Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 Jack, Be Quick.

" Goddamit....hey, you alright? "

Sasha realised that she have dropped Creature on the floor, hard. She quickly tried to crawl to him, then checked onto his injury. As soon as she saw his left eye shot off, she groaned. This is bad, very bad.

" Crap....are you still alive? "
Jack popped the two smoke grenades he had ahead of the tank before running over to grab both Creature and Sasha by their collars to drag them to safety.

"This is why you follow orders, that shit you pulled only leads to getting you buddies killed, which you almost did. Next time you decide to do your own thing, remember that." he said as he struggled to drag them into a nearby building which had sustained some damage in the fighting. After getting them in he spoke again. "Sasha take it from me, you don't want that blood on your hands, because it's something you can't take back and it haunts you. If I give you an order you need to follow, especially if it's a fucking emergency hence now. if you disagree with it, share your opinion, unless as said in an emergency. Now your fucked up even more, and you got the target injured." Jack barked on as he began looking the two over.

The Gart was really in a bad way, his eye gone, legs broken, multiple bullet wounds, and more than possibly internal bleeding. Sasha had faired better with bullet wounds to the ass, shoulder and leg. So he got started and applied what medical training he had, treating Creature first. He made a tourniquet for each leg from scrap materials, applied coagulants, disinfectants, and bandages to his exterior wounds. He used a roll of gauze to wrap the head thus covering the eye, before finishing with some pain meds in a small injector. Finally he got to Sasha, doing the same minus the head wrap and tourniquets. Jack looked at what remained of the medical supplies he carried which was very little. A roll of gauze left, two pain med injectors left, a pack of coagulant, a small spray of disinfectant, and three medium bandages.
" Alright, alright. I messed up. Next time, I won't talk with no target no more. "

Sasha spoke as Jack has dragged her along with Creature to some place...safer. Then, as she tried to get up, bit of blood came out of her injuries, foring her to stand down.

Sasha, never been injured this much, didn't knew what to do, but kept on trying to walk toward the van as she groaned, grunted, and sweared.

" Goddamit!! "
Creature was still alive, though he remained unconscious through out the medical he was receiving. The injection of the pain meds however did the trick and he so faded back in. But his mind didn't m. He lay there for a moment merely looking around with his good eye.
"Good to know you learned, no stop moving, the vans a large target and everyone else has dispersed. Stay here, keep a full clip, keep him alive, and if I don't make it with what I'm about to do. Well just get everyone home. You gotta a lot of promise Sash, don't waste it by being reckless." Jack said securing what was left of his supplies before going back out to the street. Jack could make out the tank still moving slowly but at a decent pace through the smoke, firing in burst at random directions and intervals. He gave a couple of short burst from his M3 before running into a side alley heading away from everyone else, hearing his rounds ping pitifully against the armor.
The tank could be heard nearby. The remaining treads straining to move the large metal beast as it sprayed machine gun fire around inside of the smoke, doing its best to hit targets it couldn't see.

Uso had dispersed again... having disappeared once again, and Jack, Sasha, and Creature were left hiding inside of some stone and metal shack along with a train of small orphan kids from the sewers.

There was no telling where the rest of the group had gotten to.

And it wouldn't be long before the tank got lucky.

Eventually a bullet would find its mark, or the tracks would crush them, as it systematically started trying to destroy everything nearby.
Duncan had done his best to stay along side the group but the big man was just a little soft with all these children around. He merely kept grabbing and pulling at every child he could reach and get them to the safety of his van. Between the serious wounds on his leg and arm and the exhaustion of carrying and helping all of the kids he could he was really just getting worn out. He did hear Uso's recommendation of dispersing and meeting at the Spaceport.

He hesitated as he turned on the loud diesel engine of the van, in hopes that some of the others would make it to him. If they coud get there in a few moments he could get any eriously injured people out of there quick.
Jack sprinted full tilt as he built up distance between him and the tank. After a bought half an hour of running at full speed his breath had become ragged, and ducked into a bombed out building in an old neighborhood that seemed abandoned. Gasping for breath inside his helm, he peeked out side and did not see any sign of the tank.

