Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: 5th XF [Intermission:YSS-Yugumo] Touring The New Ship

Haruhi grimaced slightly; from Datenshi's response it sounded like she was coming across pretty negatively towards the junior Neko, so after moving away from the transparent corridor as the group got into motion again and travelling in silence for a while the armour tried again in a more relaxed tone. "You've familiarised yourself with the ship's complements?â€
"Yes I have ma'am."

'Tenshi's response was short and a little bitter as she continued to look ahead of them. Mentally she was running through the different things she had gone over the night before when she had gone to bed. With a small sigh, she stopped looking through the supply listing and looked to Haruhi.
"Will you two cut it out?" Camellia muttered from behind them. "If there's anything I hate more, it's people bitching about other people's abilities." She said while scratching behind her head. "You're both on this boat with us, so try and be friends on the first day, or you'll never be friends." She said while walking ahead of them. "Let's check out the bridge."
"She is right." the AI said and lead them down the hallways toward the spacious brand new bridge. "Please restrain yourselves from conflict." She said in a calm peaceful tone of voice.
Seeing as she was not bitching about Datenshi's abilities or lack thereof – those were something that only time spent with her would determine – and that this was far from what she considered a conflict, Haruhi deliberately ignored Camellia and the AI's calls for her to desist. "Good. It's refreshing to see someone to whom initiative is more than just a fancy word,â€
"It has it's pros and cons. While we know that everyone is now somewhat on the same level, at the same time we do not get some of the benefits that other races could possibly bring. But while we miss out on the benefits, we atleast know that everyone will be on the same plane of power for most of the time."

'Tenshi's gaze looked ahead again, unaware that her and her superior were in conflict. With a shrug, she looked back to Haruhi and sighed.

"And you? What do you think?"
Dom stares quietly at the two crewmates bickering, before moving along, examining the room in detail, becoming acquainted with it. As he scans the room, Dom allows the borders of his consciousness to flutter about, causing his thoughts to scatter, and his eyes to glaze.
OOC: A reminder: all RP posts on Star Army should be in third person, past tense (like a book). Glad to see this forum coming back to life, though.
Camellia paused when the two started to talk about the species restrictions. "I personally hate it." She said bitterly, "we're in the middle of a war and we can't deliberatly hampstring the military by restricting the races that can serve it because of the sour excuses of "superiority" and "efficency" are insensable." She growled, as though she was going to spit on the ground right here and now.

"Thankfully, I went ahead and made a small call while we were waiting here after the order was announced, I'm going to be keeping my Geshrin body for two more missions, then I'm allowed to rethink my options of upgrading, or being discharged because I just so happen to be exisiting in the shell of an outdated Neko protoype body."
The Ai sighed to herself and continued to lead them, the heavy doors sliding open to reveal the fresh new bridge of the Takumi. The bottom floor was polished marble mined on Taiie, its graceful smoky swirls and polished shine give a clean polished look, the central floor was a circular pad raised ten inches, with the star army logo decaled on the surface. This raised central pad had raised polished hand rails with three openings, one forward, and two positioned left and right of aft. Overall it was a very impressively built bridge with all the appropriate stations wher ethey should be (Too lazy to post it all up check the takumi's info for the whole thing)

Kiyoko let out a whistle, seeing the room and walked over to the captain's chair and ran her fingers over it and smiled a bit. Caine blinked. "whoa this place is huge..." he said with appreciative whistle. The AI seemed to smile wryly at their amusment. "this is the Takumi's bridge and the base of operations."
Louis followed the rest in his own litle world of wonderment at his new surroundings.

When they arived in the bridge he started to walk around to take it all in and took note of where the most likely to be damaged areas would be. When he looked down there was only one thing that came to his mind, "I do hope that my room doesn't have granite in it... Well I don't think there would be that much more in this ship... seems they used it all in here!"
Haruhi smiled slightly, not having expected Datenshi to view it from the angle she was thinking of. "Personally I think it will mean we'll have too many consumables for Nepleslians, and not...â€
A bit shocked to say the least, Datenshi snapped a salute before she bowed at the waist. "Congratulations Chui Haruhi."

As she straightened up it dawned on her. She was going to be the new head armourer now because of this promotion. Now Haruhi may have the neccessary time and experience to take on her new job, but 'tenshi doubted she did. She was fresh out of the academy, not one to take on such a large job on a brand new ship.
Several hours before, it may be noted that Murasaki Aoiko rather groggily pulled herself out of bed, and contented herself with reading her mail and preparing breakfast while her boyfriend was in the shower. One particular message caught her attention, and after reading over it three times, she carefully scribed out a message and sent if off. The reply came back just as she finished off a bowl of miso, and after one more moment to consider, she located a pure white yukata from her closet and stole out of the flat.

Which leads to the present, and Aoiko - occasionally scratching at her wrists in some nervous manner - stealing right back up behind Jatsu. 'I am dreadfully sorry for my lateness,' she said, her perfectly-straight posture and expression indicating precisely the opposite. 'There was an awful queue at the clinic, and I was forced to argue for ages with a frightful doctor about a particular facial feature. Did I miss anything of particular import?' She tilted her head just slightly to the side, flashing a brief little smile.
Kiyoko remained silent for a moment before she answered, obviously reviewing her own communiqué. "It's an administrative reshuffle of sorts. It allows me to concentrate on my duties as group commander of the Yugumo colonisation expeditionary group while someone else oversees the Yugumo itself. Congratulations on your promotion.â€
Aoiko tilted her head slightly at the reply to her query. 'A mutiny in progress,' she asked, 'or are you planning one? Because I should inform you that they have a habit of not going very well in this fleet, besides causing collateral damage. But, yes.' Aoiko followed along towards the lift, still rubbing her fingertips over her wrists. 'I am anxious to see at least some of the Yugumo.'
"Fortunately there was very little actual mutinying involved, SAPM simply decided to bump my rank and drop the keys to the ship into my bewildered hand, as it were,â€
Datenshi simply followed the group, silent after a nod of thanks to Haruhi for the promise. She took in the sights, mentally making notes of where everything was and comitting it to memory.

With a sigh she saw all the infirmiries and all the medical rooms. She didn't like that the designers felt there would be such a need for so many rooms since it really didn't forbode well for the ship, as if the designers were saying that would need this many.
Louis didn't give most of the medical equiptment much time and was mroe takeing in the archatecture of the ship. "How many more places we going to go to?" Louis blurted out getting bored with his surroundings.