Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: 5th XF [Intermission:YSS-Yugumo] Touring The New Ship

Caine just followed along the tour quietly, taking in the exact details of what the layout of the ship was. "Hmm this ship is huge." he said brushing ahand through his hair as he looked. Reina just chuckled stretching his arms as he did, the only thing he knew about was the layout to the messhall and the rec areas of the ship. The surprise of the promotion made both just pause and quirk an eyebrow at it all.

"So...Haruhi is the CO of the ship now?" Reina said rubbing the back of his head.

Caine nodded. "Yeah she is." he said to the other crewman and looked at Haruhi. "Congratulations."
Camellia was suddenly very irritated. One of the newest members of the crew was just suddenly fast promoted to command in a matter of seconds. Taking this news with a grain of salt, she began to pinch the side of her hand.

Pinch, "ow," pinch, "ow," pinch, "ow." After three she gave up. "Damn, I knew it wasn't a dream." She grumbled bitterly.
Dom muttered his congrats to the new CO before breaking with the group to go inspect his office, the medical bay. "The others will come eventually," he thought to himself.
Datenshi watched as Camellia oddly pinched her hand. She began to wonder why the girl was doing it, before she heard her speak up.

"Heh..." The red head just shook her head and sighed. The sudden jump irked her a little too, but she just got over it. She took a deep breath then let it out slowly before she spied the guy walk off from the group. With a shrug she kept up with the group, but tried to call up a inventory of how much the place needed to keep things up at full stock.
Aoiko quickly moved up alongside Camellia. 'Is anything wrong, Sarri-san?' she asked, tilting her head slightly to the side. 'You seem somewhat concerned. Not from the quality of the ship, I hope? This seems rather comfortable, compared to a Nozomi.' She shifted her head a little more. 'Unless you are surprised at how pleasant it is?'
Camellia glanced to Aoiko, "oh, it's not that." She said, covering her distaste well. "It's an odd habit of mine that springs up every now and then when something I think laudable happens."
"As you can see, the medical facilities aboard the Yugumo are adequately equipped to handle any illness or emergencies that the crew may encounter during her journeys.â€
Dom nodded to those who had passed into his domain, but then left to his own machinations; he still had to take stock of his gear, and re-familiarizing himself with tools he had become rusty with. After said excercises, Dom opened his notepad, and reviewed the medi-specs of the crew, associating a face with each file as the group chatted.
Aoiko nodded slowly, and closed her eyes over for a moment before opening them again with a start. Picking up her pace for a moment, she drew up to Camellia's side and got up on her toes to come nearer to her ear. 'Could it be, Sarri-san,' she whispered, 'that you are concerned about an inexperienced officer being placed in a command role that she is unused to? I was in that position myself, you know. And you think you should be worried about this, just because she does not have the training, or that she has not proven herself?'

Aoiko dropped back to her heels and looked forward. 'Because you really should,' she said in a more conversational tone.
"It's both really," Camellia responded, also more conversational. lowering slightly to whisper into Aoiko's ear. "I find the notion of an armorer, fresh from her first mission in command of something this big absloutely mind boggling." Pausing to check if anyone was listening, she continued, "The Taisho must be mad to think genetic superiority would mean any old neko would automatically know how to command a ship fleet."
Caine fell back with Aoika and Cam and shhhed quietly. "She might have been recently promoted but Kiyoko and I still have the positions we do. So everything won't be that bad." he said, trying to reassure them as they looked around teh medical quarters.
As she overheard Camellia's complaints, Datenshi couldn't help but agree with her. With a sigh, 'Tenshi just continued to take in the ship during the tour, a screen up just in her veiw to look over what each room had in it when it was fully stocked, and compaired it to what they had in storage.

"There is a lot of stuff in this ship..."

She couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the idea.
"The good thing is that you're not responsible for every single item on the ship – each section and their assigned supply officer are responsible for inventory control of their own section's equipment – rather your job is putting these together into the big picture along with keeping the cargo bays topped off when resupply is available. Oh, and throw some weapon maintenance in there as well, though I expect the tech sentries will be doing the bulk of that.â€
"The Yugumo's main cargo bay and warehouse is a fully automated storage and receiving center for the goods required for missions, equipment and overflow for storage for the personal effects of the crew. The cargo facility is managed by the KAMI which - as you can see - utilises small cranes, haulers, and transports to move materials into the appropriate storage areas," the snow-white haired Neko pointed a delicate hand towards one of the haulers at work as she spoke, before directing the group's gaze deeper into the facility. "To improve loading and unloading of cargo to and from the Yugumo, this cargo bay has been equipped with an exterior docking mount that has been specifically designed to accommodate docking with the recent Odori Class Freighter." The Yugumo's AI's synthesised body allowed the crew to take a few moments to soak in the sights before she spoke again.

