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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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"Tell you what, Chiaki. If you can tell me where the fuck my sister is, I might let you get close to her without ripping your dick off and shoving down your throat," Lenz growled again.
"It's a deal." Hatu smiled, letting his hand reach over the table and towards Lenz for a shake. I might just do so, m'boy.
Lenz took Hatu's hand in his cybernetic left one and gave a very firm handshake. "We'll see just how well you do before any great male bonding moments occur. I've dealt with enough people that talk to know not to get my hopes up."
"As long as it doesn't require any speacial clearance, would it, sir?" Hatu looked to Flinz and let go of Lenz's hand and returned to a more relaxed position.
"Her eyes are yellow, or gold." Alaster explained. The man just sat there casually as he continued his conversation with Sarai. "And yes...I suppose I do, I find that a person's eyes can tell much about them, even if they are not saying. Plus, they can be an attractive feature in a woman."
"Hmm, quite true," Sarai replied thoughtfully as she leaned forward, watching Alaster's face with curios green eyes. "A what do you think my eyes say about e, Soldier?" She grinned as a beeping, vibrating noise could be heard from her left pants pocket. She idly reached into her pocket and removed the vibrating, noisy data pad her eye moved from Alaster to the data pad screen and she sighed. "They simply can't do anything without me, and to think I'm just an assistant. Sorry to have to run out on you, but we'll have to finish this discussion another tie then, Alaster." She stood up after eating the last mouthful of kelp on her tray.

She gave the Marine a wink as she turned quickly about and hurried off with her empty tray. Her walk, was more of a dancer's sway as she moved quickly and gracefully away from Alaster. Several trainees had visibly turned away from their meals to watch the red head's passing in silent appreciation before returning to their conversations and meals. It was hard to imagine that with a smooth transition of movement, that the woman's lower extremities were really cybernetic.
"What happened to her mother?" Nelew asked Lenz, her smile nowhere to be seen. "Is this the reason why you have been stressed today?" Her voice was a mixture of emotionless curiosity and genuine concern for Lenz's loved ones.
"They found her cut up into little pieces," Lenz replied irritatedly. "I wouldn't call it stressed, I'd call it pissed off."
"The data is currently classified, Mr. Chiaki." Flins rumbled. He then looked over his shoulder, noting Sarai had left. He turned back to the table. "I assume you are all ready?"
"Yes, Captain. You mentioned something about being able to vent my anger some time soon?" Lenz asked as respectfully as he could manage while he was trying to reign in his anger.
"Oh." Nelew removed her attention from Lenz and looked at the table as the conversation changed topics to the approaching activities. So she was murdered? And it was classified...that in particular was odd, unless the killer or the mother were related directly to the government somehow. Maybe she could satisfy her curiosity if she followed Hatu's progress.
"Yes, I did, Initiate." Flins stood, leaving his now empty can of tea on the table. "Come now, Initiates. We have work to do." He turned and strode from the table, stopping behind Alaster's chair.
"Initiate Langford, I assume you are ready to depart?"
"Ready, sir." Alaster stated, getting up from his seat, snapping to attention. Military training overriding his leisurely posture. He soon found his way behind Flins, and waited patiently for the hulking ID-SOL to begin on his way.
Nelew silently followed Flins, her assumed personality disappearing altogether and replaced by stiff professionalism.

Altogether, this had been a rather instructive mealtime, she decided with what might be considered satisfaction. At the very least, she had discovered a possible source of information as well as a little more background information on one of her teammates.

But now, it was time for learning something more directly associated with her future job.
Lenz was standing and he looked at his fellow squad mates impassively as he waited for Flins to lead them out to wherever it was they were going next.
Hatu looked around as the dinner seemed to end and Flins called the squad around. The Tech did not snap up as the rest, he did a more leisurely standing followed by a more proper salute, waiting for the large ID-SOL to take the lead.
"Come. The briefing room awaits. Mr. Chiaki, please report to your station in FieldSup, section 2." Flins turned from the table, and strode from the room, not waiting for his subordinates to catch up.

