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RP: 5th XF [Hotaru] An Unfortunate Night

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"Hai. You heard him. Dragonfly configuration, and focus on those damned Pods." Ichiro said, coordinating the Mindies and launching several high explosive rockets at a group of pods that were closing in, taking out 3 of the 5 in that group with direct hits. "Try not to get hit. We need every armor we can out here, and I hope everyone has recent STs."
The armorer sighed, as he stared about, now that the PA pilots had been released into the fray, he cou;dn't help but feel somewhat useless, however that thought slipped from his mind as a Weapon pod was carried in. From a visual analysis, he could tell that some armor had been sheared off the left side, exposing crucial parts.

He would have lifted up a large duffelbag full of parts required for servicing such parts. He would have quickly walked over to the damaged weapon, as the shell that covered it, was removed and slight electrical discharges would spark every once and a while.

He would have been working on the source, replacing parts here and there. A discharge would spark, violently searing his hand, the skin redenning, swelling and bleeding somewhat as it stung painfully. There was a fairly bad burn would that ran over the flesh between his index finger and thumb, over the top of his hand and touching the very edge of his wrist, however he continued working, wiping blood away, and using his left hand solo when possible. After this, he would leave all the more technical damage to technicians as he backed off, taking a seat and binding his wound to his stomach, he didn't have time to seeking a medic, only to standby.
Yaichiro sighed...even on Medbay duty, the soldier lacked any sort of patience...or maybe he was antsy...

Noboru-Hei, if you wish for something to do, I have reports that our armorer has damaged his hand. Also a few of the wounded 17th from the previous assault are likely en route by now. Go to the Armor Bay and repair the damage to his hand. If you encounter a Power Armor Pilot, I grant permission to help the Armorer remove the person from the armor and transport them to the Medbay.

Yaichiro then contacted Hotaru's and Himitsu's production bays...

This is Kage Yaichiro-Taii. I order all available Production Bay personnel not in combat or on security duty to construct as many missiles, torpedoes, and any other material weapons we need as possible. I will attempt to contact TF-56 and establish mobile re-arming points, so please listen and construct whatever they ask you to build, including parts for ship and Power Armor repairs. Start immediately!

That was one less problem--giving everyone something to do was much better than having people doing nothing and growing steadily more fearful...and it helped the effort to boot. Material supplies had to be regenerated, especially with the battle running as long as it stood to with the second enemy attack force closing in. Yaichiro contacted TF-56, which consisted of fifteen functional Odori freighters (NO-X5-09 through NO-X5-24) and a single Anri (NL-X5-10).

TF-56 Logistics Support Force; this is Kage Yaichiro-Taii, SIP Director, attempting to contact your CO. I have ordered Hotaru and Himitsu Star Fortresses to produce material weapons such as torpedoes for restocking, as well as any ship parts you request for the purpose of repairing damaged Power Armor and ships. If it is within your ability and of legitimate priority, I request that you establish mobile restocking points, communicate those points to the Fleet, and set up transport routes to and from the two Iori to retrieve these materials.

Yaichiro was very selective in his wording...in all probability, he was speaking to a superior officer, a Taisa ipossibly, at the very least.

(Hotaru's and Himitsu's Bays are constructing weapons for rearming, and have been ordered to make what TF-56 requests of them. Yaichiro is asking TF-56 to set up mobile restocking points, communicate locations of those points to the fleet, and set up transport routes to secure the parts and weapons from the two Iori.)
With its robotic gaze forward, Wish the pink paneled Mindy sped along to meet head on with the passing SMX pods that were stray from their wings and lost to the fray. With the distance, he didn't bother shifting to dogfight them and loose time. Instead he relied on the AIES' to lock on and fire both fully charged forearm blasts individually. Knowing too well the capability of his FCS the young armor pilot only continued onward towards the side of Asamoya's current facing where he had thought the Armor wing was already deployed. Then with wide eyes and a shocked stop he frantically searched the horizon for his wing, to which he only saw other wings' signatures tangled throughout the battlefield. "They... they're still on board..." Sumaru only three conflicts wise, realized now that they were not launched prior to him but it was the other way around.