"Please do not hesitate to ask of me any questions you may have concerning either the cargo bay or any of the other areas we have visited so far."
It was a rather lackluster flight to the Yūgumo. Takuma had been assigned to his mission only a few hours ago, therefore missing the crew's meeting. In such a hurry, he could not fine all the pieces of his uniform so he just went in what he was already wearing, a dark gray shirt and cameo pants. Once they were near the Yūgumo, Takuma was surprised at the size of the ship. Way bigger then any he had ever seen.

Once the ship landed, Takuma got aboard with all his stuff and found a nearby computer terminal. After looking through it, he located where the others were, apparently still on the tour. "Long tour..." he thought to himself.

He found his way to the others no problem and reported to the AI.
"Jôtô Hei Takuma, reporting for duty." He said, straighting up to the AI.
The Yugumo AI's embodiment smiled politely to Takuma, acknowledging his introduction with a slight bow. "Welcome to the Yugumo, Takuma-Jôtô Hei. Please note that while we are not technically on duty at the present time, it is expected that when reporting for duty you should do so in a professional manner - which means wearing your uniform. I would have expected that someone of your rank should not have to be told this. With that aside, please join us for the little of our tour that remains.â€
Caine had been following the tour quietly, merely taking in the areas of the ship and mentally memorizing where all these key places were, the bridge, the medical bay and variou sother places. But the view before them was the absolute best he'd seen here, he could feel it inside himself, growing stronger each momen the stood out here. Brushing his blonde hair behind an ear, he was growing slow giddy about where he was now, the environment like forest under them that constructed the arboretum. "I have to say this place is probably the most magnificient area I've seen so far on this massive ship." Caine said in awe. "Part of me want to run down there and go play in the environment there." He laughed at himself.

Reina couldn't help but chuckle. "If you guys will excuse me I'm going to head for the mess hall now." He said. "I have to see if they put in the special installations I asked for yesterday." The horned caretaker was saying.

"Oh go ahead. Can't have you complaining later on right?" Caine said, looking over at him and nodded. Reina bowing to them politely to excuse himself and turned to head off through the doors they just came through. The blonde XO looked over at Takuma and patted him on the shoulder and nodded. "I'm sure you have a good reason for being tardy, rememeber to explain it to your CO here" he said nodding toward Haruhi.

He turned to the AI and nodded to her. "Can you show me to where my personal quarters would be?" he asked the computer politely. "I'd like to know how my personal space I have before I start making plans and moving my stuff in." he smiled looking over At Kiyoko for a moment adn blushed, he'd known that when they were assigned that the CO and XO often stayed in the same quarters but with the recent change he didn't know whether or not it held true.

He'd provided out via requisition one item for each of the crew that came with them initially and wanted to find out privately if they had been accomodated just yet.
"Ya, your right. Hope I didn't kill my first impression", laughing to himself slightly. Sighing, Takuma walked over to Haruhi and gave a sharp salute.

"My apologize ma'am for being tardy, because I did not receive the transmission about my transfer here until a few hours ago. I was working with sensitive electronics and if my communicator went off, it could cause a short or I would have jumped and broken the part!" Takuma said while showing with his hands him being startled and throwing an imaginary part against the wall. "About the uniform, I will have to request to get a new one. My old one got stuck in my roommate's stuff and was taken elsewhere."

All of this did happen, but he had a hard time believing that Haruhi would believe him. Takuma sighed and hoped for the best. "I will go find my quarters now. I apologize again for the tardy." He saluted again and walked off towards the crew quarters.
Camellia nodded to Caine as he left, then turned her attetion to the newbie, she walked over and gave Takuma a quick look over, aside from the uniform, he was more or less being a standard officer.

"Proper manners, Takuma." She said simply, "You bow to superior officers."
Datenshi was simply quiet as the newcomer met up with the group. With a small shrug she started to go over the rosters of those who would help her. With a small sigh she prayed that she would be able to do everything that had been thrown onto her shoulders.

Then she simply let out a sigh and relaxed. No use in getting worked up over this. Though now she wasn't sure if she got time off as well, or still had to stick back like Kiyoko had told her too.