Moments later, Flins had entered a large auditorium-like room, decorated in the standard IPG grey. Although there was ample seating for close about fifty people, the small group would doubtfully need that much space. Flins had taken a stand on a podium in the front of the room, waiting for the Initiates to be seated. Behind and to the left of his massive frame was a large vidscreen, currently displaying a large-scale map of a suburban neighborhood.

Lenz and Alaster entered shortly after the captain, Lenz seating himself in the front row, with Alaster in the row behind and two seats over.

Nelew found a seat a few spots down from Lenz and waited for the briefing.

Anima followed the directions given, from the main gate and to the briefing room. Her demeanor didn't stand out much from the surroundings, the non-expressive face and nearly non-existant body language. If she didn't wear the basic green uniform, she might just have blended with a wall.

As she entered the room, she saluted to Flins in a strict and formal greeting, then got seated in the front row, leaving a chair empty between herself and Lenz.

Flins returned the salute for a brief moment. "Private Third Class Project A-2, I presume?"

"That is correct, Sir." the redeyed cyborg comfirmed. " You may adress me as Anima, as well."

This was unexpected. Nelew followed the newcomer with her eyes as Anima entered and reported to Flins; her vision easily picked out the cybernetics and construction. An interesting theme was being presented in this group, she realized. Half of them were now augmented.

"As Lord Veles has seen fit to address you, your given name, shall be used by myself. Your fellow soldiers shall address you by your chosen name, however." Flins' single eye was trained on the cyborg. "Also, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Sergeant, under the designation 'Initiate' until your training is complete."

Anima nodded, having nothing to object against. " Acknowledged. Written promotion needed to comfirm rank change. Is Mireille Belmonte still my supervisor?"

"Negative, Initiate. Mireille Belmonte is not part of this division. I am now your supervisor." Flins responded. "Now, I hope you are ready to begin your briefing?"

"Yes, supervisor." Anima didn't seem to be very interested in her fellow initiates, not even looking at Lenz who was sitting to the right. Either she was very anti-social, or very focused at the upcoming briefing.

Flins nodded. "Very well then." He pointed behind him at the map. "This is suburban development 445 of Luftenstrimmel City. At the moment, it is occupied by one Winston Patreynam." At these words, the screen shifted from the map to an image of a middle-aged man with light brown hair, brown eyes, and a slighty chunky stature, if the bust view given by the photo was any indication.

"Now, ex-Sergeant Patreynam was a decorated veteran. He fought the Red assault on NAMs orbital ship yards, and performed admirably. However, sometime between the Red attack and the start of the Kennewes Offensive, the Reds got to him." The screen shifted to show a snapshot of a torn, blasted landscape, with a number of ruined SAoN power armors littered about. "He was dropped early on in the offensive, and sold out his company. This is what was left when they were found."

"It has been confirmed that this man was the cause of the destruction?" inquired Nelew.

Lenz sat silently as they were finally briefed. He watched Anima curiously with cold hazel eyes, thinking that perhaps, the cyborgnetic woman was somewhat more competent as a soldier than the other woman in their squad appeared to be.

"Yes." An instant later, several speakers placed around the room began to transmit sound. Two voices were present on the recording. "Alright, listen, we're just outside that little town next to the lake," the first voice began, gravelly and cold. It seemed to match the face on the screen perfectly. Shortly after, a second voice came over the speakers. "Alright, we gotcha. We'll have a couple wings over in a bit, Winston. Get outta there, will ya?" The recording ended, leaving the room silent once more.

"Did he?" Nelew asked. Voices could be faked. Records could be faked. But..."Apologies, sir. I will assume all investigative procedures have been followed and details verified," the woman added almost immediately after posing her second question.

Flins stared at Nelew. "Initiate, if there is one thing OutInt is good at, it is getting its facts straight. And, even if this was not accurate information, this mission is from Grand Veles himself."

Nel nodded. "Understood, sir."

"Are there any other questions before we continue?" Flins asked of his audience.

Anima didn't question the information given, just sat quietly through the briefing. Flins could have aswell said that he didn't like the color of the mans underwear, and wanted him dead, and A-2 would undertake the task just as willingly.