The armor shifted its heading back towards the Asamoya and sped off as fast as the Sylph add-on would allow him. "I believe I've made a very big mistake, I thought the armor wing was deployed, I apologize greatly. Correcting and returning now, unless you have another suggestion command." Sumaru said as he announced to the Asamoya his rookie mistake with great displeasure. He now felt a whirl of guilt pass through him, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Rina tsked as her Lamias met the attacking SMX pods in an almighty clash. Armor wings, Iijisu I through VII broke off back to the Kyoto's to resupply and re-arm as Ama wings I through VI went to reinforce Iijisu wings previous position on the front lines. The Shosho knew that they'd be needing supplies soon, with so many Lamias the on board stocks would soon run out.

"This is Shosho Rina Tomori to TF-56, An'ya I and II need resupplying, they've already depleted their stocks of Power Armor weapon ordinance, and are down to fifty percent on repair parts." An'ya I and II of course being a pair of Kyoto carriers being used to service, and re-arm her power armors. Meanwhile the power armors continued to hold the SMX pod hordes at bay, continuing to use themselves as shields against the onslaught of Hotaru.
Yes, Yaichiro-taii. I'm sorry. First-timer's anxiety. Noboru sighed inwardly and cursed his stupidity and anxiety. He crossed and uncrossed his fingers, clenched and unclenched his fists the whole way to the Armorer's position to find both the Armorer and the armor pilot. He braced himself for the flak storm he was about to walk into.
"Yaichiro-Taii, Rina-Shosho, I have set up a line for armors to restock and repair at, please funnel all armors twoards me until you have restocked, at which time I will need restocking as well..." Came a message to both Yaichiro and Rina from Kuniko as she monitored the area just after she dropped from her jump, folding not only her two carriers, but the escort group she had with her. With a small smirk she turned a little to spy the oncoming Mishhu group.

"Naughty naughty little Mishhu...Think your going to sneak up on me...?"

Giving the order to the Arashi escorts NE-X5-42 thru NE-X5-51 to turn on the new group and fire off the same torpedo salvos as the last time, just not as restrained...The ship first fired off a dozen AS-7-1-SDM, Type 1 torpedoes off first, before following the volley quickly after with a group of AS-7-1-AM, Type 1 torpedoes, twelve in all as well.

Kuniko then crossed her arms as she sent out a warning signal to the armor wings currently engaged with the stragglers of the first group.

"Watch yourselves, I'm letting loose another volley..." She sent mostly to the Panther group that was currently buzzing around as she sent the orders to NE-X5-52 through NE-X5-62 to match the volley from the last group. With a small grin she had her own armors fall back to help guard the missiles from being attacked by any weapons pods. Silently she prayed for a quick end. Not only was she tired still, she wanted to check on Misato still.

Tenshi growled lightly as she realized where Sumaru had run off too, concentrating on the battle happening around her and trying to keep a tag on everything.

"God damnit Sumaru get in here NOW! You should know better then to launch before I say anything!" Tenshi shouted into the boy's helmet, her face twisted angrily as she paced in the armor bay. Every so often she would look to the Mindy-1H, longing to be in it instead. Screwing up the courage to ask Yuriko, she instead noted the new tags.

Arashi..? Arashi!

"Hey, Yuriko-Shoi! We got some reinforcements, and they got the AS-7 Torpedoes. Why not have them get infront and then we back up with the cannons?" Datenshi asked through a comm channel, before sending a private message.

"I know now is NOT the time to ask....but can I pleaseeeee use the 1H? I promise not to wreck it! And to shine and polish it for four days after the battle I promisee!"
The Panther shuttles which were assigned to their various tasks were out for blood as they pelted their targets with hails of antimatter and aether fire. Along with the shuttles were their power armor companions which utilized their saber rifles to their fullest extent. Despite the relentless manner of the attack, the Panther wing made way for the incoming fire from their friendlies, just as they had planned.

Kiri-Mai replied to the request for her wing to make way for support fire. "The line of fire is clear, commence firing. My shuttles will provide support to your fire." As she said this, she sent a silent order to her wing.

The order resulted in the shuttles which buzzed about the larger Mishhu ships to fire off their countermeasure pods at and around the targeted Mishhu ships to prevent them from running away like the previous group did. After firing off their missiles, the shuttles then began to fly away in reverse as they pelted the Mishhu ships with aether cannon and Gatling fire, accompanied by a peppering of antimatter all while moving clear of friendly fire.
Yaichiro's ship specifically did not need restocked at this time, but the ships he commanded and their armors likely needed a little assistance.

