Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Rejected Character Jaina Tenviner

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
He's correct about that. Think of it this way; would it be appropriate to bring the UNG into a Star Wars or Star Trek RP site? I ask that since it's a very similar situation here. Star Army is its own setting, much like Star Wars or Star Trek, and you have to work with and within the canon rather than creating new things on the fly like with sites that don't have a shared setting used across all plots.


And I got ninja'd.

I'm trying to help you out here and tell you how the approval process works; we usually don't give out a 'general approval' for a character. Instead, a Game Master approves characters that a player wants to bring into their plot. If the character isn't being brought into a plot, they have no reason to approve the character. The exception to this would be the Open Roleplay area, where you can just go on ahead and do as you'd like, but it's not canon, nor is it the main focus of the site.
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That's going to be something to work out, but it's not the biggest issue. Right now, there isn't anyone to review the character and consider it for approval, since Jaina isn't trying to join a plot. So far, we're all basically giving advice. Even me, even though I have some mod powers.
Okay, but here's another way of looking at it. The UNG doesn't exist. Not in SARP. We can even go so far as to say it was lost in history. Therefore, there would be no need to get that faction into canon, other than maybe doing a small blip if absolutely necessary. Jaina is in cryostasis, so in essence her true age would be unknown. Who knows how long she was out in space? Who knows where exactly she came from? Her weapons and other things could have been lost or scavenged by others along her journey so that, in reality, it's just her in the ship floating...that would eliminate all the other stuff she had that is non-SARP. It's an idea to get her to fit in better, but only an idea. I'm not trying to say this is the way it has to be.
Not like it's a big deal. She's in a colony ship who's name has been lost in time. Forgotten. No one knows about it. Ya know, its not that big of a deal. It just seems people are more focused on a plot. Well I don't want a plot. My character will more or less just wander around the galaxy. Doing whatever that benefits her intellectual mind.
The largest problem with this, Jaina, is really a larger problem than you would think it is. None of us here wish to run you off, at least none have come forward and actually said such, but I could be wrong. This is a very structured forum with established rules and guidelines for how plots and RPs run here. Everything, except what's clearly marked otherwise, is considered to be a canon addition to the running history of the setting and the site as a whole. Hence the approval process and multiple people giving you advice on how to integrate yourself into things here.

If you don't wish to be part of the setting and want to flit through a copy of the setting all to your lonesome, most likely your posts will get moved to the appropriate channel because there isn't going to be anyone that will acknowledge a character that isn't approved for canon. Now I know you didn't join the site to RP by yourself and isolate your character to do her own thing, or at least I hope you didn't as that wouldn't make any sense whatsoever. If that's really your goal, no one else is going to waste their time pushing to do something you don't wish to do.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

At present, there are really just two options for you. You can bend a little and see what we have to offer... or you can stick to your guns and build your little fort in the corner while everyone ignores you. Either way, the rest of the setting is going to continue on like clockwork with or without you. I would sincerely hope you see things for what they are, and decide is this really right for you - and if so, approach things in a fashion that will get you embraced rather than shunned.
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@Jaina Tenviner There seem to be a few misconceptions here. The first is the 'approval' we're talking about. If your organization is supposed to be one that's old, gone and forgotten, then the approval will be easier. But it still has to get approved if it was such a large organization because of historical purposes. If it existed, there is the opportunity for say salvagers to find fragments of a ship they owned. Or explorers to find ruins of one of their former establishments. But for that to happen we need to make sure they are in based in the right place, and at the right times even if it's the past.

Jaina for instance is a human, well there are some places on the map that have -never- had human contact till recently, so the UNG wouldn't have been able to been there. The approval process is purely there to make sure that such things comply with what is already on the site and with the guidelines. After all you want your character to have connections based on the organization. Well we need to figure out things like what places your organization will have connections with. Without going through approval you wouldn't even really be able to ICly speak much about your organization's past because you might end up saying something that would be impossible in the setting's history.

