still need to trim it down since a lot of the stuff here is only relevant to actual weapons. I suggest you get rid of the nomenclature and only have that on the actual weapons. Regarding its role, just say "Multipurpose". You can also get rid of the damage output as well, since that will go on the individual weapon articles. As for the muzzle flash and beam appearance, you've marked it as an infrared laser. This means that the beam will either be invisible, or appear as red, depending on how much visible red light there is in the mix. If you want blue, go with a visible light based laser that's actually blue. The pulsed beam will also have the same appearance if the environment is foggy or dusty of course.

Effective range, rate of fire and recoil should also be removed since they're not relevant in the tech article. With its energy source though, you can state that it's modular, and can be fed off of a variety of things such as batteries, capacitors or directly from some generator/reactor. The capacity can go along with the entire 'Weapon Mechanisms' section. Once you're done with those, I can begin addressing the sub-articles.
Alright, it is no longer marked as an infrared laser and I have removed the Nomenclature and damage output. I think I made all the other edits you mentioned, I hope I didn't miss anything.
To make sure we're both on the same page here; you want the hub page to explain all the parts and accessories of the system as a whole in order to justify the follow up articles right? The actual weapons I mean.