This is Yaichiro-Taii to the Nami no Seigi Force. Power Armors low on ammunition have the capability to resupply. Phase your armors out and return them in this order so as not to change the pressure of our assault. Kyoto, Irim, Sakura, Arashii, in sub-order of registry number. If the 17th elects to resupply, they assume the top spot over the order I have listed!

Next was a message to Caine...

Ionoche-Shoi, a temporary rearming point has been designated. If you wish, phase out those PA in need of reloading to these coordinates. After you, other forces will do the same.

Yaichiro then contacted Kuniko-Shosho, all while trying to coordinate his part in the largest battle he'd ever lived to see...

Arigatou Gozaimasu, Kuniko-Shosho-shi. I will take you up on your request. I am attempting to raise the TF-56 to engage in resupply and transport of supplies. If that fails, you may restock at any Hotaru or Himitsu Bay in which you have clearance to dock.
Twenty Samurai power armor left BSIA’s armor bay on Hotaru pushing to their maximum STL speed they headed for the Asamoya.

Honor Guard Wing to Asamoya….We has been ordered by Shôshô Tange Misato to assist you.

Misato had sent her best for Yuriko; she kept constant watch over the Asamoya from BSIA’s command room.

(Yours to control Soresu)

Hotaru responded to Admiral Davis, The Taisho is currently in the Nodal Interface War Room....I will lead you there. A volumetric map would open in front of the Grand Admiral to lead him to Katsuko.
As he was returning Sumaru's blue eyed attention was drawn away from the battle around him, his gaze followed the armors off in the distance from the Asamoya and closing in: the Honor Guard Wing, he had actually done some research on the M7 armor it self, to see so many of them moving to support the Asamoya made the young and unknowing pilot rethink just how important his Shoi was, or even just how dire the situation around him. At that time, all he could do was drop his jaw in his helmet as he floated into the armor bay door to join the Asamoya's un-named wing, both Mindy feet touching down to hover inches off the deck as he silently observed the elite group join the ship.

But even more; aside from that, there were so many more extremely experienced people out here, how could he even compare. Doubt filled his mind as he watched out the open bay door; after all he was not made like these people out here, for combat and war. Only months ago he was at home, cooking and cleaning with dreams of becoming a writer.

In that moment he felt the size of the world expand around himself, realizing just how small he was.
Yuriko just gawked, and now looked to Koharu as she was suddenly contacted by the Honor Guard Wing, not Mindies, not Lamias or Kylies, but a full twenty Sarah power armors were now assisting, and protecting her it seemed, and her ship. The Shoi was completely taken aback, she'd never seen so...many at one time before. Let alone protecting little old her and the Asamoya. Yuriko touched her lips, remembering that Misato had kissed her earlier. The Shoi wanted to groan a little, suddenly she was thrust into the command of not only her own ship, but two Arashi, and three Nozomi, and now a full twenty Sarah M7 power armors.

Yuriko swore under her breath, suddenly feeling the mantle of importance, and station she seemed to be thrust into once again. First it had been Nataria, and now this.

"'Tenshi... the armor wing is designated Shoki." The Shoi finally managed to say. It took her a few moments to muster anything to say to the wing leader of the Samurai armors.

"Acknowledged, please let Tange-Shôshô know I am grateful." The wing leader of the Sarah's responded, and infact even told Misato of what Yuriko had said as she cut down a stray SMX attack pod with her Aether Saber in one quick fluid motion, another shot a attack pod full on in the face with a blast from her particle beam cannon before they formed a sphere about the Asamoya, inside of the ship's protective regenerative shielding; ready now to take orders. The effortlessness of their minor scuffle with two pods would be quite the sight for the young Sumaru to see, since that is what he aspired to be.

"Datenshi...it seems we will have some rather...very good assistance, look outside of the bay." Yuriko said as she began readying the Asamoya for another attack run. "Honor Guard WIng, I hope you are ready to get your hands dirty..." Yuriko remarked her voice taking on some strength finally after the initial shock.

"Hai Kakutama-Shoi, that is what we are here for." The wing leader replied. All the while she kept in contact with Misato, letting her superior hear just what Yuriko was saying to her. She then sent a reply back to 'Tenshi's request.

Permission to use the 1H is granted. Be careful, I'm more worried about you then the power armor.

Caine recieved Yaichiro's message just as he took out a line of pods in one sweep of his scythe and opened fire on another set with the scalar pulse weapons in his chest. "I hear ya." He replied to him and relayed the order to the other members of the 17th and Ichiro's reinforcing squad. Within a few moments several of the mindy armors headed for the Asuka a few needing medical attention. Several would make haste with cover fire to Kuniko's Kyoto-Carrier for missile re-armament. While the A majority of his wing busy fighting pods and following up with blasts at the nearby Togi IV's engine section.

