Star Army

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RP: 5th XF [Intermission:YSS-Yugumo] Touring The New Ship


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
07:30 The Dancing Danish Café: Kyoto, Yamatai

Kiyoko had risen early, leaving a message and seven-thirty wakeup call over PANTHEON for the others. She walked down the street in her issued skirt uniform, enjoying the quiet solitude the early morning brought. She walked into the café on the corner just down from her condo, where the others stepped. The aroma of fresh pastries filled her with a feeling a contentment, ordering a strawberry filled one and a cup of tea, before returning to one of the tables bordering the sidewalk.

Open starship specifications chart 11-34c, and begin readout. The PANTHEON began to transmit the information to her on the new Takumi Class ship, the YSS-Yugumo. This was not her first review of the material, but she wished for it to be fresh upon her mind when they toured the ship.

She sipped at her tea and nibbled upon the pastry, enjoying these brief moments alone before the others would rendezvous with her.

Message to Yugumo Officers & Crew
Wake-up Call 07h30,

Please meet me at the Dancing Danish Café; a map has been included with this transmission. Be in uniform and at your best, we are going on a tour of our new ship. We will be leaving the spaceport promptly at 08:00 hours for the shipyard.

Shosa Motoyoshi Kiyoko.
The wake-up call was a little shocking to Datenshi who was used to waking up a little later. With a jerk, she was off the side of her bed with she was already hanging dangerously over.

With a growl, she sat up and rubbed her head before she read the message.

Get up...uniform...presentable...dancing ship....NEW SHIP!

The mention of the new ship was all 'Tenshi needed to get going now as she bolted out of her room and into the shower. A quick five minute shower, and she was back in her room. It wasn't fifteen minutes later (Five included to get a snack to eat) before she was out the door and down the street to the dancing danish café. She was eager to see the ship she would be spending her first assignment on.

Soon enough she was in the café. Her hair was still somewhat damp, and a little messy because of her rush job to get to the place, but she smoothed out the ponytail as she neared the table where Kiyoko sat. Figuring it best, she snapped a salute.

"Good morning Shosha Motoyoshi. May I join you?" 'Tenshi stood where she was until she was acknowlegde either way.
The noise of the wake-up call yanked louis from his dream. The noise was annoying to his ears this early. "Shut up! I'm up damnit!" Louis said sitting up and slideing his legs over the side of the bed. as he waited for his eyes to adjust he stearched out and yawned.

As Louis read the message he stode up and started for the bathroom to clean up quickly. 7 minutes and a showwer latter louis walked out and jumped into his uniform and headed out the door after makeing sure he was all set.

He was eager to see to spiffy new ship that he was going to spend the next little while on. Looked like a nice ship in the blue prints but you can never really get a feel for a ship unless you've actually been on it. As Louis reached the cafe he walked over to were the commander was sitting and bowed. "Good morning Shosha how are you this morning?" he said in a friendly manner.
The evening had gone well, well as well as could be expected and woke up slowly but sped up when he heard the wake up call coming through. "Nnngh dammit I was hoping to get a little more sleep." Caine muttered to himself and noticed Louis getting out of the shower and decided to grab himself one too and shortly thereafter was up and dressed in the uniform and headed out.

Seeing as they're were meeting at a Danish shop of all things Caine put off buying anything on the way there and merely got some coffee and a danish and headed over to the others afterward. "Good morning everyone." he said, sipping the coffee. "I trust everyone got the rest they needed?"

Reina had been up around the same time Kiyoko had and was sitting outside on a balcony looking out at the sky, watching the sunrise. This was a common occurance, as he wanted to see a sunrise againi before they'd be in deep space where there wouldn't be such beauty. Getting a shower himself and dressing out in the appropriate uniform he walked out quietly and headed to the meeting point. "Mmmm I've already been to the ship, I spent all day yesterday there to get things set up in the mess how I wanted while there was time." He said. "But good mornin everyone. and yeah I did." he said in reply to Caine.
A lifetime of emergency drills and combat alarms at any odd hour had imbued Haruhi with the ability to wake up quickly whenever it was necessary, and so it was that with little more than a yawn the Neko was sitting up and reading the Shosa's message soon after the scheduled alarm had started to sound. After reading the message through twice to make sure she was seeing what it was saying, the armourer promptly swore and sent some messages of her own to arrange for her duffle bag to meet her at the spaceport when she arrived there.

