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Approved Submission [Lorath] Project Checkout


Head in the Stars
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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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It was regarding how difficult it is to navigate this place. I'll edit something in right now about this to the article to avoid confusion in the future.
Okay, I listened to a lot of the community input and made changes, especially wiki and wikipedia links. I can't go through and find all of the RP and link that but if someone else wants to, please do. I linked one important link that is one of the only I found that deals with what is in this article, specifically. I'm not about to go adding all of these things you want when they're outside of the umbrella of what this article is meant to cover.

I am doing this as a favor and I do not want to spend another five hours on this.
I'm here for the meme insane profitability of the literal Zesu mountains. I'll probably run a few JPs surrounding getting claims to mine whatever IIS can get, maybe put some comms out for miners etc.

And what awaits you, traveler?

Statues of people, literal zesuaium shadows of a snapshot of their final moments in known space. The atmospheres never settled -- their density too low to solidify in most cases, leaving these worlds with their intense mass as miniature gas giants - the electrically neutral cores resisting them as you hit the lowest layers. Try to imagine a burning golden sky with a landscape of reflected light in glossy, black and clear materials and distributions of the two creating smooth crystal like reflectons and holographic CD-backside beneath azure skies of burning brilliant inverted colors. Standing there, all that is black would be white, necessitated by the dislocation of mass and spacetime changing how your eyes see color.

Hell of a thing. Be prepared to crash a literal gas-giant into it if you want to extract industrial quantities and be prepared not to get home.

The void is full of terrible things, don't you know?
Having read Osaka's post I still think it's possible for myself to mine the worlds if I put in some elbow grease. CFS and Faraday cages can negate a lot of these problems and I have other ideas too, no sense in never using something after submission. Either way this isn't the thread to discuss such things, only the article itself. Technologies are made in the face of adversity.
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I would be happy to start a setting discussion thread about the Zesu spheres - I think that would be the only appropriate course of action - after we discuss and get the article through submissions.
I think the article should focus on the event as opposed to the hard science of it.

The Zesu spamming this is uh. That’s a little serious. I don’t think Zesu should be seen in those massive quantities. Perhaps a compromise is in order.
If you want to make an event article then go ahead but this article is for the science. Did you read it anyway? It delves into the history quite a bit.
I have to agree with Ira. If the planets and the like were converted to Zesuaium, or Zesuaium was created in their place, I would think their total mass would be the same, not more. Even if that's not the case, and there's a lot more, creating all those 'problems', we have the technology. In canon, we already have control of gravitational forces, and have even dealt with temporal anomalies like the one seen in The Miharu. These would have the heck mined right out of them, and that's something I think would ultimately harm the setting.

I would rather have the worlds rendered barren, being reverted back to young planets with no life on them. That, or some massive asteroid fields from what looks like the remains, or honestly anything that can be RP'd with more than what's currently proposed, and can contribute more to the site.

Also, please settle on what this article will be about. The science of technobabble, or the history of what happened?
The negative mass required to hold open the resulting wormhole mathematically must be about equal to the mass which transits through the system and would appear in roughly the same location as a shadow of positive matter of virtual particles which would condense back into the masses' equivalency given the net energy the Lorath originally used to open it.
This is me rewording Osaka very diligently from what her DMs and the wiki said. I sought out the information you guys are telling me I need by saying, "Osaka I need this in laying down man's terms." Then she gave it to me in those terms. So I don't know what more to do for you if you can't understand the above terms, as well. We're all above 16 and have taken one astronomy and one physics course, at least. We should be able to read this and get a general idea of the science behind it. This is also a quote from the section you said Osaka's original article had that should be taken out, Doshii. You're telling me that some of the most pertinent information to the article - subjectively - should be cut?

Osaka crunched the math and the closest equivalent according to net density of energy per cubic centimeter. The only thing SARP had was Zesu. Nothing else came close.
Since I respect that people should have rights over their creation as long as they provide RP for players I'll give some fixes for her. All the current reasons for inaccessability can be navigated through or negated from what I can see.

The easiest fix is to do something along the lines of space-time tears. That's only one step further than huge gravity and EM fields, yet it renders all CFS and similar tech unusable as the user could be literally torn from the universe and cast into another one instead of brushing off the gravity etc, as CFS allows.

This should resolve all your issues around the science and is entirely possible with the forces acting around the area.

I would only say that making these inaccessible doesn't serve much in the ways of of future RP, for example people visiting the planets or even knowing they're Zesu at all (because nobody could see them either way through light distortion) however visiting and exploiting its remnants are unfortunately synonymous with current tech.