"Oh and Yaichiro, it's Chui now." Caine said over the communication, giving the distinct feeling he was smirking before taking out another couple pods with massive sweeps of that scythe he had.
Ichiro dived and spun, just dodging a beam from one of the pods, shooting back with his own plasma rifle, noting the current clip was getting low. Bringing his shield to bare, several missles missed their chance at hitting him full on, as he shoots from the side of the giant hunk of metal.
Yaichiro smiled a bit, upon hearing the news...Caine was a Chui once more, like before his death. "Congratulations, Ionoche-Chui...it's good to see you're back to your old self."

TF-56's CO responded to Yaichiro in a slightly incredulous tone...

"Listen up, Boy. You may have the Taisho's ear, but I'm a full three ranks up on you. You can't just word orders in the form of a question and--...Hai, Shosho. We will comply...establishing our Anri as a repair site near Hotaru, within Interdiction field and defenses range. Assigning our Odori for part recovery and distribution to Anri and Capital Ships...all command branches and squardrons, phase out damaged or low-armed Power Armor and ships in an organized manner for restock and repair."

The four Nozomi in the Draco Forward Scout Group ; YSS Draco, YSS Kaichou, YSS Tenken, and YSS Kouka(NS-X5-01 through NS-X5-03, and NS-X5-226) joined the Anri and set up a defended point within which to restock and repair allied units. Supplies from Hotaru were quickly being loaded onto the Kyoto, TF-56 waiting until Hotaru was a little less of a battleground..

Speaking of Hotaru, the Iori began to unleash its fire upon the nearby enemy ships; the remaining Togi IV-VII, and Qeh V, and Qeh VII-X. Striker Arrays, Aether Shock Arrays, Projected Energy Beams, the ships now not only faced overwhelming ship and Power Armor forces, but also the might of Hotaru herself, only spared the horror of her Quantum Detonator.

The 4 Yui-class scouts in TF-51's Scout Pool (NS-X5-13 through NS-X5-16) charged the remnants of the first enemy SMX formation. In this order, they engaged Qeh I-IV as Yaichiro's Yuumi and Irims sought to wreak havoc. The Yui were careful to stay out of the larger ships' lines of fire as they fired their Projected Energy Beams and their AS-5 missiles. Combine that with the Transplanar Phased Pulses of the newly released Weapons Pods and the smaller Mishhu vessels would find a formidible foe in the aging scout.

As alarms sounded, Himitsu AL2-1 through 200 and Hotaru AL2-1 through 200 evacuated the immediate firing line between the new fleet and the 5th XF, though all 400 deployed wings of LAMIA 2 continued to take shots at Hu 1-75, small streaks of fire surrounding the area. TF-50 merely stayed stationary, though ready to dodge if need be...The new force could fold at any time, but it seemed as though this particular enemy group had maybe two fold-capable ships. Knowing that the enemy may fold again if they made a move, and fairly content with the distance the enemy currently had from them, they kept their Interdiction Fields up and their sensors peeled, waiting for their allied Irims to strike.

TF-51's twenty-four remaining Scout Pool Nozomi arranged themselves evenly through the 5th XF's formation, their 2 AU range Pulsed Phase Cannons making a good medium range weapon in this conflict. If the enemy tried to fold inside any Interdiction field gaps in the formation, or near the perimeter, at least one Nozomi would promptly engage. In the interim, the Nozomi assisted in attacking Hu 1-75 wherever they happened to be.

TF-50 remained relatively stationary, save for its Irims...the massive Gunships moved to the front, and calculated the distance of the enemy from their location...4 AU. This was further than most weapons could reach, but within the range of the Irim's mighty Anti-Fleet weapon.

The Irim, however, did not immediately select the primary targets, the carriers. Firing at them at this range was useless, as they would merely fold...but they MIGHT hesitate to fold if they weren't the target of the assault. Since they’d released their payload anyway, the logical targets were now the Gunships.

