Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 Jack, Be Quick.

" Oh crap....what now.... "

As she heard noises by tank, she groaned. This noise was obviously not a good sound. A tank.

" Crap....crap...crap....Jack? Duncan? Do we have any AT weapon? "

She asked through the comm in deseperate voice, as she picked Anne up then began to run, with Creature still on her back.
Sasha would hear a swift snap and feel stinging. "Mush!" Creature yelled. "Onward to the sunset!" He said cheering her on as the entire group got moving.
" When I'm finally 'bout to use this fancy thang they just have to use EMP...I said DOES ANY OF Y'ALL HAVE ANTI TANK WEAPON?!! "

Sasha yelled, trying to raise her voice loud enough for Jack and Duncan to hear.

Then, as she felt stinging and a snap, she letted out short yelp before turning her head slightly to glance at Creature.

" Ow! You better not tell me that was you!! "
As the group rounded the corner they would run right into a group of thugs, armed with shotguns and machetes.

*pop pop*

Before they could register what had happened, two of them dropped dead with bullet holes in their heads, one looked enraged, charging towards Duncan with his machete out, the remaining two deciding to flee.

Uso was arriving from the other direction, mostly invisible except for the gun she was holding, "There are a lot more of you than when we started!"

Frank could barely see anything through his scope... deciding to finally reach for the heavily armored helmet he kept, strapping it on and opening the top hatch enough to peak out. The thick transparent durandium helmet keeping his head safe as he surveyed what wasn't already on fire, catching sight of some kid running around a corner off to their left.

It was as good a lead as anything,

Frank closed the hatch again and turned the tank towards the escaping group... driving right through the nearest building to close the distance.
"Oh shit," Duncan exclaimed as he dropped the two kids he had in his right arm and shrugged the safe door up and off his left shoulder. He stepped forward with practiced ease and a fluidity that seemed misplaced for a large man with a child, holding on, white knuckled, to his back.

He could have easily dealt with this this guy had he his sledgehammer but that was pinned to his back at the moment so he would have to make do. He thrust out his right leg hoping to catch the man in his chest or face with a big boot. He was prepared to plant that foot and throw his left arm up and deflect the machete on the durandium gauntlets he wore if the kick did not incapacitate him. A right hook should finish the thug if it came to it.
"Yea! Kill that dick face!" Creature yelled shaking a fist next to Sasha's face. As Duncan went at his attacker. "Fuckin racist fucks!" Nothing like having a cheering section.
Shit this is slowing us down too much, we need to get everyone out of here, but that tank will get here first at this rate. I need to think of a distraction, or something. Jack thought as some of them ran by while Duncan and a couple kids were being blocked by the thug.

"Sasha, get everyone to the van!" he shouted as she pasted.

Jack ran up to the thug from behind while underhandedly pulling out his combat knife from it's front shoulder sheath, so it's blade pointed down, and moved to bury the blade in the back of the thug's neck since bullets were too dangerous with the two being too close.
The charging man would move a bit sideways to get around the thrusting leg, bringing down his machete down on the armored plated arm.... being surprised to find that the large knife bit into the armor but didn't cut through the armor.

He seemed even more surprised when the right hook knocked him off to the side.

The face the thug made next was hard to read, but it was likely the face you'd make if you were suddenly stabbed in the neck.

"When we get back," Uso said, the pistol she had found at the ready, "We're going to have to have a talk about dispersing into an urban...*GRRUUUUUUUUUCUCCKK*"

Uso's words were cut off by the sound of tank treads crushing a metal shack as it made its way back onto the main road. The sprayers on the side of the tank had turned off... though the amount of smoke and fire behind the tank seemed to be ever growing. Frank would open up the top hatch again, sticking his head out and quickly getting a view of Jack's group.

With ease, Uso would snap her pistol to a firing position and take a shot...


... the bullet bouncing off the transparent metal helmet that Frank was using to keep his head safe as he peaked out.


Three more bullets failed to do anything to the armor, but the man under it certainly looked shaken from his head rattling around inside the helmet. Uso would then just drop the pistol, out of ammo and having no further need for it.

"Most space guns are nep shielded so an emp only fucks up the battery!" He said as he with his arms like safety bars around Sasha's head slid little metal rods into the cylinder of his revolver with a moon clip. He with his bad hand pushed the Cylinder back into its cradle and it locked. "Busted ass antique guns!"
" Alrighty! "

She yelled back as she heard Jack, while sprinting toward the van. Then, as she heard the tank and Creature, she quickly looked at her holstered SiZi revolver and Edija Gauss revolver.

" If the battery's been fucked up, wouldn't spare battery's been fucked up anyway?! "

She yelled at Creature's ear as she held her SiZi revolver on her hand, trying to reload.
"Depends on the battery and how ya stored it. A smart fucker would store theirs in an insulated belt pouch." Creature said calmly

"Why am I saying this? Y'all are the super trained uber tacticool fucking child murderers! I just have what I have! Yea those old rock throwers shoot something but EMP doesn't disable plate armor."

Creature then added "take an explosive and knock the treads off that tank" he said taking another of his Grenades switching it on and handing it to Sasha."
Sasha hoped that she was being 'smart' and had an insulated pouch. As she looked at her pouch, she knew she was being smart. She quickly pulled out her giantic Edija revolver then reloaded it.

" You have grenades? "

Sasha spoke as she took the grenade from Creature. She examined the grenade carefully, then glanced at the tank.

She then pulled the pin off, then waited about a second to get quick view on the tracks of the tank, then threw the grenade onto the middle of the track's wheels, and then shot few bursts of lights with her Edija Gauss revolver.
" You better not rub it on me if you want to keep it...wait, strange? What's so strange about it? "

Sasha quickly turned her head to yell at Creature, then asked him.
The side turret of the tank would spray bullets towards the group, one hitting Sasha in the shoulder and the leg... as well as injuring several of the children.

Before the gun could sweep back over them, the grenade would go off, a loud thud lifting the side of the tank slightly and turning one of the road wheels to a soupy mush. The gun on that side stopped firing, at least for the moment.

The tank would continue to rumble forward, the tread unraveling off the wheels... though this only seemed to slow it down, making its left turns far more difficult as it tried to pivot in place to bring the right side gun towards them.

"Yeah, Time to go," Uso said, "Disperse and meet back up at the starport."
" SHIT!!!! "

Sasha yelled as hot leads hitted her bare skins of her shoulder and leg. She tried to walk for a minute, but fell, dropping Creature onto the ground. The pain she felt was not 'Owie' but more of 'Kill me.'.

She then looked at the Uso and group as she tried to get up.

" God.... Shit.... "
Creature just kind of twitches as he hit the ground. More of his dark oil blood trickled from his face. One of the bullets had caught him in his left eye, making its use no longer possible.