The duffle bag that contained both sets of her uniform.

"Commander's gonna be pissed,â€
Jatsu swung his metallic fist toward the unwelcome intrusion with a bone-shattering force. Unfortunately for him, the photon-based window wasn't nearly as solid as bone, so his arm sailed through it and over the side of the bed, dragging the rest of his body and the blanket with it.

"Ow..." he groaned into the floor. He stood up rubbing his face, then looked at the message. "Goddamnit, not much notice." He sighed, then trudged toward the shower. He called back to Aoiko, "I'll be in the shower. You can either wait or join me...either way's fine." A couple minutes later, he walked out and rummaged through his bag, groaining, "So...if we're on leave, why are we putting on our uniforms...waking up this early...adhering to a schedule..." Eventually, he pulled out his uniform and put it on, then collapsed back onto the bed for a few more minutes of rest. At about 7:45, he got back up and yawned. "Oh well...guess we should head out."

Upon arriving at the cafe, he weakly said, "Morning," then sat down in an empty seat, yawned, and rested his head on the table.
Unlike the others, Camellia was already awake when the wake up call came. Living in the military ment one had to be ready as early as possible and Camellia's family, whom were non-military, but still as strict as one, always had her up and ready for the day by 0600 every day of her life. In that respect she was never capable of sleeping in due to having conditioned herself to alwys getting up that early.

She was seated in the kitchen, sipping a cup of tea when the Wake up call popped into reality infront of her face, suprising her slightly. Finishing her tea, Camellia went to her room, changed and left with everyone else.
Kiyoko acknowledged Datenshi with a nod, motioning to the seat across from her "At ease, Santo Hei. Hope you slept well.â€
Datenshi nodded slightly and took a seat. As she listened to the woman, she was a little upset over not being able to get atleast a few hours to hit up one store she wanted to go to, but she understood the need to get used to a ship since she was fresh out of the academy.

"Understood ma'am." She wasn't all to hungry, so she ordered a bit of toast. As she nibbled on the toast she thought through her training of proper protocols and all the like, and made sure to run through anything she thought important.

She finished her toast quickly enough and looked over Haruhi, the other new girl. She looked pretty good, but she wondered how tough it would be to get to know her. Sometimes people just didn't take to her that well.
Biting into her pastry once it arrived, Haruhi was almost disappointed with the Shosa's lack of comment at her lack of uniform; she certainly hadn't expected the absence of reaction from Motoyoshi after leaving the instructions that she had in the wakeup message. With the mental equivalent of a shrug she listened in on what her commander had to say.

The news that the extra leave the rest of the crew would be getting would not be available to Haruhi was welcome to the Neko; as far as she was concerned she had spent too much time on-planet already and was more than ready to get back on a ship. But not before another pastry or two, and finishing her green tea. Despite her initial scepticism at the café's ability to do justice to the quality of Gyokuro leaves, the pale green liquid sitting before her was of an acceptable standard to the armourer.

Whether the same could be said of Santô Hei Akamaru Datenshi though was something that seemed doubtful. It was beginning to look like they weren't joking when they listed armourer as one of the Neko's occupations on the crew listing, despite the fact that she was a power armour pilot and had no experience in the armourer field. To Haruhi power armour pilots were good at two things, wasting ammo and breaking perfectly good weapons, and neither of those were skills she put in high regard.

With a half-suppressed sigh Haruhi popped the final piece of her first pastry into her mouth, then turned her head enough so that she could get a look at Datenshi. Finding the Neko looking back at her Haruhi turned back to her tea, hoping that the café wasn't the only thing that would turn out to surprise her with hidden talents.
At the Marks Estate...

The air around the estate was quiet. Unusual only because the majority of its inhabitants were asleep. Outside the vineyards shimmered in the early morning dew. Creighton watched it all from the large front porch.

There was a short click of a door opening. "Couldn't sleep, eh C?" A voice responded from behind him. Creighton turned his head to see a younger Nepleslian in faded denim approach him from the door.

"I never can sleep well the first few nights home." Creighton said and returned his gaze to the quiet landscape of the estate. The serene setting putting his mind at ease. "So Albert, how are the grapes doing?"

Albert paused to take a sip of a coffee mug in his hand before responding. "Better this year. Percy has been keeping them in check after last year's disaster." He ends by downing the rest of his mug in a single gulp.

Creighton chuckled. "Who knew that the organic feed he had bought was meant for birds."

