Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Rejected Character Jaina Tenviner

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Yeah she can be independent faction, but for instance my character Tanja Dunst, I had her approved by the FM for her race, because she was going to be in Solo RP so there was no GM for her. However there are two factions that have humans which is why you have to choose.
I don't "have" to choose. That's like saying a person "has" to choose what neighborhood they want off a list instead of just browsing till they find what they like
So, just because I feel like this is never ending, and there's been effectively zero progress. @Jaina Tenviner, as it stands right now, the character cannot be approved. I'll just run down the quick list, done bullet point style so it's clear.

  • The picture is a no go. Nothing posted on Gelbooru is allowed to be used as character art, and the same goes for any other image hosting system. All images have to be hosted on our wiki, not externally, and you have to own the rights to the image, or be given permission, in writing, by the author to use it in a for profit system. This site is copyrighted, including all images and the like hosted on it. If you host an image without permission, we can be sued. Free usage images are generally only open for non-profit usage.
  • You need to create your user page on the wiki. Easiest way to do that is simply follow the red link for your name and fill out a page there. Here is mine, just for an example, though there are many ways to go about it.
  • Preferred plots needs to either list a specific plot, or list Independent. That's not a place for genres.
  • All of the hard stats (height, weight) need to have both metric and imperial listed. We have players literally around the world, and many of them don't use imperial.
  • The weight should also be bumped up a bit. Functionally speaking, you've just made a stick and attached gigantic boobs. Especially if she's muscular, she'd be much more solid than 125, and she would definitely be bigger if she's both athletic and maintains that kind of bust.
  • Speaking of build, what kind of athlete are we talking here? A swimmer and a football player are both athletic, but they tend to have wildly different frames, and look very different. Use words like wiry, powerfully built, lean, not athletic.
  • If there's nothing of note about the ears, feel free to just delete this section. It's mainly there because we have several races with multiple ear options.
  • On the hair, how long? Is it very straight, or is it wavy? What kind of "lighter" are the highlights? 12" of straight brown hair with red highlights is very different from 3' brown hair with blue highlights.
  • In distinguishing features, it's "rosy" cheeks, not rosea, and the bit about the nose needs to be in the facial features section, not the distinguishing features. On the whole, nothing you have here is a "distinguishing feature". This is the category for what would let someone pick you out of a lineup if they had to.
  • Personality could definitely use some more work. You should easily be able to clarify all of that into 4 sentences, if not more. You're describing the why behind everything the character does, feel free to go in depth.
  • Likes needs to be more clearcut as well. Even if she likes everything, what does she REALLY like? For example, I'm a big fan of fruit, but I'll take raspberries over any other fruit any day, any where. This is a good way to add quirks to a character.
  • The goals will probably need to be tweaked. We've already established in setting that the most technologically advanced nation can't put stuff in the corona of a sun, let alone actually put something into the sun. Also, super high FTL travel speeds make the need for something like that non-existent. We can traverse the known universe, with several factions, in about 3 days, edge to edge.
  • In family, you should note the age and status of the parents. Are they still alive? How old are they?
  • History needs a total overhaul, unless you've gotten the company submitted and approved while I wasn't looking. As it stands right now, the UNG doesn't exist, so she can't have been working for it. The company and the ship both need to be submitted and approved before I could consider approving the character. Also, nothing of note happened to her before she was 18? Just based on my life, I can tell you that's pretty unlikely, and I had a pretty calm childhood.
  • The skills need to be reworked. We actually have a skill list, just like nearly every RPG to ever exist, and the skills would be adapted from there. For the most part, it would just be changing the titles, but some skills you have listed would be merged with others, and some just flat out need to be disappeared. Her "stealth" skill is technology, not a skill, hacking seems more like a function of the VI (which would also need to be submitted and approved), same with communication, and I honestly don't know what Will of the UNG is supposed to be. It's not a skill though.
  • For the inventory, both weapons, the VI, and the powersuit, all need to be submitted and approved as technology, even if they're one off items. As has already been said, you might be able to make the power suit with the Custom Apparel Guide, but everything else would have to be put together from scratch, given its own page, and submitted.
  • Her starting funds would be 3000KS. Until the company is approved, nothing else would make sense, and UNG money would be worthless here anyway, since nobody has ever heard of it.
All told, there is a LOT that needs to be done before this character could be considered for approval period, let alone approved for just random wandering around. If you need help, feel free to ask.
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Skills can be passive I do suppose a passive skill probably is unheard of. I like my skills and they'll stay. It's an original character for a reason. I'll weak the rest of it so this insane set of roadblocks Can end. The tech and Weapondry don't need to be approved. If this was an actual scifi setting the technology already exsists so that's not changing at all. And I just since it's a big deal that her history is her own I gotta fix that Too. This really isn't gonna be my character anymore after this is done.
And with how slow things are going I could be waiting a week just for all my original stuff to be approved. Jesus am I applying for a business job or a fun rp site?
I mean if it's that big of a deal to have original content I would have gone somewhere else. This place has promise but the requirements can't be made to make the SARP community happy. Like I said it just needs to fit into the timeline. Why worry about what she has, wears or even is. Doesn't matter. That matters to me since it's an original character. But by the time I'm done fixing it. It's gonna be a SARP character but not my own. So like I said the gear and weapons will get proper detailing. And I'll get the frigging approval so her history can be correct since it's the end of the world if it isnt. In all my years of doing this stuff this has got to be the worst of it. why would they be called original characters if you can't even keep your own characters lore?
Jaina. This is not a debate. Those are requirements. If you won't work with the rules of the site, than this character is rejected. None of this is any different than what we ask of every single character here, and plenty of people have had fun with this site, for more than a decade.

We accept original content, but it has to go through the exact same process to be added to our canon as everything else.

edit: Also, if you can't stay polite, you will be banned from this area.
Just to be clear. Every single character and setting element on this site has gone through the exact same approval process as you're being asked to go through. This isn't special treatment or anything. We have been building this site for 15 years, so you'll have to excuse us if we'd like to make sure everything fits just right, rather than just throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks.
I'm not throwing anything into the setting. If people actually read her history the company is long gone. So it's not like I have to get a dead piece of history approved just to make sure it's dead
Not to wikipedia, to our wiki, which runs on the dokuwiki engine. When you open a page to edit it, there should be a button in the list of editing options for the page that looks like a picture frame. When you highlight it, it should say "add images and other files", and when you click it, it will open a second window with a place for you to browse to the photo on your computer, and then upload it. You'll want to upload any images for this character to the independant root, not the main root.

Again, though. Unless you own the rights to the image, please do not host it on our wiki. We'll have to remove it.
Also most of thi probably doesn't help I did it all on my phone. So I'll add everything I have from my word document onto here. It's all gonna go onto one page since I don't know how to make other pages
All character information belongs on this page, yes, but the company, ship, weapons, and so on all need a separate page and submission of their own. Everything else will be submitted to the New Technology and Setting Elements forum, not this one, and needs a dedicated page.
You can always google dokuwiki tutorials if you need that much help. Basically, if you look at your name in the edit view of the page, that's a new link. The fact that it shows as red outside of edit, means there's nothing on the other end, so if you click it, it will take you to the blank page at the other end. I recommend building pages linking off of pages wherever possible, instead of completely new pages. So, for example, the UGN page would probably read "", for which the link would be [[:united_nations_of_the_galaxy]]. From there, you link in articles that relate, for example: the Kraken's page should probably be "", and the link would be [[:united_nations_of_the_galaxy:kraken]]. If you need examples of how those pages should look, feel free to look at other major companies, ships, or weapons for example of how to build the page.
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