Amit had run into the building earlier, panting as he sat there. He sat there in a corner, holding the plushie as close as he could. Shivering at the sounds around him of the violence around him. The collar beeped as it helped repressed anything from getting worse. When Jack had entered the building, he didn't notice that anyone entering. A loud boom went through the air as a bomb went off elsewhere but near enough to hear it.

A cry would catch Jack's attention as Amit screamed out. Tears forming in his eyes as he squeezed the plushie of his Companion closer to him. Shaking as he sat there.

Jack's nerves on edge from running from a tank, nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the cry. "Calm down kid we're safe here, the fighting is way off over in the next district." he said taking the kids appearance in as he continued to catch his breath, which had been set back by the sudden surprise. The kid was wearing some kind of bodysuit, covered in dust and grime, as well as being discolored.

Green eyes snapped open, fear gripped his body as Amit spun his head round. His wide eyes landed their gaze upon Jack. In truth, the poor lad didn't know what to think of em. It looked like they had no head!! Which it was only due to the helemt and hood hiding it. Amit scrambled to his feet and tripped into a different corner. Pushing himself into it and staring at Jack fearfully.

His once white and yellow bodysuit was indeed dirty, the grey collar around his neck had a faint light emminatting form it. As the red light lit up as it made sure he didn't change at all. Still, he sat there shuddering.

"Calm down kid, i'm not gonna hurt you, I just need to rest." Jack said putting his back against the wall before collapsing against it and sliding to the ground in a sitting position. He removed his hlemet after lowering his hood, revealing his snow white hair, crimson eyes, the scar doing down across his right eye, as well as the black double helix tattoo curved around his left eye.

Amit stared, a few tears leaving him as he sniffled. Trying to stop crying as he sat there. So it was a person after all? Adjusting his position slightly, he stayed put in the corner though. Giving a glance between them and the noise outside of the detoriating building.

"Who..." Amit questioned, though a loud sound made him jump.

Making him sidetracted from his question as he buried his face into the plushie that he held onto them. It was the only comfort he had honestly. was all he had left.

"Hey look at me, everything will be fine, those are far away. I got you kid, I'll protect you ok, where are your parents." Jack said trying to calm the kid down, his outfit didn't match the apparel worn on vice, he looked out of place.

"Kid where are your parents? Like me you don't look like your from this planet." Jack added having gotten his breath back.

"not here...not this planet..." Amit replied, taking a few deep breathes.

He was used to silence, the lab was usually quiet. Taking a deep breathe, he moved his position a little bit.

"My names Jack, what is yours? If were gonna be hiding here for a while, least we can do is know who we are in the company of." Jack said calmly enjoying the rest, he thought about checking his gear, but thought better of it. He did want to scare the kid anymore with his guns and armor which were currently hidden.

"Amit..." Amit replied. "This is Companion."

Amit adjusted his grip on the plushie, showing it to Jack as he sat there. THough he soon held it closer to himself. Turning his head, the collar was revealed around his neck. The child was listening right now, afraid of another loud boom sounding off.

"Why are you wearing that collar, were you taken from your family? I can help you Amit." Jack said not moving but instantly worried by the collar as it was something you either put on a wild animal, or a slave.

"I..left...home." Amit replied. "Though...something happened."

Hearing the collar be mentioned, Amit scooted further back. As if to try and prevent anyone from touching it.

"Why are you so scared of me, I said I'm not gonna hurt you." Jack said raising a hand to try and do a couple calming hand gestures.

"Because people hurt others, Jackass!" Amit retorted. "People lie and they use others. I believed a person who said the same things and what came from it was horrible."

Ironic really. He fled home to keep his humanity and yet, he ended up being turned into something that wasn't human anyway. Squeezing Companion, Amit glanced down with a sigh.

"It's not right..." he muttered

"Life is never fair, I never knew my parents, I grew up in a place where no one gave a shit about you. There will always be people who lie and abuse, it's about not becoming them, and fighting back against those who would do that. So yeah it's not right........nothing is ever right until you make it right." Jack said lowering his head slightly, as he knew all to well nothing was ever fair.