It's your right to do what you want to do but my only issue was the science, which I have proposed a fix to which I think fits your wishes, I have no further stake in things now I know your intent better, availability and malleability of Zesu is beyond my interests.
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There are ten instances of space-time being talked about (though it's space time, space-time, and spacetime) so I don't know why you think I should make it about space-time too when it is. @Eth

This is a science article with a side of history in that it delves into the project specifics such as personnel and history without getting too specific. I think it can be both and to propose it can't be will get a little girl saying y not both meme from all of us on SARP. All of us. @Cadet

I don't think SAoY/YSE will allow anyone to mine this stuff even if they COULD create the tech to get there. If you guys want I can create a GM/FM plot plan for E-13 and surrounding systems that will be a player plot carried out in the next year. It is about building the tech on an orbital installation to be able to get through these unstable parts of space. @Ir
You're telling me that some of the most pertinent information to the article - subjectively - should be cut?
If Ethereal's solution works, I might not argue for a cut.

Osaka's long post summarizes my point. Not with the content she wrote, but with the presence of it.

Leigh, you always take a lot of words to explain something. No one else's mind works quite like yours, and as beautiful as it is, we can't understand it. And when you attempt to do so in an OOC fashion, what we get tends to include a ton of information that isn't in the wiki.

If you find someone's work is hard to understand, begin by asking what they want it to be used for. When someone overloads you with information, they're giving you bread-crumbs and clues as to a deeper purpose for the thing in question where they don't want it to be used in a way it was not intended to be used. Again, engineering questions result in engineering answers. Start asking authorial questions and you'll find these problems disappear almost instantly.
Your intent was to leave us something. Something for which few people asked and doesn't exactly leave us with concrete details as to how it works. Your authorial intent is fine and all, but that's not part of the wiki. We need things on the wiki to make sense.

If there was an OOC section that could explain what the heck this thing was for and why, that would solve a lot of my concern. "This is a very strange, poorly understood phenomenon that exists because of OOC X and Y. Enter at your peril." Or some such.

Good storytelling begins by saying what something isn't and by working within constraints. Walls aren't a cage: they're a room. Tools aren't limiting: They're set-pieces to tell your story. If an option is incredibly difficult or close to impossible, maybe its meant to be for the purpose of creating an atmosphere or a feeling.
I subscribe to this, but I want people to be able to see and visualize the walls. There's a balance necessary when you involve players, not just readers.
I’m sorry @Ametheliana but I am a scientist. And the article is pretty bad science wise. It is also bad because you’d need to break out various college level text books to make some sense of it. I can pick it apart. But I really shouldn’t have to.

This article is pretty pedantic to begin with.
@Ametheliana I really have no stake on the outcome of this and I don't want to be seen on either side but the fact that is as it stands it is entirely possible to get there, I could write out how right here if you wish. I see what you want and what the creator wants, I'm only helping fix the science to realise your desires. Add a few sentences with what I suggested and what you wanted to accomplish will be accomplished. See it as me collaborating with you if nothing else.
I'm not terribly smart and I understand what is on this article's page to a large extent. Tell me what you don't get, specific examples, and I will go in and rectify the issues, Doshii.

Go ahead, Ethereal.

I'm sorry you don't understand, but have you read all of the articles that are on the wiki and realized that half this stuff is stuff you don't understand? Why do I ask? Because the level of understanding this article requires of its reader is that same as many other writer's works, Ira.
I agree with Doshii. Regarding the issue of technobabble though, that whole paragraph you gave earlier Ame? It can be summarized in a nutshell as the fact that they figured out how to get a wormhole as big as they needed working. That's all you need, and that's all players need. The rest is not useful at all.

Regarding the RPability of this though, it's very limited and boils down to a Catch 22 in several ways. No matter what, it's a bad outcome. If we're capable of interacting with this stuff, then people will mine it; there's already interest in that. But if it's mined, we end up with a Zesu surplus when we've been trying to keep its use to a bare minimum for years. Meanwhile, if it's some sort of untouchable piece of space, people will just ignore it like a flyover state, which is also a bad outcome and not helpful to the site. At the same time, if it is accessible, and the SAoY guardsit jealously, then RP is still very much restricted.

I could keep going on, but no matter what, there's a litany of problems with this.

I’m not trying to insult or belittle you. All I am trying to say is this article isn’t a good one. It almost certainly botched the “over powered” part of the check list if that was going to be applied.