"Gods, they tore those poor grapes up in a frenzy. Your uncle finished them off by spazing out at the birds." Albert laughed as he set the coffee mug down on a table behind them. "He hasn't gone back to that supplier ever since. Well, care to see them up close?"

"Why not I have time." Creighton responded and started down the porch steps before Albert. "Has he planted anything in the side gardens?"

"Only a few herbs. He's letting the soil rest." Albert briefly answered before disappearing inside to return his mug and retrieve a long, black container.

The mile walk to Albert's shed was invigorating. The cool morning air refreshed both Creighton and Albert. The two young men spoke at length about situations at home, current events, and women.

Upon reaching the shed, Albert unlatched the door with his key. The musty stench of old wood washed over both men. "Well I better get started clearing up the paths. Then I'll probably have to trim the bushes, they're looking rather long."

"Looked fine to me." Creighton commented as he picked up of trimming shears. "I'll take a look though."

Albert nodded as he began moving a wheelbarrow full of tools out of the shed. "If you think they look fine, just pass it over. I'll deal with it later."

"Right. I think-" Creighton started but was cut off by a PANTHEON alert and message appearing to his side.

"Gods- I hate those things." Albert growled. "Unnatural for them to come out of nowhere."

Creighton ignored his companion and activated it. The message was short and to the point. Sighing he keyed the message off after he had memorized the info. "I've been called in."

"So much for the visit." Albert commented as set down the black case in front of him. "Will you be home for dinner?"

"Probably not. I'll call ahead if I do intend on coming." Creighton respond as he began jogging down the path towards the house. "I'll talk to you later."

"Later C." Albert responded before looking down at the opened container and its mass of pieces. In flurry of movements he began assembling something. Less than 10 seconds later an assembled sniper rifle rested in his hands. Retrieving a clip from his back pocket, Albert slammed it into place. "Off to work." He commented idly as he set the rifle amongst his pile of tools in the wheelbarrow and moved into the vineyard.

Sometime later, a showered and uniformed Creighton drove by Albert in a dark blue, fossil fuel sports car. Both young men waved and then disappeared from each other sight.
Jatsu yawned and lifted his head off the table. He called a waitredd over and simply said, "Egg sandwich," then rested his head back on the table. 48 more hours, huh? Guess I'll have to make the most of it, he thought.

He lifted his head off the table again when the waitress returned, and quickly ate his breakfast. He yawned again, then returned his head to the table.
Louis sat down and called for a cup of coffee and in no time he had what he called for. As he sat drinking his coffee looking at the others he was thinking about how they were going to spend the next year or years together on the ship they were going to tour soon enough. Then his mind shifted to thinking about how he was basically replaceing his brother in this group and how they would like him in the long run and if they would accept him. he kept to him self as no one was talking to him and waited for time to leave.
Caine and Reina joined the other at the table, taking a seat each at an adjacent table as the first one was full. "So to the ship today after all." Caine said with a yawn, stretching a bit. Reina smirked. "I've already been there, it's a nice ship really, huge."
After ten minutes Kiyoko got up, grabbed her back and announced "Lets go people, we have a lot to accomplish if you want that two days of leave prior to our launch.â€
Caine joined Kiyoko in the jeep when she gestured. The ride would be relatively short to get to the spaceport again with the crew in tow. "He'd better show up we can't really wait too long for him." Caine muttered as he looked around for Crieghton as well.
Camellia finished her tea and bagel when Kiyoko stood and said it was time to leave. She decided to sit in the second Jeep and made herself comfortably with what space she could between herself and the others, if others sat with her.
'Tenshi decided to leave Caine and Kiyoko be in the jeep, and instead chose to join Camellia in the jeep. She sat on the other side of the seat of course and made sure to give her some room.

"Hey there, mornin. Excited to see the new ship?"

It was painfully obvious that 'Tenshi was indeed excited.
Louis walked over and jumped into the second jeep with cam and tem in the back and streched out. He had barely have enough time to finish his coffee before the group had to leave.

"Well so much for beakfast ey? Well atleast we get to see our niftty new ship!" He said to no one in particular as he rub one of his eyes.
Finishing her tea and pastries in relative peace, Haruhi climbed into the back of the lead jeep seeing that it had less people in it and settled in for the ride out to the base. After the short trip to the spaceport Haruhi hopped out of the jeep and with little more than a short "back in a minute,â€