Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP Hi Daddy!

Nyx glanced to Hati when he mentioned he wasn’t staring just observing, and she found herself confused since that was technically staring too. But she chose not to verbalize her thoughts since she didn’t want Hati hostile to her, or make her seem that way to him. She wanted to be on friendly terms with him. But Lazarus, however, was probably the most hostile person of the five of them. She wasn’t sure she liked him much and understood why Sarah had asked Hati to come along with them. Perhaps she’ll need his help if things get bad.

She knew that he was a SHAM augmented human as far as she remembered so she’ll be struggling if she had to fight him. But it seemed that due to Nora, they might not have to worry, too much. “Indeed, Cousin Nora is correct. “She said finding herself approving of Nora already. She did store away what Lazarus had said just in case he might decide that he wants to kill Isabelle, or anyone else. She hoped that Nora knew that she’ll be willing to protect the infant if Nora needed her to.
"God, can you all just shut up for a moment~" Hati let out before realizing it was more than just a thought, his face retreating a little further into the dark hood as the young wolf remained quiet for a moment, wondering how to best recover from his little slip-up before deciding to just roll with it. "...and you all wonder why I stay away from most of you, all this shit gets annoying~ hell if it goes on I'm just going to leave~" the usually oh so quiet clone admitted, his red eyes panning up from the ground towards Mia with a slight look of shock.

"Crap... sorry, I forgot Mia was here..."
Jack rubbed a hand over his face over the whole situation, "Yeah, might need to cut this meeting short and save a better time to let you get to know Nora."

Lazarus only remained quiet, sitting leaned back in his usual bloody manner, as Mia only looked at the wolf boy curiously with young crimson the eyes. The infant had no idea what was even going on, but remaining calm as her mother, despite the hostilities present. "That might be best yea. Dad gets pretty grumpy when grandpa is around, usually he's much more chill and quieter. Maybe you can come over tonight for dinner Nyx , it will just be me and Mia then." Nora said trying to help the situation.
Nyx saw how Hati wasn’t taking things well, but since she didn’t know how to help him she said nothing. All she could do was watch as he pulled his head further into the hood he had been wearing. It seems that because of situations like this was why he tended to stay away from them. This meant that it has happened before, which Nora confirmed when she mentioned that her dad, Lazarus was normally chill and quiet when Jack wasn’t around. It meant that if she wanted to get to know Nora better she’ll need to find a way without them, which Nora had figured out in inviting her to dinner.

She smiled “I’d be honored to come,” she told her in response to being invited to dinner. Although food wouldn’t do much for her, she does have the ability to eat if she desired to do so. “Yes, Dinner seems to be a good idea for the time,” she said to them all.
Hati's faintly glowing crimson oculars drifted from Mia to Lazarus with a huff before he turned to Jack, jaw visibly tensed beneath his alabaster skin with another huff before the lupine boy spoke, "Am I really needed here? I mean really? I'm sure things would go a lot smoother and people would get less aggravated if I wasn't here~" Hati's voice trailed off a little, Nyx's sensitive ears would be able to pick up the faintest inflection of a growl dancing around his words as the wolf's pupils contracted slightly.

"I'm not a people person..."
"Then you can just hop off when we get to Neera next. Her classes should be over by the time we get there. Now how about we leave Nora to her time with her father." Jack answered Hati in a calm tone, despite a faint hint of irritance. He waved for them to go before saying his goodbye to Nora.

The raven haired girl smiled as she handed her father the infant Mia and in turn gave each a farewell hug. Pulling each into a pillowy chested embrace, and a few words of goodbyes.

With the gang hoping into the car and going, the trip to the university's little slice of the city was no more then a round about trip of the park before turning down a drive that lead to the building far ahead. To either side were fields for activities. Everything from tactical hand to hand, to sports was practice out on the grass.

Pulling up to the school, Jack didn't park, but merely wait. Surely enough the fluffy white haired vixen of a lupine beauty exited the entrance and made her way over. The door hissing open as Neera slid and they pulled away. "Thanks for the ride dad, wh- oh, you have uncle Hati and the new sis with ya too. Hello." The wolf anthro said as her red eyes caught sight of the other occupants.
As Hati spoke, her ears picked up the faint inflection of a growl which told her exactly how he was feeling at that moment. She recalled what Sarah had asked of Hati, to come along just in case. Now that they were going to be leaving, would they need him around now? She was certain that Neera was nice, at least she hoped so.

Nyx turned to look at Jack, thinking about what she should say whether I support of Hati or not. But Jack did say he could leave when they got to Neera next. So she had her chance for her farewell with Nora, and she gave the woman a hug. Her own may not have been as.. pillowy as Nora but it wasn’t rough either. “Farewell, I hope the rest of your day is a good one. “ She waved goodbye to Mia before she followed others to the car.

She made sure her wings weren’t in the way as she rode, and soon she encountered her sister. She was surprised to have been recognized as the new sister, but considering the passage of time, it was possible that everyone would have found out about her eventually. “hello, I am Nyx.” she said in the introduction “I am honored to meet my Elder sister” she said to the woman feeling happy.