Amit looked away from Jack, it wasn't what he needed to hear. Not right now. He just wanted things to be slightly normal, for the madness to stop and the things that had happened, to have disapepared. Sadly, there was no way for that to happen.

"You aren't helping..with those words.." Amit mumbled, burying his face into the plushed toy.

"Would you rather I lie, I have friends counting on me, and I don't even know where they are. I lead the tank away, so hopefully they can make it to the starport. we had two people to get out of here and some how we got like ten kids tagging along. Not the smoothest mission I've run, but I'll be damned if it stops me from getting back to my wife." Jack said as he decided to examine his helmet a little bit. The outer casing had been cracked by a stray round, the visor had a thin crack running down the right side of the visor.

"Then go!!" Amit barked back. "You don't have to help anyone but your friends, so get! Go away then!"

Amit turned his back to Jack, putting his face back against the plushie he held so close to his heart. In truth, Amit wanted off this planet. He didn't know what this planet was till he got here. He didn't like it here and honestly, he didn't want THEM to find him again. Adjusting his grip on the cat like plushie, Amit adjusted it's paws. Wishing it could be a living thing. It would've been so much better.

"I would but there seems to be a kid somewhere who needs me more right now, because he is alone in hostile territory without anyone looking after him. And I can relate to the kid, I've been there, I was a kid once scared and alone with no one to call friend. Even though no one ever helped me, it would be wrong of me to do the same to him. And do you know what that kid's name is?" Jack said standing up before dusting himself off, and puting his helmet back on.

A few tears left Amit as he sat there. The words did hit his hears but they held no weight to em, at least not in his mind. Though he glanced weakly over his shoulder to the man. Merely shaking his head faintly, at the moment he honestly didn't want to speak.

"He's tough kid named Amit, who has his friend companion to keep him company." Jack said smiling weakly as he saw the kid slowly falling apart in the corner. Jack knew he may not be the nicest person, and didn't have best track record with kids, but he wasn't going to leave Amit here alone, where he might possibly get killed.

Amit gave a confused look to Jack before looking to Companion. If only his friend could talk, maybe they would have a idea on what to do. A weary look was given to Jack, a few tears escaped his eyes before the lad stood up. Keeping his grip on Companion before he ran forward, his small arms wrapping around the man's leg; possibly waist. The child shuddered as he stood there, just wanting to be free of this horrible place.

"Let's get out of this place, the spaceport should be a couple miles north of here and it sounds like the fighting is off a couple miles to our east. We should have no problem getting there, and we can make good time if you ride on my back." Jack said lowering himself so Amit could climb on if he chose to.

Amit took a moment to silently debate on this, was this wise? He put some trust into a man once before. They ended up experimenting on him. Though the faint sounds of fighting in the distance could still reach his ears. Taking a gulp, Amit climbed onto Jack's back. Holding onto them and making sure he had a good grip on his Companion.

"Ok, lets go, I'm going to be moving pretty fast so hold on tight." Jack said before jogging back outside, then heading down backalleys heading north, only having to actually cross the street everyonce in a while.

The child gave a faint nod and didn't really say anything else as Jack carried em. Hopefully without too much trouble to the starport or at least somewhere safe.
Amit clinged to Jack, mostly silent for the most part. A few loud noises would come to his attention, making him flinch. Being out in the open with all this noise unnerved the child further. It made him jittery and wanted to go back to hiding. His face was still buried into Jack's back with Companion providing some means of comfort. Looking up, he peaked over Jack's shoulder. Not sure on what he'd find his green gaze looking out on.

"Are we there, Jack be Quick?" Amit questioned, his voice showing he was growing more nervous. "Or we do we need to jump over some lit candlesticks in the form of flares to get there?"
Creature lay. His vision was blurry and the shadows danced around the room like whisps stalking him. But his vision was disrupted. Everything was numb. Another dose of pain killer wrapped up everything else in a nice little bow. Creature fumbled around on the ground but pushed him self up. Probably not the healthiest thing he could do considering his injuries by Jack did what he could. Creature made his way over to Ann. He reached into his battered coat and pulled out some of that Gartagen combat stimulant his people liked to keep around. He pressed the needle into his flesh and injected.