All eleven of the TF-50's Irim opened fire, nine of them (NG-X5-17, NG-X5-02 through NG X5-05, and NG-X5-18 through NG-X5-21) selecting the top arch with the charging gunships (Portland I~IX). Each targeted a Gunship in the order described and released a massive beam of Aetheric energy. The remaining two Irim (NG-X5-22 and NG-X5-23) attacked two of the Destroyers (Brunswick I and II). All Irims took special care not to fire any shots at the YSS Asamoya, her compliment, or other friendlies.
The Irims (94, 95) engaged Uuyi I, II and Neyja I and II rather than running the four Ooghlrashithagg held their ground, rushing forwards instead of pulling back, Uuyi I and II unleashing the full fury of their heavy SEPCs sweeping across the midsections of the Irims as they past, at the cost of taking on damage themselves, their forward and ventral shields drained and their hull suffering immense damage, yet they tracked the Irims back, letting loose their full barrages from their aft medium SEPCs. As the two Irims peeled apart under the immense barrage.

Uuyi I and II managed to divert all their power to their fold drives and entered hyperspace heading out of the system.

Their costly dispatch of the Irims left them unable to provide much against the Asamoya as she barreled down upon them, a few medium SPEC shots drilled forwards towards her, unable to halt the coming wave of fire. Neyja I buckled under the heavy attacks breaking apart in the center, her bow slamming into Neyja II as attempted to avoid. The twisted hulks collided, their massive hulks spraying debris through space as they fell into Jiyuu VII’s gravity well, the pieces tore through the upper atmosphere burning up as they fell.

Falmouth I and II
broke from formation fleeing the Asamoya’s fire, taking damage along their port sides, Falmouth I returned fire with a dozen intermingling medium SEPC shots, most drilling to the empty of space, but two bearing upon Asamoya’s aft port-quarter.

The Yuumi (03) fired its legacy cannon, the shot tore straight overtop of the disabled Soth Arcxis the rift pulled the vessel apart pulling it into oblivion. The mighty battleship had met its match, the rift dragged Falmouth II; the carrier attempted to break free but slid in behind its mammoth mother.

Qeh IV was swarmed by the 17th Armor Wing, they picked at it like buzzards on a corpse in the desert, using their sheer numbers to overcome it from within its shields. The Ghullfrashirv broke apart, spilling some debris into space before breaking apart in a rocketing explosion sending shockwaves of debris outwards into the battlefield.

Qeh VII ~X fell to Hotaru, however they managed to fire twenty Quintessent Hyperspace Torpedoes towards the Iori’s midsection, however under the interdiction field they merely crawled through space, likely to be destroyed long before ever reaching their target.

Fujin group’s torpedoes and armors took Qeh V, and VI, the two destroyers left disabled and adrift in space.

Togi group was totally destroyed, their main cannons dispatched by the panther wings and then buckling under the power of the Star Fortress; Togi IV chugged along with disabled engines only to fall victim to Hotaru’s attacks as well.

The eleven of the TF-50's Irim opened fire, nine of them (NG-X5-17, NG-X5-02 through NG X5-05, and NG-X5-18 through NG-X5-21) simultaneously the nine Xianthrafruglu opened fired their heavy SEPCs. Portland I and II converging their shots on NG-X5-17, Portland III and IV on NG-X5-05, Portland V and VI on NG-X5-18. Portland I~VI taking moderate damage, but forcefully plowed towards the firing Irims. While Portland VII~IX broke away from the group moving to FTL, and then hitting Himitsu’s Interdiction field at full speed, the three ships tore apart like mice caught on a stick trap, purposely overloading their power systems as they slowed their explosions directed towards the midsection where the production bays are located.

The Mishhuvayathar knew now the battle was over, but they intended to do as much damage as they possibly could, sacrificing themselves to do so.

Brunswick I and II engaged their Irim adversaries(22, 23) committing to Alpha strikes, firing everything they could handle at once, barraging the two ships in a fury of heavy and medium SEPC attacks.

Brunswick III~X broke away heading towards Jiyuu, charging their weapons in hopes of running the Fifth’s line and attacking the planet.

Seeming to flee towards the outer system the remaining members of Jio and Yab pulled together, each wing forming up into diamond formations side by side, turning around they prepared to meet fate, challenging the Panther and Armors trailing after them.

Whifgurflumik Battle Pod Wings Gyu 1 and 2 formed up in two large rings, taunting the 17th Armor Wing by firing Light SEPC and missiles into their formation.
Pockets of light blinked across the endless space. You couldn’t see anyone or anything – just brief sparks wherever conflict occurred, wherever ships and armours clashed for brief seconds. Kishou’s Mindy rocked under enemy fire. Her barrier shield flickered and failed as a SEPC sawed through her sylph pack; severing the right drone from her shoulder in a trail of fire.

