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Ketsurui Samurai Dissolution

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Also, I feel that Wes has two current issues with Samurai. They are useless, and people aren't playing them right. I can see how this would be a vicious cycle. Play them right and you would quickly lose interest given Wes hasn't denied how I said the portrayal should be. Actually went so far to more or less confirm it.

Playing them wrong is equally annoying to him, which is what is happening now. They are overly romantic in their portrayal now. It's a bit of a vicious cycle. Why does Rei have a child, adopted no less, and why is tokuko on the sakishma quote "hitching a ride" without any indication of clear orders. This isn't how samurai would act and there isn't anything I can find in the source material that says either of these thing would be something any sane samurai did. Yeah, I get why you do it but that doesn't mean it's right in the characterization.

Maybe if you played samurai 100% by the books, but if you did that you would probably hate the characters outside samurai only plots
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Rei's "child" is an apprentice that they use familial Yamataigo names with and she really tries to teach him not to do so in public lol but does that always work? No. Anyway, Tokuko is out to protect the clan by hunting down and killing enemies of it. You don't know what trail she is sniffing rn and it's incredible for you to not consider that she is on a mission you cannot begin to fathom.

Why are you like this though, I mean, REALLY.
Her mission as stated by you is she is a Ronin who is supposed to learn about the world in your orgin history. Has Wes given Rei a mission? I don't think so given her is actively trying to distance the samurai and he owns the ketsurui.

You still didn't make a mention why she literally adopted him. Ketsurui are the clans killing machines.

I won't be answering your last question.
I asked Wes and Doshii when Rei was assigned to KETSURUI Aiko as a Yojimbo.

She was a sensei at a high school that was asked by the school to adopt him from the orphanage and she did?

I don't think so given her is actively trying to distance the samurai and he owns the ketsurui.
I'm on a phone, forgive any strange words. He* destroy*

Then why didn't you write that? Your opening rp with cadet tells a different story. And you must be doing something wrong if that isn't enough to make him was my to keep them.
My opening RP with Cadet was BEFORE the adoption or Yojimbo things tho omg

Please don't try to tell me my RP is bad it's just getting rather annoying.
So here's a draft of the order:


10日 8月 YE 39

To all Ketsurui Samurai personnel:

1. As you are aware, in YE 38, rogue samurai attempted to assassinate the Empress of Yamatai. This resulted in a major dishonor to the Ketsurui Samurai as an organization, as it has failed to maintain the trustworthiness and loyalty of its members.

2. Due to a loss of confidence caused by the event, the commander of the Star Army of Yamatai, TAISHO KETSURUI YUI, has ordered that the Ketsurui Samurai organization be separated from the Star Army of Yamatai, and that this separation should take place by YE 40.

3. As a member of the Ketsurui Samurai, your training and experience is valuable and we would like to offer you a place in the Star Army of Yamatai. Loyal members of the samurai are eligible until YE 40 to request a transfer into the Star Army of Yamatai at their equivalent rank. After the deadline, samurai would be considered civilian security forces and would be treated as new enlistees who start at Santo Hei. Samurai transfers can serve in a similar role or can be retrained in any other Star Army occupation. To start a transfer, request orders on the SACN or visit a recruiting center.

4. Samurai who do not transfer by YE 40 will be allowed to stay on as Ketsurui Samurai, which will become an entirely private organization working for the Ketsurui Clan and not the government. The clan plans to rebuild the samurai organization at a basic level after the split.

5. All Star Army of Yamatai ships and equipment must be returned to the Star Army via Star Army Logistics. This does not include Type 27 NSPs, samurai uniforms, or samurai-specific weapons (i.e. swords), but does include power armor (donating M7 SARAH units to the Ketsurui Clan is TBD).

6. Samurai will be allowed to keep their current Eihei bodies as long as they are still employed by the Star Army of Yamatai or by the Ketsurui Clan or Ketsurui Zaibatsu.



How's this look? Note that it's for the immediate present, not for the past.
I don't think I said your to is bad. More you don't characterize a samurai correctly. Take that out your fairly good.

Wes has not said my views on the characterization is wrong despite them being what I have been told to fill in the gaps left by the "some of their customs include..." Line on their page.
What kind of bodies will they inhabit after YE 40?
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What kind of bodies will they inhabit after YE 40?
That's a good question! I think we'd just let them keep whatever they have now, as long as they're either Star Army or Ketsurui.
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That's a good question! I think we'd just let them keep whatever they have now, as long as they're either Star Army or Ketsurui.
Why would the start army not so the auto downgrade like they do every other Neko unless they join star army as soldiers.
Um... @Wes ?