Now as for 'plot' a plot in SARP is not always a directed story where you have to follow points like most videogames. 'Plot' is the term we use to describe an individual RP. Some of the RPs are directed with a long over arching story, some of them are more loose, and some in open RP are entirely unstructured and you just do what you feel like doing. If you were to do Solo RP and just write up post about your character exploring that would still be called a 'Plot'.
I think this is getting way too over thought on. A plot isn't necessary when your character can't fit into any of them. And the organization can have a simple approval for the character itself. It would have had no affect on the current timeline whatsoever. But people are more worried about that for nothing.

And again I'll say it once more. My character can't fit into any of these plots. They have no cling to them whatsoever and they feel so defaulted down to their wires. Like I said I'll find one once we get this approved so I can finally start roleplaying but we are going on three days and no approver has even come to this post yet. I'll modify my character as I see fit, I know it sounds mean but really the only thing I should do is make sure the character fits into the timeline and that's it
And the UNG would have been a 21st century space faring research team. So yes in a timeline like this the only evidence it ever existed would be the scrap heap Jaina is on. But that's it, so there's no need to worry about it anymore.
@Jaina Tenviner You're not understanding the things people are saying. "Plot" is just the word we use for "RP story" even if you play by yourself, it's called a "Plot". So yes you need a plot, if you're posting at all in RP it would be a 'plot' because all RP is a 'plot'. Now whether or not you want to join a plot that is already running or start your own that's another thing.

As for approval, the reason why no approver has looked at your sheet is because your character isn't applying for any faction or plot, which means you technically don't fall under anyone's jurisdiction yet for them to approve you. Even if you want to be independent and facitonless you at least have to get the FM for your race to approve you.

Now you're right you have to edit your character to fit into SARP's time line and that's all, but you haven't done that. Every part of your character currently, tech and the UNG are not part of SARP's timeline. The reason you have to talk to the approvers is because of things like how far away we are form the 21st century. Earth isn't even in the setting because it's been so long since humans were there.

Like I said approval is to make things fit in. SARP is not like other RPs with a loose canon where you can just throw in whatever you want and it'll stick. The place has 15 years of OOC history and even more than that IC history.

TLDR; No one wants to force you to do more than you need to, you have have to understand SARP's requirements are a little stricter than most RPs and we're telling you to get approval so your character can fit in.
Though the forums say you need an approved character to do any sort of canon roleplay, that's why this is here. And as for the 'plot' I'll be joining in whatever looks interesting once I have an approved character to do it
And the settings my characters have are fine for the SARP community. They really are, she may be a little out of date on things but that doesn't make her useless in the timeline.
You only need an approved character yes. But a character using unapproved things can't be approved. Now your character is 'human'. There are only 2 nations in game that have humans. That is Nepleslia or Yamatai. Getting one of those FMs here could get your character approved. But either way they're going to ask you to expand your history some and while I don't know what they're gonna do with your guns, I'm pretty sure your powersuit will need to be 'designed' using the custom apparel guide.(I can help you with that if you don't understand it)

Picking the faction you're in would essentially be like picking your starting point, and the FM will go through and help you get your stuff in order for it to be accepted.
I wouldnt be surprised if this rp group doesn't have Powersuits yet, but like I said I'll be waiting a while to even hear input from an approver. They seem to be lazy on time here.

Even so everything I have fits into a scifi world. But I mean if they want me to expand stuff I'll just put in the rest. I mean this character has like a 7 page word document on her.
Powersuits are nothing special in this setting. I have a character that specializes in designing them, but they've been replaced by power armor and power frames. And the approvers aren't being lazy. Like I said before you do not fall under anyone's jurisdiction yet so no one can even try to approve you. You at least need to pick a nation that you start out in before you can be approved.
Since it HAS to be a requirement to even get my character to be frigging approved to do anything I guess I will have to. But just this once, even if none of the factions are very interesting
Well things did at first but I think over time things got a bit default here. I feel almost no inspiration coming from these factions. They just seem like they were written up on Paper. Why are they there, why were they fkrmed, what's their reasons for what they do, why do they do it, what drives them to do what they do.
All of that is there. The a lot of history, especially the two I linked you to. Go to their history sections, read that and the things they link to. If anything SARP's factions are more alive than others. They're not just history but are active parts of the development of the SARP setting and politics do actually effect things, and players can be part of those politics if they want to.