"What's his home security look like? I assume we're going in there to take him out and not question about how the Reds might've talked to him?" The former police officer asked gruffly as he folded his arms in front of his chest. He thought he might be jumping the gun with his question a but but it never hurt to ask a question that'd transistion into the rest of the data they would need to complete the operation.

"Correct, Initiate Nies." Flins responded. "Once we are on-site, Lieutenant Chiaki will be able to shut down the system's line to the local authorities from here. However, he does have several guards." The viewscreen changed once more, this time a snapshot of four men, all of them big-looking ID-SOLs surrounding the comparatively tiny Patreynam. "They, from our observance, are all armed, but only lightly."

Anima spoke softly, but with a soul-less tone of voice. " What is the highest level of violence we can use? is the objective to capture or to neutralise the subject of the mission?"

"Kill." Came the simple reply.

"Why not communicate with the local law enforcement with a bogus warrant for the fucker's arrest? We could use the cooperation to blockade the local roads and prevent some sort of escape? If he fires on us, we'd have justifible homicide and IPG can claim jurisdiction over the case?" Neis suggested thoughtfully.

"Do the guards have set patrols or are they in the vicinity of the target?" asked Nelew.

"The guards do not patrol. They're simply there. They only pay significant attention to the target when he leaves." Flins then looked to Lenz. "As for why? This is your test mission. This is to see if you're up to par. You will not always have the ability to call in the local police for assistance, and if we wanted him arrested, OutSec would have done so already. Grand Veles demands this man's death. You shall deliver it."

"Yes sir.What's our time table look like for completion?" Neis asked again.

"Is there a preferred method of termination?" added Nelew, turning her attention to Flins.

A-2 listened thoughtfully, before adding another question. " What are our resources? Weaponry, camouflage?"

"You will reach the targets residence in two hours, about thirty minutes after nightfall. It is a relatively secluded area. Many of the houses on the street are uninhabited. You will be provided with anything you wish to take from the armory," Flins thought for a moment, "As far as other equipment, you will receive SynAraS weave vests, tactical helmets, and some other light armor, as well as UV goggles. This mission should be completed discretely, of course. The average civilian should not be made privy to our dealings through a lack of care."

We have learned that the target is vacating the planet in 3 days time on a private planetary hop at 200 hrs. You have to neutralize him before that at all costs. He cannot escape the planet, we will consider his survival as failure for all of you and your future careers on Nepleslia," Flins continued moving his large cycloptic eye from one Initiate''s face to the next. "Keep your environment in mind and do not draw attention to yourselves. Any other questions?"

"Is there a database available with information on the available equipment?" Nelew asked. She had no training in any of it, but knowing how to operate the equipment and what their capabilities were would allow her at least semi-competent use.

Flins nodded to Nelew, "You'll have limited access to the Armory's inventory list. If you have further questions about the equipment, you may gain that information from Lt. Chiaki as he is your technical adviser. Prove to us that you are not incompetent and you will be granted access to more... specialty equipment."

Sent to each of their issue data pads was a non-classified listing of the available equipment in the armory that they could check out.
Nelew browsed the contents of the uploaded equipment roster, mentally marking the ones that were of interest.

The Peacekeeper cudgel and electrified knuckledusters looked the most promising, considering that she had no firearms training aside. Mentally reviewing her comrades, however, Nelew figured that the odds of her being able to get close enough to anyone to do any damage with melee items were rather slim if her teammates took any of the projectile or energy weapons after she noticed the effective ranges on that sort of equipment.

"Are further instructions for completing the objective available or are we to create a plan of action for ourselves?" she asked Flins. "Also, who is to be the leader among those performing this task?"
Lenz had a pretty good idea of what tools he'd need for this mission: 1 sniper rifle; a flak vest and lots of ammo. He waited to be directed towards the base's armory before voicing his choices.
"Your squad leader during this mission will be Initiate Langford," replied Flins, stepping from behind the podium and walking to the door. "You will need to come up with your own strategy. I will follow you to the site, but will not reveal my position to you, and only act if the mission is in danger of being compromised."
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