What's the point of the order? In summary:

1. Because of bad apples, I can't afford to trust you anymore.
2. I'm splitting you out of the Star Army. I can't afford to have you involved with the military anymore.
3. But you can transfer to the Star Army if you want. Do it in time, and you'll get something reflecting your seniority.
4. If you don't, well, I'll keep you in service of guarding my clan.
5. If you have stuff that belongs to the Star Army, you won't be keeping it (though SARAHs might still be kind of yours).
6. As long as you're serving my clan or in the Star Army, you get to keep your superneko bodies.​

The current samurai could just stay put and remain in service of the Ketsurui. Though I'm sure that's seen as a desirable outcome for many here, Yui's announcement ends up amounting to nothing.

That doesn't seem to match your previously stated goal. In fact, it's not much of a reform or disbanding at all. There's no extra security that comes from it. No reason why Yui should have more confidence in the people that transfer or remain.
This is actually not bad at all, since it generally doesn't impact player characters. Ame's samurai, for example, never pulls out her samurai rank or interferes with Star Army business because she's a bodyguard. If I'd known it was just separating them from the Star Army I don't think I'd have freaked out at all. The 1XF Samurai Detachment was an NMX war thing anyway, right?

Further, this actually gives some cool opportunities for roleplay. Maybe I'll have my young Ketsurui get all incensed that servants she'd only known as loyal during her life are getting a bad deal and make some public statement about how they're valued. It'd be cool to make a new legion with ex-samurai as unit officers who use SARAH armors — or whatever heavy armor comes next — in the same way that members of Napoleon's Old Guard often became officers and NCOs in the Middle and Young Guards.

愛子姫のナタリア人歩兵軍団 (Princess Aiko's Natarian Infantry Legion) has a sweet ring to it Maybe they can fight on the Kuvexian front where nobody can be afraid of them attacking Kotori again.
I think I have to side with Fred on this one. If there's going to be some sort of dissolution and reconstruction, it should actually achieve the goals that it sets out to do. Namely, ensure loyalty in those that remain, which the current draft doesn't do.

An idea I currently have is that the Ketsurui Samurai will be divided into two houses, a superior and subordinate one. The superior one will consist of those that have been vetted to ensure loyalty to the Ketsurui line and exclusively adhere to the strict interpretation originally intended. Naturally, they'll be NPC only, or be allowed by Wes personally on a strict basis. Meanwhile, the subordinate one will consist of those that they can't be completely certain of, and also be what players can actually RP as in the rare instances which the samurai do appear. Those in the subordinate, supporting clan will be sent out to represent the Ketsurui's interests, and also can have looser standards, explaining away any mistakes players may make.
That doesn't even make sense. The Ketsurui Samurai are created by KZ and purpose-built to become samurai. They are vetted from birth and by virtue of their training and follow the doctrine of their superiors without question. Wes's post states that the clan is going to "rebuild the samurai organization at a basic level" so if Yui decides that truthfully weird samurai specialties like Demon Hunter and Space Monk and Invisible Snake no longer exist, then that's what will happen.
Purpose made or not, recent IC events have shown that this isn't foolproof. Because of that, it would make sense that they would re-vett them and divide up the zealots who are assured to be loyal, and those that were normal, letting the players play the latter without any change.
I would like to point out @Wes that shutting down the Ketsurui Samurai actually doesn't breach player rights, and we are dancing around this problem because of the voice of two people.

These two people are not losing their characters. You are not talking them. They can easily carry on without being Ketsurui Samurai. They can just be samurai, which I think would be better for both of them since they would have the freedom to do what they want instead of sidestepping or ignoring samurai customs to have fun with these characters.

Ketsurui Samurai are hard to play as they were written to be played. There is nothing stopping you from giving every samurai an honorable discharge and if desired a position in the star army and leave it at that. There is nothing stopping them from continuing to follow the customs and practices of the Samurai.

At this point I feel people are just arguing for the body and the name. If they can keep the body then it's just the name.

Anyone can make a samurai. It's the benefits of being a Ketsurui samurai that is the difference. I don't know what those are entirely other than the prestige of being a Ketsurui samurai but it's far from character breaking. If anything it provides plenty of development opportunities for the characters.

Even then you can still have the prestige of being an ex samurai who was released with honour
This seems like an extreme IC action. A rogue group of Samurai attack the empress so Yui decides to restructure them? I would understand sending a Star Army Investigator to guarantee that the problem has been resolved but shaking things up like that seems like more of a political about power grab to me.

before hating me, think about it. The samurai have been mostly uninvolved in the military because they focus on protecting the Ketsurui clan royalty. They have exclusive usage of an incredibly powerful body type. Now many of them will become SAoY assets.

Tell me a common person wouldn't see that as political move to secure high end neko for the military. Why else punish an entire group for the actions of a few members? Who benefits? In this case the SAoY benefits. Of course that be one of the misconceptions floating around the IC public and might make good flavor in plots that reference the situation.
What would be extreme is sending the Star Army to "Order 66" the samurai, which was discussed and rejected.
What would be extreme is sending the Star Army to "Order 66" the samurai, which was discussed and rejected.
Though the lolz almost makes it worth making the news post.


Just picture it. Yui in the get up, appearing on all the commanders Holo pads. "Execute order 66"
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