Two decoy missiles launched from the Mindy’s countermeasure pods, screening the little armour as Kishou brought her wrist shield to bear; firing her aether rifle back into the aggressors with data gathered from every other sensor on the battlefield. Under cover from her countermeasures and weapon fire, the young neko pulled back slightly and regrouped with the rest of the 17th; electric sparks stuttering over her pocket-marked battlesuit from over a dozen close calls.

“Caine-san, it looks like they’re challenging us. What’s the plan?"
Yaichiro’s eyes widened as alerts of the enemy’s plan rang through his mind. It had been one of the calculated responses the Irims had deemed possible, but not one he’d personally expected. YSS Kappa’s interdiction dropped as planned, when the last enemy ships collapsed, so as to permit the Irim to fold to their targets.

Thankfully, the Irim selecting the new fleet’s potential patterns (NG-X5-83 through NG-X5-86, and NG-X5-91 through NG-X5-93) had mostly anticipated this action. All but NG-X5-91 and NG-X5-92 had honed in on the enemy’s plan. NG-X5-92 had anticipated the collision with Himitsu, but was unable to act in time, while NG-X5-91’s own systems delivered her to Jiyuu IV instead. The Irim did, however, find that there would be a Power Armor battle between Jio 1-40, Yab 1-75 and the 5th XF’s Forces. Already disengaged from the main battle by her –IES’ incorrect prediction, she activated her CDD and initiated pursuit to provide support to the Panthers and the mass of Lamia M1 units.

In a matter of nanoseconds, Yaichiro issued this message to all of his forces.

All Sakura in Nami no Seigi Squadron, YSS Asuka, and the NK-X5-25 subgroup fold to intercept! Initiate interdiction upon drop, and I want them more than 1 AU away but within the field. Our data puts that as the theoretical limit of most of their weaponry. Also keep us out of the Irims’ paths! NB-X5-03 and NK-X5-24 subgroups, you’ll stay here and shield Hotaru and Himitsu respectively! Take out those Quintessence Torpedoes and provide backup to the 17th.

YSS Kappa, our data indicates that the STL capabilities of these units are low. Keep them in the field, but maintain our distance. You have 0.25 AU radial leeway. Split into a radial group and two chord groups from the perimeter, so we can leave the field quickly if needed and make optimal use of our space.

It only took the ships’ –IES systems nanoseconds to coordinate the initial strike. As the Irims folded into position, the Kappa, Asuka, and the other units ordered arrived, and the field went up once again. Asuka hadn’t even time to pick her own personnel from the battlefield, but Yaichiro now trusted in Caine’s competence.

The YSS Kappa was in the exact center of the field, guarded by 4 Sakura (NG-X5-221, NG-X5-223, NG-X5-225, and NG-X5-226) and 2 Arashi (NE-X5-126 and NE-X5-128) , while the Kyoto (NK-X5-25) was on the left from the view of the enemy ships, and was defended by 2 Arashi. (NE-X5-129 and NE-X5-130). YSS Asuka was to the right and defended by 3 Sakura (NG-X5-227 through NG-X5-229). The ships had placed themselves 1.1 AU away from the approaching force, due to the calculations of the –IES system…Yaichiro only prayed they were a decent distance from Jiyuu should they somehow fail. Still, it was seven against fifteen, and that was just inside the interdiction field.

As the Irims arrived, it was revealed that Yaichiro’s desire for distance was two-fold. One was to give the ships some safety from the enemy Mishhu weaponry…and the other was to ensure their safety from that of the Irim. The Irims (NG-X5-83 through NG-X5-86, and NG-X5-91) arrived, and targeted the line of ships. The first five targeted Brunswick III, V, VII, IX and X specifically, hoping that any overlapping secondary damage to IV, VI, VIII from the massive blasts, would do as much damage as possible. NG-X5-91 was to hold its fire and go for the least damaged (or most dangerous) remaining target remaining after the attack.

Meanwhile, The 4 Arashi (NE-X5-26 and NE-X5-28 through NE-X5-30) unleashed a volley of AS-7 Antimatter torpedoes as well as Projected Energy Beams at Brunswick III, IV, VIII, and X, though the torpedoes were drastically slowed by the interdiction field. The truth is that they were merely a distraction for the enemy fire, their relatively light range of one mile and their slow speed meaning they were not good for much else. All 5 Arashi deployed their Variable Weapons Pods, should they be required to go in closer.

