Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 Jack, Be Quick.

" Well, we're pretty hurt, and needs some medical help, 'n we heard that you are a doctor...."

Sasha replied to the voice, trying her best to be polite.

" Could you open the door then treat us? We'll pay ya back. "
" My fucking current wife would snatch my nards off and use them as dice if she saw me helping another twat who got the crap kicked out of her." Creature said looking up at the door to this so called doctor. "Then again. She'd just be jealous anyway." He said slapping Sasha's wounded ass.

"Fuck doc! Open the door! I'll let you have this girl for what ever if you can give me some Narco or something!"
" You got a wife?! "

Sasha yelled as she struggled to hit Creature on his head, while yelling.

" God! I hope she does snatch your junk off! "
"PFFFFt, like I need to buy women *BURP* Whatelseyougot?" The doctor said from inside of his garage.

"No one gets shit for free. Except this lesson that I taught you about not getting things for free... you gotta know that.... people' just walk all over ya..."
" Alright, alright. You need some Like, KS? "

Sasha replied as she calmed down and stopped punching Creature. She then reached for her cargo pant's pockets.
Creature took his beating in stride. " Money? Shit what else do you need? I have 10 liters of super gartagen sperms of you can do something with that technological treasure trove." Creature said.

"Yea. I'm married as hell. But we have an arrangement. It's uh. She's cool baby. Don't sweat it."
"I guess that is what would pass as currency for your backwards people... fuck yes I mean money princess. Show me what you got. Maybe that sword thing too. Can totally use a sword. People love swords..."
Sadha rolled her eyes as she heard Creature. Of course, they had arrangement.

" Gah.....alright, just open the door and I'll pay. "

She reied as she pulled her leather wallet out, then looked at USO card. Welp, Uso wouldn't mind her spending KS for medical assistance. Or at least she thought.
Creature held his sword hilt out by sticking his hip. "Hah. Joke's on you! This piece of shit doesn't even work. " Creature said drawing the weapon and trying to switch it on. "Nothing. Peace of shit."
"Come on pleeeease...." One of the kids asked,

The others joining in, begging the doc to open the door.

"....FIIINE, Just dont no one touch nothing... and I expect PROMPT payment...."

There was the sound of a slap, then clanking, the garage door shooting up to reveal a somewhat ramshackle medical lab... along with a lanky Nepleslian holding a flask.

"... YOu guys look like shit..." He said, before taking another swig from the flask.
Creature carried Sasha through the door, and stabbed his sword back into its sheath. He then guided Anne in and sat her down.

"Okay doc. Ya got a menu?"
Jack had traveled with Amit riding backpack, and after half an hour they reached the edge of the starport. It seemed as about as the same as when they left it.

"Well I was expecting a bit more of a reaction to our presence, but I guess they are either very complacent, or they still haven't figured out we're off worlders" Jack said setting Amit down, so he could stretch and take a break. "I don't see anyone else though, looks like I'll need to re-equip and restock. Let's get aboard the Queen's Slave docked over there, we can get you some food, while I replenish my supplies."
The kids would rush in, they seemed to know where the best hiding spots were already, and soon the doc had closed the door behind them all.


"Uhggg... fuck, no... just... just set it down on the table and I'll figure this out."

The man would head over towards what looked like a mechanic's chest and set down his flask, rummaging around inside of the toolbox. His scrubs seemed damp with a bit of alcohol... or some other fluid, it was hard to tell.
Since his original comment had gone ignored, Amit had found himself slowly falling asleep. Somehow, he was somehow falling asleep. Yet when Jack's voice reached his ears, the boy's green eyes opened as he raised his head a bit. A slight imprint of fabric on his cheek. Being set down, the child merely looked around. Still on this planet eh? least they were further away from fire.

"Alright..I guess." Amit said as he stood up, glancing around.

Creature tossed Sasha onto the table. "Fucking. Save her fat ass." He said plopping down to sit on what ever he could. "Yea we look like shit, just got shit on by the psychos that call this shit planet home. No fucking offense. Fuck, whats up with the nasty ass alien kids anyway?"

"Mook," Uso said, dashing up to Jack. She had found a large hoodie to cover up with, her stealth needing to recharge for a bit. The neko otherwise lacking in gear. "I need you to find a datapad or phone or whatever that hasn't been fried by the EMP. Just buy it off of someone if you have to... or I guess we could go beat up the guys in the control area.... fuck, how are you people finding so many more other people to drag with us? We came here for like one person... maybe two... just... I mean ok, whatever. Lets do this."

While there were plenty of generic thugs standing around, there was also another small transport that was unloading, as well as a shack nearby that held the 'control center' for this small starport... which was really just a guy and a computer.

Creature Feature

"You brought em here... man...." The doc said, pulling out another bottle of something and heading over to creature, stabbing him in the gut with some kinda medical-injector-thing... then taking a drink from the bottle, then handing the rest of the bottle over to him.

It smelled strongly of alcohol, and was kinda sweet.

"... I... wait what did you want me to do?"
Creature jumped as he was stabbed. What ever was in it was in creature now. He took the bottle and smashed it.

"I wanted you to make sure she don't get dead because I want to fuck a baby into her."

Creatur said "uh. Brrrp. Fuck it do what ever. I need to take a shit." Creature stood up and made his way to the bathroom, the horned kid plotting after him.

"Nah brat. Gotta handle this my self." The battered Gart-man said, blood and stomach juice dribbling down his chin.
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"I have one with my things in cargo and the ship is just over there. I got to restock ammo and get Amit out of the open." Jack said not surprised at all to see Uso.

"I lost the tank a couple districts over, but there no guarantee he'll stay looking for me." he added as he continued towards the ship with Amit in hand.
" What...are you serious?! "

Sasha groaned as she watched the Doc pulling out another bottle of....somethang, then passed it to Creature.

Great, now both of them are drunk.

" Just....patch me up 'nuff to get to the ship, please. "
"Princess, you ain't goin' anywhere," The doc said, jabbing her leg with some kinda nanomachine injector. It was the wrong leg... he might not have been paying too close attention, but you know, whatever... it seemed to be working.

"SHit maaan... that sounded ominous as fuck... you'll be able to walk outta here but I mean, they got goons princess... fucking goons everywhere. Someone's gonna spot you if you try and get out on the streets."