The world for Creature went bright. "Ooooooohhhh shieeeet." He said turning to Sasha. "Uh. Your fucking boss like abandoned us."

Creature turned to the kids who were not so dead. "Okay you little fuckers. Where's your local pediatrician?"
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" Crap...crap...crappy crap.... "

Sasha was muttering while groaning, holding onto her wounded legs. This is bad, she thought. Seriously bad.

" Don't worry, she ain't. "

Sasha then replied to Creature as she heard him. But, she wasn't sure if Uso was abandoning them or not, but she decided to trust her.
Uso had indeed bailed. Having disengaged from the tank for a second time, slipping out between the buildings and the cartel soldiers, melting into the surroundings only to pop back up again a few blocks down the street.

The tank was far away now... but there were still cartel goons all over the place. Disorganized, but certainly looking for a fight.

"I fucking hate working with soldier types...." Uso said, voicing her frustration and not everyone being super-spy-commando-murder-machines-with-built-in-stealth.

"... They are probably ok..."


"fucking damnit."

Uso would resume her travel directly away from the tank. The first step would be to get clear of the tank's EMP field and call for additional support. She was going to get nowhere trying to drag along an injured gart, some soldiers, and an orphanage full of kids....

Creature Feature

The kids would all remain huddled in the small shack that the contained what was left of Creature and Sasha... the sound of the Tank's engine could still be heard outside... but it was getting quieter, moving away from them as it slowly chased after Jack.

"Uh... th... there's a doctor down that way..." One of the kids said, pointing fairly confidently to their south, a direction that would take them away from the tank.
Creature looked where the kid had pointed. "Okay well could you stop pissing are naked. Ew. You nasty shits. Anyway lead the fucking the way."

Creature wobbled over to Sasha and snapped her bra against her back. "Alright bootylicious. Time to go."

He then wrapped his bad arm around her waist and hefted her up onto his shoulders. He then hobble after the kids.
" Gah....what 'bout Jack? "

Sasha groaned then spoke as Creature hefted her up onto his shoulder. She noticedyhe tank's engine noise getting quieter, which made her even more worried.

But, what could she do except for escaping?

Sasha glanced at the direction where Jack has ran, then slowly began to walk. Or at least she tried to.

" Dammit.....infront of all these kids 'n you just says that... "
"You don't even know their names."

Creature moved. It was shakey, he wasn't at 100%. His multicolored kiffiyeh was soaked in his blood. Sasha who was over his shoulders could see he had a gash and shrapnel in his head.

"These people came to rescue you."

Yea, well they all had their own plans." Creature said as the little horned girl moved next to him and stuck close.

Creature could hear his blood pumping through his veins. His eye was sharpened, and so were his other senses. "Look, if I don't get you fixed up, I won't be able to fuck the shit out of you." Creature grunted as he continued the grueling push towards medical attention. Though that doctor likely had a stash.....
" Still with fucking....fuck.. "

Sasha replied, groaning while glancing at sharpnels on Gart's head.

" You won't be fucking nothing if you don't take care of these..."

She spoke as she pinted at sharpnels on his head.
"Pft. You dying won't stop me. Wouldn't be the first time I ever ended up humping a corpse. Poor misty. Sorry you couldn't hang bby, love your slutty eye make up."
" Goddammit.... "

Sasha groaned as she heard Creature. ' Seriously? A corpse? ' she thought.

" And just like that I'm hiding grenade under me. "
The children would lead Creature and Sasha through the slums, occasionally pausing and waiting for guards to pass, sometimes having to take side streets or crawl through rubble.

Luckily the doctor they were looking for wasn't that far away.

One of the kids would knock on what looked like a garage door, a small view slit opening up so that someone could peek through from the other side.

"What do you want?" The voice from the other side asked, the eyes pulling away for a moment, there was the sound of something being clicked open on the other side, "I'm busy princess I'm not just opening up my shit while goons are allover the place."