As a final deadly measure, all Sakura, including the YSS Kappa (NG-X5-221, NG-X5-222, NG-X5-223, and NG-X5-225 through NG-X5-229), selected all eight enemy targets (Brunswick III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X) and unleashed their Aether Shock Arrays at the enemy. Weapons and Aether Pods were deployed on the Saukra as well, in preparation for a close-quarters fight.

The twenty Quintessent Torpedoes were easy pickings for the Projected Energy Beams of Hotaru, as well as the remaining 9 Arashi attached to the Yuumi (NB-X5-03) subgroup. While the missiles sped up again when Kappa’s Interdiction field was gone, Hotaru’s was still in full effect, and slowed them down once more when they crossed the threshold.

As Hotaru began to pick off enemy Power Armors in Gyu I with its Projected Energy Beams, three Arashi (NE-X5-138 through NE-X5-141) also assisted with their own Energy Beams. Another 4 Arashi attached to the Yuumi subgroup (NE-X5-142 to NE-X5-145) did the same to Gyu II, but their primary contribution came when the eight ships ordered their massive stores of Power Armor (Arashi AL1-1 through Arashi AL1-18) out to assist the 17th, 16 additional wings in all. Arashi AL1-1 through Arashi AL1-8 charged Gyu-I, while Gyu-II was issued the pleasure of Arashi AL1-9 through Arashi AL1-16, weapons blasting as they closed the distance. Yuumi observed, ready to attack those who would do harm to Hotaru again.
"Shoki armor wing, launch and the Honor Guard Wing will form on you. You are to engage the remaining SMX pods and lend support to the Fifth power armors in fighting them off. (Yab 1~75 and Jio 1~40)." Yuriko ordered as the wing launched out into space, and the Honor Guard Wing moved away from the Asamoya as the ship prepared to fold. The Asamoya finally folded, a flash of light in its wake a the ship disappeared, only to re-appear above the Fifth XF forces engaging Brunswick III-X out side of the YSS Kappa's Interdiction Field.

The ship's energy signatures was elevated as the systems were suddenly pushed past their operational limits. All six of the Asamoya's SEPC's swiveled about as the ship turned to face the enemy. Two AS-5 Transphasic Aether torpedoes lept from their tubes at Brunswick VI,VIII. All six of the Asamoya's SEPC's then fired at Brunswick IV while the Aether Beam Cannon fired six pulse mode bursts back to back, at Brunswick III, IX, X. The ship was unleashing all of its fury on the SMX destroyers just as the Fifth forces were doing so now it seemed. Flashes of energy leaping from the ship at a rapid pace as the ship assisted them in taking down the destroyers.
The 17th formed up and tried to evade the incoming shots the best they can, a few taking damage but only in the form of grazes or injuries along the shoulders or arms. Caine was about to thank the Asuka when a Mindy shoved him out of the way and got pierced through the lower abdomen, a wound a neko could heal from but he wouldn't. He was alarmed by that and watched for a moment as she floated away in shock. When the reinforcements cam and broke the pods formation he gave an order.

When they could, two mindy's provided cover for their sister to retreat to the Yuumi for healing. The medbay would have another three coming, the two others injured in the arms and had been using the AIES to aid their combat. But Caine was angry and gave an order that was responded to almost immediately. "Kill them." He said coldly.

This was a special order he'd instructed them on while they were mobilizing. The entire remaining wing would vanish, going into stealth. They'd only reappear on sensors when it was almost too late and counterattacked the Gyu wings once they could. Switching to vicious melee attacks, a flash of an aether saber and an ensuring explosion rung out all over the field in the area. The effect would be devastating on enemy forces thanks to the coordinated speed and viciousness of the attacks.

Caine would come through to Ichiro and the Asuka's armors to take out stragglers then engage the other pods and try to keep them off the ships. His massive scythe flashing out as it made it's deadly slashes and ripped the enemy pods apart as he reappeared but vanished again.

Saito would come up to the Asamoya's bridge, a datapad in hand having been studying the tactics of the enemy. It was a habit, he was on high alert and was ready to protect the ship if they got boarded. He'd lay a hand on Yuriko's shoulder gently. Yuriko, you're doing a great job. We all have faith in you and your abilities to handle this. Saito thought to her along a private channel but said only that.
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