Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 Jack, Be Quick.

Creature let out a groan of relief. Then a loud shuddering flush caused the building to rattle. He swayed out of the rest room. "What's the story with this shit hole anyway? One of my girls came here to make money and got handled like fuckin pin cushion. All the creepy alien kids live under ground and shit huts. The locals all tried to fuckin kill me. Except that poor guard. Gah. Feel bad for that. " Creature said as he started looking around and inspecting the doctor's various medications.
Amit stood there, confuses and uncertain on what to do. Other than following Jack to the ship and on board.

"So...what do I do?" Amit asked.

Sasha letted out a short but loud yelp, then yelled at the Doc as he stabbed wrong leg with his injector. However, it seemed to work, so she decides not to pull out her pistol.

" God...well, what'd you suggest? "
"You... you need calories princess...." The doc said, taking another swig from his flask, "And like... money... for a few bucks more I can fix up this things eye... its like-face-eyes could be soooo much better you know."


Someone was outside of the garage,


The doc would turn towards the door and immediately yell, "WELL YOU FOUND SOMEONE DIPSHITS! YOU AIN'T GETTIN IN WITHOUT MONEY!"


(The ship was waiting in orbit, but I'm rolling with the ship still being in the starport now)

"Fine, lets get onboard the ship then," Uso said, heading back onboard.

Vier was waiting just inside the rear ramp.

"Nice mess you have made."

"blaaaaahhhhhh Just help me find my lost people," Uso quip'd.

"They are about three miles south of here. I have been following you from high altitude with some sprinkle-drones."

"OK. So..."

"They are already surrounded by cartel soldiers. If we move in we will tip everyone off to their location."

"... Alright Mook... new kid..." Uso said, turning towards the two of them, "Wow me. What do you got onboard in terms of firepower?"
"Several suits of impulse power armor, additional battle rifles, USO-P1's, Sheskas, assorted grenades, and ammo." Jack said as he walked over to a medium grouping of crates. He hit the release on the largest to reveal the PA suits hanging from shoulder attached rigging.

"For when they make thw mistake of failing with their tank. You bring your tank killer." he continued as he shed the tattered civilian clothes and the outer plating to his gear before moving behind the suite in front. All of them had been given a black and red finishes with the visor tinted red as well.
"Hey!" Amit spoke louder. "You didn't answer my question!"

Listening to these adults go back and forth wasn't enjoyable, even with the new arrival of the Vier lady. OF course, no child liked their questions being ignored let alone themselves. Still more questions came to mind, what was Mook? The 'wow me' part certainly couldn't have been directed to him.

"What am I doing? We're on the ship, what now of me?" Amit repeated.
Duncan rumbled to a stop outside the Starport, grabbed his travel pack and turned to his occupants. "Yo, Sarah, kids, we here. Hop out. Which is your ship Sarah?"

While safely away from the neighborhood warzone Duncan still kept an eye out. He shouldered his bag and looked around for any of the others he was with wether it be any of the saber team squad or even Jack.
Uso caught sight of Duncan rolling up from her spot on the back ramp.

"Ok, new kid..." Uso said, getting down on her knees infront of Amit so she was more his height. "How about you go get Duncan and his friends over there and help them get onboard the ship? You're welcome to stay here for a bit but... I mean, I guess we're an orphange now... or whatever... one sec."

Uso would look back over to Jack,

" I got 'nuff calories! The hell makes you think I need more? "

Sasha groaned then replied the drunk Doc, this is getting just better and better.

" Look, I got money. So just fix him up alrigh- "

Sasha stopped as she heard the knockings onthe door then the voice. She slowly unholstered her SiZi revolver then moved her finger closer to the trigger, with her other hand on the hammer like a cowboy. She stayed silent.
Sarah had been solemn and depressed acting since Jack had gone played decoy.
"Why does it matter, Uso left us, and......Jack's dead. What's the point? FUCK and I had to be an asshole before I could tell him the truth." Sarah with a mix of sadness and anger.

"Amit you stay safe, that's what you do. Duncan will watch you and the other kids. Uso, consider the ruling class is made entirely of gang leaders, I don't think its a problem. Priority one is making sure they know they just fucked with the people. First up is that tincan of assholes on treads. Lets see how that helmet handles a powered fist." Jack said showing how much the op gone wrong had pissed him off.

"I'm not losing my squad again, that is a promise I'm not breaking." he added as he began climbing into the armor.
Amit raised a brow, confused as to who this Duncan was. Though in all honesty, he wasn't sure on this. Amit gave a uncertain glance toward Duncan's direction.
Creature reloaded his pistol and was soon on his feet. He headed over to the back of the clinic, where there was likely a back door. He was cautiously open it so as to not make more noise than the yelling of the old man. He'd begin creeping along the side of the building in order to get the drop on the men of theg opted to try to force their way in.

Typically Creature would have just kicked the door open, and gone toe to toe with the men. Or have hopped on the roof. But he wasn't 100%, so sneaking up on the goons and doing a cylinder dumb was the next alternative.
Sasha eventually rolled off frim the desk, she wasn't in good condition, but the thing Doc injected was working. She looked at the door for a sec, then silently walked off to the back door only to find that she was not the only one who cane up with the idea.

" Alright, I got a shotgun. What about you? "

Sasha whispered to the Creature as she unslung her shortened trench shotgun.
As they came out the back door of the clinic Creature answered Sasha by shaking his Edjia Revolver in the air. It was a battered weapon, scuffs, dried blood on the grip, clear signs of heavy neglect and brut force use. He then pointed with his mangled hand for her to go around the other side. He whispered back "uh brp, fuckin, overlapping fields of fire and shit." His amber eyes drifting down to her hips.

Creature stood for a moment and his mind flashed to random thoughts. What ever that doctor injected him with, it was also apparently helping his brain function. Her golden hair. Smiling face. That massive rack. He had not seen Hilda in several weeks. Let alone heard from her. "Fuckin twat probably why my account is negged. Why'd I marry her?"

"I didn't want you to be alone."

"Uh. Imma fuck what ever has her MIA or has tried to bang her in the ear." He said responding to the voice in his brain.

He'd then take up a position, hoping the old doctor could keep them focused on him. Leaning against the building the Creature gripped his revolver. He then stepped out and took Aim at the man furthest from the door, and fired.


Aimed the next and fired.
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Sasha nodded as she heard Creature's reply, hitting him on his ribs softly asshe noticed his eyes drifting to her hips.

She then silently walked to the other side, then slowly pulled the charging handle of her shotgun back to check a shell in the chamber. She was kind of shaking, probably from Doc's injection.

She stood for a second, trying to set her mind straight. She usually didn't thought so much about when she was about to shoot somebody, but this time it was different. She didn't knew why, but she wanted to think for a second.

As soon as she heard the first shot, she came out then shot the guy right beside the man Creature has shot first. She then looked around for anymore person.
The Ship

Vier would move alongside Amit, putting a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "Those kids are going to need someone to give them guidance. Do you think you can keep them together?" She asked.

Meanwhile, Uso was looking at the newly armored Jack, "You remember that thing has an EMP right? We'll need to kill or disable the thing from range before you get close.

The Hospital

The group of thugs outside would disperse, pulling back from the line of fire and leaving the Doc to throw up his hands in exasperation, "YOU CAN'T JUST GO AROUND SHOOTING EVERYONE!"

He looked over at the the now armless and chestless men who had been just outside the door.

"FUCK, I should probably comp that one guy.... hey, buddy, totally not me doing this ok?" He said, walking over and kneeling down long enough to jab the man's arm with whatever he had given sasha earlier. "I mean, I don't think your friend's gonna pull through but you'll be fine. Hey, you need a new arm? I can totally get a new one for ya..."

Of course, it wouldn't be long before more cartel soldiers started to pour in, the group starting by surrounding the small doctor's office. They would be able to hear the occational fast footsteps outside along with shouting, however it looked like no one was peaking their head through the garage door just yet.
"Guidance?" Amit commented. "how am I suppose to guide other kids? I'm a kid!! Kids can't guide others for anything."

Indeed, Amit never did try to lead or guide others, mainly due to having run off and got experimented on. Still, he gave a glance at the other kids and sighed. Pausing in his footsteps as he felt the collar around his neck. What if they asked about this thing around his neck?/ Children were curious creatures; he most certainly was.

"Is there...something else I can?" Amit asked, giving a weak glance up to Vier.
Jack looked to Uso after disconnecting from the rigging, "Your right, and we have a small stockpile of HE grenades that if jury rigged in a bag together would certainly be the start of a very unhappy day for the recipient. Unless your hiding a 40mm sniper rifle somewhere, I don't have any better ideas, do you?"
" Hey! What are you doing?! You think we shot 'em just so they can get cured?! "

Sasha yelled as she saw Doc stabbing the guy with the thing he stabbed on her earlier. She fired few shots at the running cartel soldiers, then quickly ran beside Creature.

" Crap....any plan? "
Creature's strength and speed were certainly coming back, he didn't miss a single shot. Then again he had actually taken the effort to aim due to the nature of needing to bust this group up. The truth was The creature did not feel any pleasure from this. He did not feel much of anything when he had to take down people who were in his way or threatening him. His propensity for violence was typically limited to the actions of other people, and creature had no problem meeting other's with violence if it resulted in him getting what ever he wanted at the time. This time he simply wanted to go home, bang Sute or Sasha while pretending they were his wife so hard the best parts of them would end up stains on the mattress.

He flipped the gun in his hand and slammed it into it's holster on his tight like some kind of space aged cowboy. He simply rushed on over to the down goons and began searching them. Wallets, pockets, and the bags on their belts. He went one by one stealing their money, credit chits, medications and so on. They likely didn't have much but they had something. Creature then took some of the money and tossed it to the doctor. "Yea well, the fuckers shot us up first. Now look at you! Laying on the ground(GROUND)!" He said shouting with his raspy voice.

"Plan is we gotta get moving. I don't think these asshole much like aliens like me anyway. The now lucid creature said as he went into the clinic. He got Ann up, shoved the little horned girl and snatched up a few bags of medicine(Making sure it was in fact narcotic). Then back out the back door again. "Thanks doc, but fuck this!"